Minecraft Server Install

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Let setup our own minecraft server. We need to install JAVA for minecraft to run.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless screen

Install and follow process for


Spigot Server

Change to the server directory

cd /opt/mscs/server
wget (latest BuildTools.jar file at [https://hub.spigotmc.org/jenkins/job/BuildTools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/BuildTools.jar])
java -jar BuildTools.jar

Build tools will now build you the server

If completed correctly, your logs should say,

Success! Everything completed successfully. Copying final .jar files now.
Copying spigot-1.xx.x-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /opt/mscs/server/./spigot-1.xx.x.jar
  - Saved as ./spigot-1.xx.x.jar

A new java file should now be in your directory


Create a new world if necessary

mscs create Worldxx <port>

Change the directory to the world that has been created

cd /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx

Modify the mscs.properties file and add/alter these lines, replacing versions and file paths as needed. You will need to change the mscs-server-jar as a bare minimum:


Now, Start the server

mscs start Worldxx

If the server fails to start, the eula.txt file may need to be edited and accepted

nano /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx/eula.txt

Set the eula to True


Now restart the server

mscs start Worldxx

Simply add plugins as you would normally by dragging them into the /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx/plugins folder

Installing a Plugin

This explains how to install a plugin on a spigot server Make sure the server has been stopped before adding a plugin

Locate and download the plugins .zip file, such as (EssentialsX plugin)


Copy the .zip file from downloads to /home/boonadmin

Move to a terminal session as root

Change directory to where you have placed the plugin

cd /home/boonadmin/

Copy the plugins .zip file to the worlds plugins folder

cp <plugin.zip> /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx/plugins

Unzip the plugin file (If required)

unzip <plugin.zip>

Remove the unwanted .zip file

rm <plugin.zip>

If disabling a plugin is necessary , rename the jar file to .raj

mv <plugin.jar> <plugin.raj>

Now change the ownership of the plugin from root to minecraft user

chown minecraft:minecraft /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx/plugins -R

Now change the permissions of the plugin so the plugin is accessible

chmod 775 /opt/mscs/worlds/Worldxx/plugins -R

Now we can start the server

mscs start Worldxx

Use the console or the client to make sure the plugin has loaded

mscs console Worldxx

Installing a Fabric Server

First, download the Fabric Installer.

wget -O fabric-installer-0.7.4.jar https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-installer/0.7.4/fabric-installer-0.7.4.jar

Run the Installer, with correct version.

java -jar installer.jar server -mcversion <Minecraft version> -downloadMinecraft