====== Microsoft Activation ====== https://massgrave.dev/ Download / How to use it? ===== Method 1 - PowerShell ===== (Recommended) Right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD). Copy and paste the code below and press enter irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex You will see the activation options. Follow the on-screen instructions. That’s all ===== Method 2 - Create a file ===== MAS_AIO-CRC32_60BA35A8.cmd Contents @set masver=2.5 @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: For command line switches, check mass grave[.]dev/command_line_switches.html :: If you want to better understand script, read from MAS separate files version. ::============================================================================ :: :: This script is a part of 'Microsoft-Activation-Scripts' (MAS) project. :: :: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev :: Email: windowsaddict@protonmail.com :: ::============================================================================ ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%PATH%" ) :: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows :: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows set "_cmdf=%~f0" for %%# in (%*) do ( if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1 if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1 if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" ( reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f 1>nul rem check the code below admin elevation to understand why it's here ) ) if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1" exit /b ) :: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2" exit /b ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "blank=" set "mas=ht%blank%tps%blank%://mass%blank%grave.dev/" :: Check if Null service is working, it's important for the batch script sc query Null | find /i "RUNNING" if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Null service is not running, script may crash... echo: echo: echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot.html echo: echo: ping -n 10 ) cls :: Check LF line ending pushd "%~dp0" >nul findstr /v "$" "%~nx0" && ( echo: echo Error: Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing. echo: ping -n 6 >nul popd exit /b ) popd ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title Microsoft_Activation_Scripts %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _MASunattended= set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) if defined _args echo "%_args%" | find /i "/" >nul && set _MASunattended=1 ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set winbuild=1 set psc=powershell.exe for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) call :_colorprep set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 7600 ( %nceline% echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%]. echo Project is supported only for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 and their Server equivalent. goto MASend ) for %%# in (powershell.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( %nceline% echo Unable to find powershell.exe in the system. echo Aborting... goto MASend ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== echo "!_batf!" | find /i "!_ttemp!" %nul1% && ( if /i not "!_work!"=="!_ttemp!" ( %nceline% echo Script is launched from the temp folder, echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file. echo: echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder. goto MASend ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop %nul1% fltmc || ( if not defined _elev %psc% "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg:'=''!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b %nceline% echo This script needs admin rights. echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'. goto MASend ) if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Temp\" mkdir "%SystemRoot%\Temp" %nul% ::======================================================================================================================================== :: This code disables QuickEdit for this cmd.exe session only without making permanent changes to the registry :: It is added because clicking on the script window pauses the operation and leads to the confusion that script stopped due to an error if defined _MASunattended set quedit=1 for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" set quedit=1) reg query HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% || if not defined quedit ( reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul1% start cmd.exe /c ""!_batf!" %_args% -qedit" rem quickedit reset code is added at the starting of the script instead of here because it takes time to reflect in some cases exit /b ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check for updates set -= set old= for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do ( if not [%%#]==[] (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1)) ) if defined old ( echo ________________________________________________ %eline% echo You are running outdated version MAS %masver% echo ________________________________________________ echo: if not defined _MASunattended ( echo [1] Get Latest MAS echo [0] Continue Anyway echo: call :_color %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,0] :" choice /C:10 /N if !errorlevel!==2 rem if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b) ) ) cls ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Run script with parameters in unattended mode set _elev= if defined _args echo "%_args%" | find /i "/S" %nul% && (set "_silent=%nul%") || (set _silent=) if defined _args echo "%_args%" | find /i "/" %nul% && ( echo "%_args%" | find /i "/HWID" %nul% && (setlocal & cls & (call :HWIDActivation %_args% %_silent%) & endlocal) echo "%_args%" | find /i "/KMS38" %nul% && (setlocal & cls & (call :KMS38Activation %_args% %_silent%) & endlocal) echo "%_args%" | find /i "/KMS-" %nul% && (setlocal & cls & (call :KMSActivation %_args% %_silent%) & endlocal) echo "%_args%" | find /i "/Ohook" %nul% && (setlocal & cls & (call :OhookActivation %_args% %_silent%) & endlocal) exit /b ) ::======================================================================================================================================== setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion :: Check desktop location set _desktop_= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop') do call set "_desktop_=%%b" if not defined _desktop_ for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "& {write-host $([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'))}"') do call set "_desktop_=%%a" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== :MainMenu cls color 07 title Microsoft_Activation_Scripts %masver% mode 76, 30 echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: ______________________________________________________________ echo: echo: Activation Methods: echo: echo: [1] HWID ^| Windows ^| Permanent echo: [2] Ohook ^| Office ^| Permanent echo: [3] KMS38 ^| Windows ^| Year 2038 