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Main Installation

This is the install process for setting up a Flight Radar 24 ADS-B feed using a raspberry PI (V4) and a SDR-Blog VR Dongle. It also includes the install and mechanism to switch to an SDR++ server to allow remote clients to attach and listen to ATC audio remotely.

Initial PI setup

Using the PI imager software, you should image the PI and when prompted to select the image you need to select: Raspberry PI OS (Other) –> Raspberry PI-OS (Legacy 32-bit) Lite

It is important you choose the 32 bit version, and choosing the Lite version means we get a Headless install without all the bloat.

sudo systemctl restart fr24feed


adduser fr24 plugdev

technical/flightradar24.1738109306.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/29 01:08 by

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