echo: [4] Online KMS ^| Windows / Office ^| 180 Days echo: __________________________________________________ echo: echo: [5] Activation Status echo: [6] Troubleshoot echo: [7] Extras echo: [8] Help echo: [0] Exit echo: ______________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0] :" choice /C:123456780 /N set _erl=%errorlevel% if %_erl%==9 exit /b if %_erl%==8 start %mas%troubleshoot.html & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==7 goto:Extras if %_erl%==6 setlocal & call :troubleshoot & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==5 setlocal & call :_Check_Status_wmi & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==4 setlocal & call :KMSActivation & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==3 setlocal & call :KMS38Activation & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==2 setlocal & call :OhookActivation & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==1 setlocal & call :HWIDActivation & cls & endlocal & goto :MainMenu goto :MainMenu ::======================================================================================================================================== :Extras cls title Extras mode 76, 30 echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: ______________________________________________________________ echo: echo: [1] Change Windows Edition echo: echo: [2] Extract $OEM$ Folder echo: echo: [3] Activation Status [vbs] echo: echo: [4] Download Genuine Windows / Office echo: __________________________________________________ echo: echo: [0] Go to Main Menu echo: ______________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,0] :" choice /C:12340 /N set _erl=%errorlevel% if %_erl%==5 goto :MainMenu if %_erl%==4 start %mas%genuine-installation-media.html & goto :Extras if %_erl%==3 setlocal & call :_Check_Status_vbs & cls & endlocal & goto :Extras if %_erl%==2 goto:Extract$OEM$ if %_erl%==1 setlocal & call :change_edition & cls & endlocal & goto :Extras goto :Extras ::======================================================================================================================================== :Extract$OEM$ cls title Extract $OEM$ Folder mode 76, 30 if not exist "!_desktop_!\" ( %eline% echo Desktop location was not detected, aborting... echo _____________________________________________________ echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul goto Extras ) if exist "!_desktop_!\$OEM$\" ( %eline% echo $OEM$ folder already exists on the Desktop. echo _____________________________________________________ echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul goto Extras ) :Extract$OEM$2 cls title Extract $OEM$ Folder mode 78, 30 echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: Extract $OEM$ folder on the desktop echo: ________________________________________________________ echo: echo: [1] HWID echo: [2] Ohook echo: [3] KMS38 echo: [4] Online KMS echo: echo: [5] HWID ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^) echo: [6] HWID ^(Windows^) ^+ Online KMS ^(Office^) echo: [7] KMS38 ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^) echo: [8] KMS38 ^(Windows^) ^+ Online KMS ^(Office^) echo: [9] Online KMS ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^) echo: call :_color2 %_White% " [R] " %_Green% "ReadMe" echo: [0] Go Back echo: ________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard:" choice /C:123456789R0 /N set _erl=%errorlevel% if %_erl%==11 goto:Extras if %_erl%==10 start %mas%oem-folder.html &goto:Extract$OEM$2 if %_erl%==9 (set "_oem=Online KMS [Windows] + Ohook [Office]" & set "para=/KMS-ActAndRenewalTask /KMS-Windows /Ohook" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==8 (set "_oem=KMS38 [Windows] + Online KMS [Office]" & set "para=/KMS38 /KMS-ActAndRenewalTask /KMS-Office" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==7 (set "_oem=KMS38 [Windows] + Ohook [Office]" & set "para=/KMS38 /Ohook" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==6 (set "_oem=HWID [Windows] + Online KMS [Office]" & set "para=/HWID /KMS-ActAndRenewalTask /KMS-Office" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==5 (set "_oem=HWID [Windows] + Ohook [Office]" & set "para=/HWID /Ohook" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==4 (set "_oem=Online KMS" & set "para=/KMS-ActAndRenewalTask /KMS-WindowsOffice" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==3 (set "_oem=KMS38" & set "para=/KMS38" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==2 (set "_oem=Ohook" & set "para=/Ohook" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) if %_erl%==1 (set "_oem=HWID" & set "para=/HWID" &goto:Extract$OEM$3) goto :Extract$OEM$2 ::======================================================================================================================================== :Extract$OEM$3 cls set "_dir=!_desktop_!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" md "!_dir!\" copy /y /b "!_batf!" "!_dir!\MAS_AIO.cmd" %nul% ( echo @echo off echo fltmc ^>nul ^|^| exit /b echo call "%%~dp0MAS_AIO.cmd" %para% echo cd \ echo ^(goto^) 2^>nul ^& ^(if "%%~dp0"=="%%SystemRoot%%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%%~dp0"^) )>"!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error= if not exist "!_dir!\MAS_AIO.cmd" set _error=1 if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1 if defined _error ( %eline% echo Failed to extract $OEM$ folder on the Desktop. ) else ( echo: call :_color %Blue% "%_oem%" call :_color %Green% "$OEM$ folder is successfully created on the Desktop." ) echo "%_oem%" | find /i "KMS38" 1>nul && ( echo: echo To KMS38 activate Server Cor/Acor editions ^(No GUI Versions^), echo Check this page %mas%oem-folder ) echo ___________________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul goto Extras :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :HWIDActivation @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: To activate, run the script with "/HWID" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _act=0 :: To disable changing edition if current edition doesn't support HWID activation, change the value to 1 from 0 or run the script with "/HWID-NoEditionChange" parameter set _NoEditionChange=0 :: If value is changed in above lines or parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title HWID Activation %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _unattended=0 set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="/HWID" set _act=1 if /i "%%A"=="/HWID-NoEditionChange" set _NoEditionChange=1 if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) for %%A in (%_act% %_NoEditionChange%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" set "Red="41;97m"" set "Gray="100;97m"" set "Green="42;97m"" set "Blue="44;97m"" set "_White="40;37m"" set "_Green="40;92m"" set "_Yellow="40;93m"" ) else ( set "Red="Red" "white"" set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" set "Blue="Blue" "white"" set "_White="Black" "Gray"" set "_Green="Black" "Green"" set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" ) set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" if %~z0 GEQ 200000 ( set "_exitmsg=Go back" set "_fixmsg=Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix Licensing option." ) else ( set "_exitmsg=Exit" set "_fixmsg=In MAS folder, run Troubleshoot script and select Fix Licensing option." ) ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 10240 ( %eline% echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%]. echo HWID Activation is supported only for Windows 10/11. echo Use Online KMS Activation option. goto dk_done ) if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" ( %eline% echo HWID Activation is not supported for Windows Server. echo Use KMS38 or Online KMS Activation option. goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== cls mode 110, 34 if exist "%Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\store_test\" mode 134, 34 title HWID Activation %masver% echo: echo Initializing... :: Check PowerShell %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode %nul2% | find /i "Full" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode echo: echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_product call :dk_ckeckwmic :: Show info for potential script stuck scenario sc start sppsvc %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 1056 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Error code: %errorlevel% call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to start [sppsvc] service, rest of the process may take a long time..." echo: ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check if system is permanently activated or not call :dk_checkperm if defined _perm ( cls echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________ echo: call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Green% "Checking: %winos% is Permanently Activated." call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Gray% "Activation is not required." echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________ if %_unattended%==1 goto dk_done echo: choice /C:10 /N /M "> [1] Activate [0] %_exitmsg% : " if errorlevel 2 exit /b ) cls ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Evaluation version if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" ( reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% && ( %eline% echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild%] echo: echo Evaluation Editions cannot be activated. echo You need to install full version of %winos% echo: echo Download it from here, echo %mas%genuine-installation-media.html goto dk_done ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_checksku if not defined osSKU ( %eline% echo SKU value was not detected properly. Aborting... goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set error= cls echo: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if "%%j"=="" (set fullbuild=%%i) else (set fullbuild=%%i.%%j) echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %arch%] :: Check Internet connection set _int= for %%a in (l.root-servers.net resolver1.opendns.com download.windowsupdate.com google.com) do if not defined _int ( for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _int=1) ) if not defined _int ( %psc% "If([Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]'{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}')).IsConnectedToInternet){Exit 0}Else{Exit 1}" if !errorlevel!==0 (set _int=1&set ping_f= But Ping Failed) ) if defined _int ( echo Checking Internet Connection [Connected%ping_f%] ) else ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Internet Connection [Not Connected]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Windows Script Host set _WSH=1 reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) if %_WSH% EQU 0 ( reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% if not "%arch%"=="x86" reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:32 %nul% echo Enabling Windows Script Host [Successful] ) ::======================================================================================================================================== echo Initiating Diagnostic Tests... set "_serv=ClipSVC wlidsvc sppsvc KeyIso LicenseManager Winmgmt DoSvc UsoSvc CryptSvc BITS TrustedInstaller wuauserv" if %winbuild% GEQ 17134 set "_serv=%_serv% WaaSMedicSvc" :: Client License Service (ClipSVC) :: Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant :: Software Protection :: CNG Key Isolation :: Windows License Manager Service :: Windows Management Instrumentation :: Delivery Optimization :: Update Orchestrator Service :: Cryptographic Services :: Background Intelligent Transfer Service :: Windows Modules Installer :: Windows Update :: Windows Update Medic Service call :dk_errorcheck :: Check Windows updates and store app blockers set updatesblock= reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v SettingsPageVisibility %nul2% | find /i "windowsupdate" %nul% && set updatesblock=1 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdateSysprepInProgress %nul% && set updatesblock=1 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /s %nul2% | findstr /i "NoAutoUpdate DisableWindowsUpdateAccess" %nul% && set updatesblock=1 if defined updatesblock call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Update Blocker In Registry [Found]" if defined applist echo: %serv_e% | find /i "wuauserv" %nul% && ( call :dk_color %Blue% "Windows Update is not working. Enable it incase if you have disabled it." reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv /v WubLock %nul% && call :dk_color %Blue% "Sordum Windows Update Blocker tool has been used to block updates." ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" /v DisableStoreApps %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Store Blocker In Registry [Found]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Detect Key set key= set altkey= set skufound= set changekey= set altapplist= set altedition= set notworking= if defined applist call :hwiddata key if not defined key ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':getactivationid\:.*';iex ($f[1]);"') do (set altapplist=%%a) if defined altapplist call :hwiddata key ) if defined notworking call :hwidfallback if not defined key call :hwidfallback if defined altkey (set key=%altkey%&set changekey=1&set notworking=) if defined notworking if defined notfoundaltactID ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Alternate Edition For HWID [%altedition% Activation ID Not Found]" ) if not defined key ( %eline% echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU%] if not defined skufound ( echo Unable to find this product in the supported product list. ) else ( echo Required License files not found in %SystemRoot%\System32\spp\tokens\skus\ ) echo Make sure you are using updated version of the script. echo %mas% echo: goto dk_done ) if defined notworking set error=1 ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Install key echo: if defined changekey ( call :dk_color %Blue% "[%altedition%] Edition product key will be used to enable HWID activation." echo: ) if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingService where __CLASS='SoftwareLicensingService' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService').Get()).InstallProductKey('%key%')" %nul% if not %errorlevel%==0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %key% %nul% set errorcode=%errorlevel% cmd /c exit /b %errorcode% if %errorcode% NEQ 0 set "errorcode=[0x%=ExitCode%]" if %errorcode% EQU 0 ( call :dk_refresh echo Installing Generic Product Key [%key%] [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Generic Product Key [%key%] [Failed] %errorcode%" if not defined error ( if defined altapplist call :dk_color %Red% "Activation ID not found for this key." call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" set showfix=1 ) set error=1 ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Change Windows region to USA to avoid activation issues as Windows store license is not available in many countries for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International\Geo" /v Name %nul6%') do set "name=%%b" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International\Geo" /v Nation %nul6%') do set "nation=%%b" set regionchange= if not "%name%"=="US" ( set regionchange=1 %psc% "Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoId 244" %nul% if !errorlevel! EQU 0 ( echo Changing Windows Region To USA [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Changing Windows Region To USA [Failed]" ) ) ::========================================================================================================================================== :: Generate GenuineTicket.xml and apply :: In some cases clipup -v -o method fails and in some cases service restart method fails as well :: To maximize success rate and get better error details, script will install tickets two times (service restart + clipup -v -o) if not exist %SystemRoot%\system32\ClipUp.exe ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClipUp.exe File [Not found, aborting the process]" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" goto :dl_final ) set "tdir=%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket" if not exist "%tdir%\" md "%tdir%\" %nul% if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul% if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*" del /f /q "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*" %nul% call :hwiddata ticket copy /y /b "%tdir%\GenuineTicket" "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" %nul% if not exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" ( call :dk_color %Red% "Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Failed, aborting the process]" echo [%encoded%] if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% goto :dl_final ) else ( echo Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Successful] ) set "_xmlexist=if exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml"" %_xmlexist% ( %psc% Restart-Service ClipSVC %nul% %_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul% %_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul% %_xmlexist% ( set error=1 if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul% call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed With ClipSVC Service Restart, Wait...]" ) ) copy /y /b "%tdir%\GenuineTicket" "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" %nul% clipup -v -o set rebuildinfo= if not exist %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\tokens.dat ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClipSVC tokens.dat [Not Found]" ) %_xmlexist% ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed With clipup -v -o]" ) if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*.xml" ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Ticket Migration [Failed]" ) if defined applist if not defined showfix if defined rebuildinfo ( set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" ) if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% ::========================================================================================================================================== call :dk_product echo: echo Activating... call :dk_act call :dk_checkperm if defined _perm ( echo: call :dk_color %Green% "%winos% is permanently activated with a digital license." goto :dl_final ) ::========================================================================================================================================== :: Extended licensing servers tests incase error not found and activation failed set resfail= if not defined error ( ipconfig /flushdns %nul% set "tls=$Tls12 = [Enum]::ToObject([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType], 3072); [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $Tls12;" for %%# in ( login.live.com/ppsecure/deviceaddcredential.srf purchase.mp.microsoft.com/v7.0/users/me/orders ) do if not defined resfail ( set "d1=Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http;" set "d1=!d1! $client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new();" set "d1=!d1! $response = $client.GetAsync('https://%%#').GetAwaiter().GetResult();" set "d1=!d1! $response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()" %psc% "!tls! !d1!" %nul2% | findstr /i "PurchaseFD DeviceAddResponse" %nul1% || set resfail=1 ) if not defined resfail ( %psc% "!tls! irm https://licensing.mp.microsoft.com/v7.0/licenses/content -Method POST" | find /i "traceId" %nul1% || set resfail=1 ) if defined resfail ( set error=1 echo: call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Licensing Servers [Failed To Connect]" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue" ) ) ::========================================================================================================================================== :: Clear store ID related registry to fix activation incase error not found if not defined error ( echo: set "_ident=HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityCRL" reg delete "!_ident!" /f %nul% reg query "!_ident!" %nul% && ( call :dk_color %Red% "Deleting a Registry [Failed] [!_ident!]" ) || ( echo Deleting a Registry [Successful] [!_ident!] ) REM Refresh some services and license status for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager sppsvc) do (%psc% Restart-Service %%# %nul%) call :dk_refresh call :dk_act call :dk_checkperm ) REM Check Internet related error codes if not defined error if not defined _perm ( echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x80072e 0x80072f 0x800704cf" %nul% && ( set error=1 echo: call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Internet Issues [Found] %error_code%" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue" ) ) ::========================================================================================================================================== echo: if defined _perm ( call :dk_color %Green% "%winos% is permanently activated with a digital license." ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Activation Failed %error_code%" if defined notworking ( call :dk_color %Blue% "At the time of writing this, HWID Activation was not supported for this product." call :dk_color %Blue% "Use KMS38 Activation option." ) else ( if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :dl_final echo: if defined regionchange ( %psc% "Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoId %nation%" %nul% if !errorlevel! EQU 0 ( echo Restoring Windows Region [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Restoring Windows Region [Failed] [%name% - %nation%]" ) ) if %osSKU%==175 call :dk_color %Red% "%winos% does not support activation on non-azure platforms." goto :dk_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check SKU value :dk_checksku set osSKU= set slcSKU= set wmiSKU= set regSKU= if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 (set info=Kernel-BrandingInfo) else (set info=Kernel-ProductInfo) set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD', 'slc.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([String], [int].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $Sku = 0; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD('%info%', [ref]$Sku); $Sku for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set slcSKU=%%s) if "%slcSKU%"=="0" set slcSKU= if 1%slcSKU% NEQ +1%slcSKU% set slcSKU= for /f "tokens=3 delims=." %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" /v OSProductPfn %nul6%') do set "regSKU=%%a" if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic Path Win32_OperatingSystem Get OperatingSystemSKU /format:LIST" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "wmiSKU=%%a" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('%psc% "([WMI]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').OperatingSystemSKU" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "wmiSKU=%%a" set osSKU=%slcSKU% if not defined osSKU set osSKU=%wmiSKU% if not defined osSKU set osSKU=%regSKU% exit /b :: Get Windows permanent activation status :dk_checkperm if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get Name /value %nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _perm=1||set _perm= if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)}" %nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _perm=1||set _perm= exit /b :: Refresh license status :dk_refresh if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingService where __CLASS='SoftwareLicensingService' call RefreshLicenseStatus %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=(([WMICLASS]'SoftwareLicensingService').GetInstances()).RefreshLicenseStatus()" %nul% exit /b :: Activation command :dk_act set error_code= if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where "ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and PartialProductKey<>null" call Activate %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).Activate()" %nul% if not %errorlevel%==0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato %nul% set error_code=%errorlevel% cmd /c exit /b %error_code% if %error_code% NEQ 0 (set "error_code=[Error Code: 0x%=ExitCode%]") else (set error_code=) exit /b :: Get Windows Activation IDs :dk_actids set applist= if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f') get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')" %chkapp% do (if defined applist (call set "applist=!applist! %%a") else (call set "applist=%%a")) exit /b :: Get Activation IDs from licensing files if not found through WMI :getactivationid: $folderPath = "$env:windir\System32\spp\tokens\skus" $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Recurse -Filter "*.xrm-ms" $guids = @() foreach ($file in $files) { $content = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw $matches = [regex]::Matches($content, 'name="productSkuId">\{([0-9a-fA-F\-]+)\}') foreach ($match in $matches) { $guids += $match.Groups[1].Value } } $guids = $guids | Select-Object -Unique $guidsString = $guids -join " " $guidsString :getactivationid: :: Check wmic.exe :dk_ckeckwmic set _wmic=0 for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% && set _wmic=1 ) exit /b :: Get Product name (WMI/REG methods are not reliable in all conditions, hence winbrand.dll method is used) :dk_product call :dk_reflection set d1=%ref% $meth = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('BrandingFormatString', 'winbrand.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [String], @([String]), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $meth.SetImplementationFlags(128); $TypeBuilder.CreateType()::BrandingFormatString('%%WINDOWS_LONG%%') set winos= for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set winos=%%s) echo "%winos%" | find /i "Windows" %nul1% || ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName %nul6%') do set "winos=%%b" if %winbuild% GEQ 22000 ( set winos=!winos:Windows 10=Windows 11! ) ) exit /b :: Common lines used in PowerShell reflection code :dk_reflection set ref=$AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1); set ref=%ref% $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False); set ref=%ref% $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0); exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :dk_errorcheck set showfix= :: Check corrupt services set serv_cor= for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( set _corrupt= sc start %%# %nul% if !errorlevel! EQU 1060 set _corrupt=1 sc query %%# %nul% || set _corrupt=1 for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt ( reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || set _corrupt=1 if /i %%#==TrustedInstaller if /i %%G==DependOnService set _corrupt= ) if defined _corrupt (if defined serv_cor (set "serv_cor=!serv_cor! %%#") else (set "serv_cor=%%#")) ) if defined serv_cor ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Corrupt Services [%serv_cor%]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check disabled services set serv_ste= for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( sc start %%# %nul% if !errorlevel! EQU 1058 (if defined serv_ste (set "serv_ste=!serv_ste! %%#") else (set "serv_ste=%%#")) ) :: Change disabled services startup type to default set serv_csts= set serv_cste= if defined serv_ste ( for %%# in (%serv_ste%) do ( if /i %%#==ClipSVC (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= demand %nul%) if /i %%#==wlidsvc sc config %%# start= demand %nul% if /i %%#==sppsvc (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul%) if /i %%#==KeyIso sc config %%# start= demand %nul% if /i %%#==LicenseManager sc config %%# start= demand %nul% if /i %%#==Winmgmt sc config %%# start= auto %nul% if /i %%#==DoSvc sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul% if /i %%#==UsoSvc sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul% if /i %%#==CryptSvc sc config %%# start= auto %nul% if /i %%#==BITS sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul% if /i %%#==wuauserv sc config %%# start= demand %nul% if /i %%#==WaaSMedicSvc sc config %%# start= demand %nul% if !errorlevel!==0 ( if defined serv_csts (set "serv_csts=!serv_csts! %%#") else (set "serv_csts=%%#") ) else ( if defined serv_cste (set "serv_cste=!serv_cste! %%#") else (set "serv_cste=%%#") ) ) ) if defined serv_csts call :dk_color %Gray% "Enabling Disabled Services [Successful] [%serv_csts%]" if defined serv_cste ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Enabling Disabled Services [Failed] [%serv_cste%]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check if the services are able to run or not :: Workarounds are added to get correct status and error code because sc query doesn't output correct results in some conditions set serv_e= for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( set errorcode= set checkerror= sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || ( %psc% Start-Service %%# %nul% set errorcode=!errorlevel! sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || set checkerror=1 ) sc start %%# %nul% if !errorlevel! NEQ 1056 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set errorcode=!errorlevel!&set checkerror=1) if defined checkerror if defined serv_e (set "serv_e=!serv_e!, %%#-!errorcode!") else (set "serv_e=%%#-!errorcode!") ) if defined serv_e ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Services [Failed] [%serv_e%]" echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "ClipSVC-1058 sppsvc-1058" %nul% && ( call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system to fix this error." set showfix=1 ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Various error checks if defined safeboot_option ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Boot Mode [%safeboot_option%] " %Blue% "[Safe mode found. Run in normal mode.]" ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State" /v ImageState') do (set imagestate=%%B) if /i not "%imagestate%"=="IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE" ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]" echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "RESEAL" %nul% && ( set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Blue% "You need to run it in normal mode in case you are running it in Audit Mode." ) ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE" /v InstRoot %nul% && ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking WinPE " %Blue% "[WinPE mode found. Run in normal mode.]" ) set wpainfo= set wpaerror= for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':wpatest\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" %nul6%') do (set wpainfo=%%a) echo "%wpainfo%" | find /i "Error Found" %nul% && ( set error=1 set wpaerror=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WPA Registry Error [%wpainfo%]" ) || ( echo Checking WPA Registry Count [%wpainfo%] ) DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %nul% set dism_error=%errorlevel% cmd /c exit /b %dism_error% if %dism_error% NEQ 0 set "dism_error=0x%=ExitCode%" if %dism_error% NEQ 0 ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking DISM [Not Responding] [%dism_error%]" ) if not defined officeact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Packages [Non-Eval Licenses are installed in Eval Windows]" call :dk_color %Blue% "Evaluation Windows can not be activated and different License install may lead to errors." call :dk_color %Blue% "It is recommended to install full version of %winos%." call :dk_color %Blue% "You can download it from %mas%genuine-installation-media.html" ) set osedition= for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a" :: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional if "%osSKU%"=="164" set osedition=ProfessionalEducation if "%osSKU%"=="165" set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN if not defined officeact ( if not defined osedition ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Edition Name [Not Found In Registry]" ) else ( if not exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\%osedition%*.xrm-ms" ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking License Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]" ) if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*-%osedition%-*.mum" ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Package File [Not Found] [%osedition%]" ) ) ) cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv %nul% set error_code=%errorlevel% cmd /c exit /b %error_code% if %error_code% NEQ 0 set "error_code=0x%=ExitCode%" if %error_code% NEQ 0 ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking slmgr /dlv [Not Responding] %error_code%" ) for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking WMIC.exe [Not Found]" ) set wmifailed= if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set wmifailed=1 echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants if defined wmifailed ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WMI [Not Responding]" call :dk_color %Blue% "In MAS, Goto Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option." set showfix=1 ) %nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%regSKU%+%wmiSKU%" set /a "sum/=3" if not defined officeact if not "%sum%"=="%slcSKU%" ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SLC/WMI/REG SKU [Difference Found - SLC:%slcSKU% WMI:%wmiSKU% Reg:%regSKU%]" ) reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\PersistedTSReArmed" %nul% && ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Rearm " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]" ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState" %nul% && ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking ClipSVC " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]" ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" %nul6%') do if /i %%b NEQ 0x0 ( reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul% call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SkipRearm [Default 0 Value Not Found. Changing To 0]" %psc% Restart-Service sppsvc %nul% set error=1 ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Plugins\Objects\msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0" /f ba02fed39662 /d %nul% || ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Registry Key [Incorrect ModuleId Found]" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Possibly Caused By Gaming Spoofers." %_Yellow% " Help - %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers" set error=1 set showfix=1 ) set tokenstore= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v TokenStore %nul6%') do call set "tokenstore=%%b" if not exist "%tokenstore%\" ( set error=1 REM This code creates token folder only if it's missing and sets default permission for it mkdir "%tokenstore%" %nul% set "d=$sddl = 'O:BAG:BAD:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GR;;;BU)(A;;FR;;;BU)(A;OICI;FA;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)';" set "d=!d! $AclObject = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity;" set "d=!d! $AclObject.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm($sddl);" set "d=!d! Set-Acl -Path %tokenstore% -AclObject $AclObject;" %psc% "!d!" %nul% call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SPP Token Folder [Not Found. Creating Now] [%tokenstore%\]" ) call :dk_actids if not defined applist ( %psc% Stop-Service sppsvc %nul% cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% call :dk_refresh call :dk_actids if not defined applist ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Activation IDs [Not Found]" ) ) if exist "%tokenstore%\" if not exist "%tokenstore%\tokens.dat" ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP tokens.dat [Not Found] [%tokenstore%\]" ) if not exist %SystemRoot%\system32\sppsvc.exe ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking sppsvc.exe File [Not Found]" ) :: This code checks if NT SERVICE\sppsvc has permission access to tokens folder and required registry keys. It's often caused by gaming spoofers. set permerror= if not exist "%tokenstore%\" set permerror=1 for %%# in ( "%tokenstore%" "HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA" "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" ) do if not defined permerror ( %psc% "$acl = Get-Acl '%%#'; if ($acl.Access.Where{ $_.IdentityReference -eq 'NT SERVICE\sppsvc' -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Deny' -or $acl.Access.IdentityReference -notcontains 'NT SERVICE\sppsvc'}) {Exit 2}" %nul% if !errorlevel!==2 set permerror=1 ) if defined permerror ( set error=1 set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Permissions [Error Found]" call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" ) :: If required services are not disabled or corrupted + if there is any error + slmgr /dlv errorlevel is not Zero + no fix was shown before if not defined serv_cor if not defined serv_cste if defined error if /i not %error_code%==0 if not defined showfix ( set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" if not defined permerror call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation still fails then run Fix WPA Registry option." ) if not defined showfix if defined wpaerror ( set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation fails then go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WPA Registry option." ) exit /b :: This code checks for invalid registry keys in HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA. This issue may appear even on healthy systems :wpatest: $wpaKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey('LocalMachine', 'Registry64').OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\WPA") $count = $wpaKey.SubKeyCount $osVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version $minBuildNumber = 14393 if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) { $subkeyHashTable = @{} foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { $keyNumber = $subkeyName -replace '.*-', '' $subkeyHashTable[$keyNumber] = $true } for ($i=1; $i -le $count; $i++) { if (-not $subkeyHashTable.ContainsKey("$i")) { Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- $i key does not exist" $wpaKey.Close() exit } } } $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object { $subkey = $wpaKey.OpenSubKey($_) $p = $subkey.GetValueNames() if (($p | Where-Object { $subkey.GetValueKind($_) -eq [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::Binary }).Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- Binary Data is corrupt" $wpaKey.Close() exit } } $count $wpaKey.Close() :wpatest: ::======================================================================================================================================== :dk_color if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m ) else ( %psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' ) exit /b :dk_color2 if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m ) else ( %psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' -NoNewline; write-host -back '%4' -fore '%5' '%6' ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :dk_done echo: if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to %_exitmsg%..." pause %nul1% exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: 1st column = Activation ID :: 2nd column = Generic Retail/OEM/MAK Key :: 3rd column = SKU ID :: 4th column = Key part number :: 5th column = Ticket signature value. It's as it is, it's not encoded. (Check mass grave[.]dev/hwid.html#Manual_Activation to see how it's generated) :: 6th column = 1 = activation is not working (at the time of writing this), 0 = activation is working :: 7th column = Key Type :: 8th column = WMI Edition ID (For reference only) :: 9th column = Version name incase same Edition ID is used in different OS versions with different key :: Separator = _ :hwiddata set f= for %%# in ( 8b351c9c-f398-4515-9900-09df49427262_XG%f%VPP-NMH%f%47-7T%f%THJ-W3F%f%W7-8H%f%V2C___4_X19-99683_HGNKjkKcKQHO6n8srMUrDh/MElffBZarLqCMD9rWtgFKf3YzYOLDPEMGhuO/auNMKCeiU7ebFbQALS/MyZ7TvidMQ2dvzXeXXKzPBjfwQx549WJUU7qAQ9Txg9cR9SAT8b12Pry2iBk+nZWD9VtHK3kOnEYkvp5WTCTsrSi6Re4_0_OEM:NONSLP_Enterprise c83cef07-6b72-4bbc-a28f-a00386872839_3V%f%6Q6-NQX%f%CX-V8%f%YXR-9QC%f%YV-QP%f%FCT__27_X19-98746_NHn2n0N1UfVf00CfaI5LCDMDsKdVAWpD/HAfUrcTAKsw9d2Sks4h5MhyH/WUx+B6dFi8ol7D3AHorR8y9dqVS1Bd2FdZNJl/tTR1PGwYn6KL88NS19aHmFNdX8s4438vaa+Ty8Qk8EDcwm/wscC8lQmi3/RgUKYdyGFvpbGSVlk_0_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseN 4de7cb65-cdf1-4de9-8ae8-e3cce27b9f2c_VK%f%7JG-NPH%f%TM-C9%f%7JM-9MP%f%GT-3V%f%66T__48_X19-98841_Yl/jNfxJ1SnaIZCIZ4m6Pf3ySNoQXifNeqfltNaNctx+onwiivOx7qcSn8dFtURzgMzSOFnsRQzb5IrvuqHoxWWl1S3JIQn56FvKsvSx7aFXIX3+2Q98G1amPV/WEQ0uHA5d7Ya6An+g0Z0zRP7evGoomTs4YuweaWiZQjQzSpA_0_____Retail_Professional 9fbaf5d6-4d83-4422-870d-fdda6e5858aa_2B%f%87N-8KF%f%HP-DK%f%V6R-Y2C%f%8J-PK%f%CKT__49_X19-98859_Ge0mRQbW8ALk7T09V+1k1yg66qoS0lhkgPIROOIOgxKmWPAvsiLAYPKDqM4+neFCA/qf1dHFmdh0VUrwFBPYsK251UeWuElj4bZFVISL6gUt1eZwbGfv5eurQ0i+qZiFv+CcQOEFsd5DD4Up6xPLLQS3nAXODL5rSrn2sHRoCVY_0_____Retail_ProfessionalN f742e4ff-909d-4fe9-aacb-3231d24a0c58_4C%f%PRK-NM3%f%K3-X6%f%XXQ-RXX%f%86-WX%f%CHW__98_X19-98877_vel4ytVtnE8FhvN87Cflz9sbh5QwHD1YGOeej9QP7hF3vlBR4EX2/S/09gRneeXVbQnjDOCd2KFMKRUWHLM7ZhFBk8AtlG+kvUawPZ+CIrwrD3mhi7NMv8UX/xkLK3HnBupMEuEwsMJgCUD8Pn6om1mEiQebHBAqu4cT7GN9Y0g_0_____Retail_CoreN 1d1bac85-7365-4fea-949a-96978ec91ae0_N2%f%434-X9D%f%7W-8P%f%F6X-8DV%f%9T-8T%f%YMD__99_X19-99652_Nv17eUTrr1TmUX6frlI7V69VR6yWb7alppCFJPcdjfI+xX4/Cf2np3zm7jmC+zxFb9nELUs477/ydw2KCCXFfM53bKpBQZKHE5+MdGJGxebOCcOtJ3hrkDJtwlVxTQmUgk5xnlmpk8PHg82M2uM5B7UsGLxGKK4d3hi0voSyKeI_0_____Retail_CoreCountrySpecific 3ae2cc14-ab2d-41f4-972f-5e20142771dc_BT%f%79Q-G7N%f%6G-PG%f%BYW-4YW%f%X6-6F%f%4BT_100_X19-99661_FV2Eao/R5v8sGrfQeOjQ4daokVlNOlqRCDZXuaC45bQd5PsNU3t1b4AwWeYM8TAwbHauzr4tPG0UlsUqUikCZHy0poROx35bBBMBym6Zbm9wDBVyi7nCzBtwS86eOonQ3cU6WfZxhZRze0POdR33G3QTNPrnVIM2gf6nZJYqDOA_0_____Retail_CoreSingleLanguage 2b1f36bb-c1cd-4306-bf5c-a0367c2d97d8_YT%f%MG3-N6D%f%KC-DK%f%B77-7M9%f%GH-8H%f%VX7_101_X19-98868_GH/jwFxIcdQhNxJIlFka8c1H48PF0y7TgJwaryAUzqSKXynONLw7MVciDJFVXTkCjbXSdxLSWpPIC50/xyy1rAf8aC7WuN/9cRNAvtFPC1IVAJaMeq1vf4mCqRrrxJQP6ZEcuAeHFzLe/LLovGWCd8rrs6BbBwJXCvAqXImvycQ_0_____Retail_Core 2a6137f3-75c0-4f26-8e3e-d83d802865a4_XK%f%CNC-J26%f%Q9-KF%f%HD2-FKT%f%HY-KD%f%72Y_119_X19-99606_hci78IRWDLBtdbnAIKLDgV9whYgtHc1uYyp9y6FszE9wZBD5Nc8CUD2pI2s2RRd3M04C4O7M3tisB3Ov/XVjpAbxlX3MWfUR5w4MH0AphbuQX0p5MuHEDYyfqlRgBBRzOKePF06qfYvPQMuEfDpKCKFwNojQxBV8O0Arf5zmrIw_0_OEM:NONSLP_PPIPro e558417a-5123-4f6f-91e7-385c1c7ca9d4_YN%f%MGQ-8RY%f%V3-4P%f%GQ3-C8X%f%TP-7C%f%FBY_121_X19-98886_x9tPFDZmjZMf29zFeHV5SHbXj8Wd8YAcCn/0hbpLcId4D7OWqkQKXxXHIegRlwcWjtII0sZ6WYB0HQV2KH3LvYRnWKpJ5SxeOgdzBIJ6fhegYGGyiXsBv9sEb3/zidPU6ZK9LugVGAcRZ6HQOiXyOw+Yf5H35iM+2oDZXSpjvJw_0_____Retail_Education c5198a66-e435-4432-89cf-ec777c9d0352_84%f%NGF-MHB%f%T6-FX%f%BX8-QWJ%f%K7-DR%f%R8H_122_X19-98892_jkL4YZkmBCJtvL1fT30ZPBcjmzshBSxjwrE0Q00AZ1hYnhrH+npzo1MPCT6ZRHw19ZLTz7wzyBb0qqcBVbtEjZW0Xs2MYLxgriyoONkhnPE6KSUJBw7C0enFVLHEqnVu/nkaOFfockN3bc+Eouw6W2lmHjklPHc9c6Clo04jul0_0_____Retail_EducationN f6e29426-a256-4316-88bf-cc5b0f95ec0c_PJ%f%B47-8PN%f%2T-MC%f%GDY-JTY%f%3D-CB%f%CPV_125_X23-50331_OPGhsyx+Ctw7w/KLMRNrY+fNBmKPjUG0R9RqkWk4e8ez+ExSJxSLLex5WhO5QSNgXLmEra+cCsN6C638aLjIdH2/L7D+8z/C6EDgRvbHMmidHg1lX3/O8lv0JudHkGtHJYewjorn/xXGY++vOCTQdZNk6qzEgmYSvPehKfdg8js_1_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseS_Ge cce9d2de-98ee-4ce2-8113-222620c64a27_KC%f%NVH-YKW%f%X8-GJ%f%JB9-H9F%f%DT-6F%f%7W2_125_X22-66075_GCqWmJOsTVun9z4QkE9n2XqBvt3ZWSPl9QmIh9Q2mXMG/QVt2IE7S+ES/NWlyTSNjLVySr1D2sGjxgEzy9kLwn7VENQVJ736h1iOdMj/3rdqLMSpTa813+nPSQgKpqJ3uMuvIvRP0FdB7Y4qt8qf9kNKK25A1QknioD/6YubL/4_1_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseS_VB d06934ee-5448-4fd1-964a-cd077618aa06_43%f%TBQ-NH9%f%2J-XK%f%TM7-KT3%f%KK-P3%f%9PB_125_X21-83233_EpB6qOCo8pRgO5kL4vxEHck2J1vxyd9OqvxUenDnYO9AkcGWat/D74ZcFg5SFlIya1U8l5zv+tsvZ4wAvQ1IaFW1PwOKJLOaGgejqZ41TIMdFGGw+G+s1RHsEnrWr3UOakTodby1aIMUMoqf3NdaM5aWFo8fOmqWC5/LnCoighs_0_OEM:NONSLP_EnterpriseS_RS5 706e0cfd-23f4-43bb-a9af-1a492b9f1302_NK%f%96Y-D9C%f%D8-W4%f%4CQ-R8Y%f%TK-DY%f%JWX_125_X21-05035_ntcKmazIvLpZOryft28gWBHu1nHSbR+Gp143f/BiVe+BD2UjHBZfSR1q405xmQZsygz6VRK6+zm8FPR++71pkmArgCLhodCQJ5I4m7rAJNw/YX99pILphi1yCRcvHsOTGa825GUVXgf530tHT6hr0HQ1lGeGgG1hPekpqqBbTlg_0_OEM:NONSLP_EnterpriseS_RS1 faa57748-75c8-40a2-b851-71ce92aa8b45_FW%f%N7H-PF9%f%3Q-4G%f%GP8-M8R%f%F3-MD%f%WWW_125_X19-99617_Fe9CDClilrAmwwT7Yhfx67GafWRQEpwyj8R+a4eaTqbpPcAt7d1hv1rx8Sa9AzopEGxIrb7IhiPoDZs0XaT1HN0/olJJ/MnD73CfBP4sdQdLTsSJE3dKMWYTQHpnjqRaS/pNBYRr8l9Mv8yfcP8uS2MjIQ1cRTqRmC7WMpShyCg_0_OEM:NONSLP_EnterpriseS_TH 837766ff-61c5-427d-87c3-a2acbd44767a_XF%f%C77-XNR%f%XM-2Q%f%36W-FCM%f%9T-YH%f%DJ9_126_X23-50304_h6V6Q4DL/hlvcD3GyVxrVfP1BEL4a5TdyNCMlbq/OZnky/HowuRAcHMpN59fwqLS98+7WEDooWCrxriXcATwo0fwOGs/fEfP/Pa5SKP+Xnng1eoPm1PkjuZaqA8p2dPQv32wJ0u3QW7VMQM9BzzpyqtNAsqNS/wl7vfN7tyLbDo_1_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_Ge 2c060131-0e43-4e01-adc1-cf5ad1100da8_RQ%f%FNW-9TP%f%M3-JQ%f%73T-QV4%f%VQ-DV%f%9PT_126_X22-66108_w/HFPDNCz4EogszDYZ8xUJh8aylfpgh6gzm9k8JSteprY5UumLc5n6KUwiSE3/5NaiI9gZ3xmTJq+g1OSPsdGwhuA+8LA2pQhA+wU8VO/ZaYxe1T4WF6oip/c0n6xA1sx/mWYNwd/WBDJpslTw5NRNLc5wWh0FV5RtxCaXE07lM_1_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_VB e8f74caa-03fb-4839-8bcc-2e442b317e53_M3%f%3WV-NHY%f%3C-R7%f%FPM-BQG%f%PT-23%f%9PG_126_X21-83264_Fl7tjifybEI9hArxMVFKqIqmI6mrCZy4EtJyVjpo2eSfeMTBli55+E0i2AaPfE2FJknUig7HuiNC1Pu2IWZcj5ShVFQEKPY6K//RucX8oPQfh0zK5r1aNJNvV4gMlqvOyGD8sXttLBZv8wg1w/++cNk/z38DE2shiDf7LYnK4w0_1_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_RS5 3d1022d8-969f-4222-b54b-327f5a5af4c9_2D%f%BW3-N2P%f%JG-MV%f%HW3-G7T%f%DK-9H%f%KR4_126_X21-04921_zLPNvcl1iqOefy0VLg+WZgNtRNhuGpn8+BFKjMqjaNOSKiuDcR6GNDS5FF1Aqk6/e6shJ+ohKzuwrnmYq3iNQ3I2MBlYjM5kuNfKs8Vl9dCjSpQr//GBGps6HtF2xrG/2g/yhtYC7FbtGDIE16uOeNKFcVg+XMb0qHE/5Etyfd8_0_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_RS1 60c243e1-f90b-4a1b-ba89-387294948fb6_NT%f%X6B-BRY%f%C2-K6%f%786-F6M%f%VQ-M7%f%V2X_126_X19-98770_kbXfe0z9Vi1S0yfxMWzI5+UtWsJKzxs7wLGUDLjrckFDn1bDQb4MvvuCK1w+Qrq33lemiGpNDspa+ehXiYEeSPFcCvUBpoMlGBFfzurNCHWiv3o1k3jBoawJr/VoDoVZfxhkps0fVoubf9oy6C6AgrkZ7PjCaS58edMcaUWvYYg_0_Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_TH 01eb852c-424d-4060-94b8-c10d799d7364_3X%f%P6D-CRN%f%D4-DR%f%YM2-GM8%f%4D-4G%f%G8Y_139_X23-37869_PVW0XnRJnsWYjTqxb6StCi2tge/uUwegjdiFaFUiZpwdJ620RK+MIAsSq5S+egXXzIWNntoy2fB6BO8F1wBFmxP/mm/3rn5C33jtF5QrbNqY7X9HMbqSiC7zhs4v4u2Xa4oZQx8JQkwr8Q2c/NgHrOJKKRASsSckhunxZ+WVEuM_1_____Retail_ProfessionalCountrySpecific_Zn eb6d346f-1c60-4643-b960-40ec31596c45_DX%f%G7C-N36%f%C4-C4%f%HTG-X4T%f%3X-2Y%f%V77_161_X21-43626_MaVqTkRrGnOqYizl15whCOKWzx01+BZTVAalvEuHXM+WV55jnIfhWmd/u1GqCd5OplqXdU959zmipK2Iwgu2nw/g91nW//sQiN/cUcvg1Lxo6pC3gAo1AjTpHmGIIf9XlZMYlD+Vl6gXsi/Auwh3yrSSFh5s7gOczZoDTqQwHXA_0_____Retail_ProfessionalWorkstation 89e87510-ba92-45f6-8329-3afa905e3e83_WY%f%PNQ-8C4%f%67-V2%f%W6J-TX4%f%WX-WT%f%2RQ_162_X21-43644_JVGQowLiCcPtGY9ndbBDV+rTu/q5ljmQTwQWZgBIQsrAeQjLD8jLEk/qse7riZ7tMT6PKFVNXeWqF7PhLAmACbE8O3Lvp65XMd/Oml9Daynj5/4n7unsffFHIHH8TGyO5j7xb4dkFNqC5TX3P8/1gQEkTIdZEOTQQXFu0L2SP5c_0_____Retail_ProfessionalWorkstationN 62f0c100-9c53-4e02-b886-a3528ddfe7f6_8P%f%TT6-RNW%f%4C-6V%f%7J2-C2D%f%3X-MH%f%BPB_164_X21-04955_CEDgxI8f/fxMBiwmeXw5Of55DG32sbGALzHihXkdbYTDaE3pY37oAA4zwGHALzAFN/t254QImGPYR6hATgl+Cp804f7serJqiLeXY965Zy67I4CKIMBm49lzHLFJeDnVTjDB0wVyN29pvgO3+HLhZ22KYCpkRHFFMy2OKxS68Yc_0_____Retail_ProfessionalEducation 13a38698-4a49-4b9e-8e83-98fe51110953_GJ%f%TYN-HDM%f%QY-FR%f%R76-HVG%f%C7-QP%f%F8P_165_X21-04956_r35zp9OfxKSBcTxKWon3zFtbOiCufAPo6xRGY5DJqCRFKdB0jgZalNQitvjmaZ/Rlez2vjRJnEart4LrvyW4d9rrukAjR3+c3UkeTKwoD3qBl9AdRJbXCa2BdsoXJs1WVS4w4LuVzpB/SZDuggZt0F2DlMB427F5aflook/n1pY_0_____Retail_ProfessionalEducationN df96023b-dcd9-4be2-afa0-c6c871159ebe_NJ%f%CF7-PW8%f%QT-33%f%24D-688%f%JX-2Y%f%V66_175_X21-41295_rVpetYUmiRB48YJfCvJHiaZapJ0bO8gQDRoql+rq5IobiSRu//efV1VXqVpBkwILQRKgKIVONSTUF5y2TSxlDLbDSPKp7UHfbz17g6vRKLwOameYEz0ZcK3NTbApN/cMljHvvF/mBag1+sHjWu+eoFzk8H89k9nw8LMeVOPJRDc_0_____Retail_ServerRdsh d4ef7282-3d2c-4cf0-9976-8854e64a8d1e_V3%f%WVW-N2P%f%V2-CG%f%WC3-34Q%f%GF-VM%f%J2C_178_X21-32983_Xzme9hDZR6H0Yx0deURVdE6LiTOkVqWng5W/OTbkxRc0rq+mSYpo/f/yqhtwYlrkBPWx16Yok5Bvcb34vbKHvEAtxfYp4te20uexLzVOtBcoeEozARv4W/6MhYfl+llZtR5efsktj4N4/G4sVbuGvZ9nzNfQO9TwV6NGgGEj2Ec_0_____Retail_Cloud af5c9381-9240-417d-8d35-eb40cd03e484_NH%f%9J3-68W%f%K7-6F%f%B93-4K3%f%DF-DJ%f%4F6_179_X21-32987_QGRDZOU/VZhYLOSdp2xDnFs8HInNZctcQlWCIrORVnxTQr55IJwN4vK3PJHjkfRLQ/bgUrcEIhyFbANqZFUq8yD1YNubb2bjNORgI/m8u85O9V7nDGtxzO/viEBSWyEHnrzLKKWYqkRQKbbSW3ungaZR0Ti5O2mAUI4HzAFej50_0_____Retail_CloudN 8ab9bdd1-1f67-4997-82d9-8878520837d9_XQ%f%QYW-NFF%f%MW-XJ%f%PBH-K87%f%32-CK%f%FFD_188_X21-99378_djy0od0uuKd2rrIl+V1/2+MeRltNgW7FEeTNQsPMkVSL75NBphgoso4uS0JPv2D7Y1iEEvmVq6G842Kyt52QOwXgFWmP/IQ6Sq1dr+fHK/4Et7bEPrrGBEZoCfWqk0kdcZRPBij2KN6qCRWhrk1hX2g+U40smx/EYCLGh9HCi24_0_____OEM:DM_IoTEnterprise ed655016-a9e8-4434-95d9-4345352c2552_QP%f%M6N-7J2%f%WJ-P8%f%8HH-P3Y%f%RH-YY%f%74H_191_X21-99682_qHs/PzfhYWdtSys2edzcz4h+Qs8aDqb8BIiQ/mJ/+0uyoJh1fitbRCIgiFh2WAGZXjdgB8hZeheNwHibd8ChXaXg4u+0XlOdFlaDTgTXblji8fjETzDBk9aGkeMCvyVXRuUYhTSdp83IqGHz7XuLwN2p/6AUArx9JZCoLGV8j3w_0_OEM:NONSLP_IoTEnterpriseS_VB 6c4de1b8-24bb-4c17-9a77-7b939414c298_CG%f%K42-GYN%f%6Y-VD%f%22B-BX9%f%8W-J8%f%JXD_191_X23-12617_J/fpIRynsVQXbp4qZNKp6RvOgZ/P2klILUKQguMlcwrBZybwNkHg/kM5LNOF/aDzEktbPnLnX40GEvKkYT6/qP4cMhn/SOY0/hYOkIdR34ilzNlVNq5xP7CMjCjaUYJe+6ydHPK6FpOuEoWOYYP5BZENKNGyBy4w4shkMAw19mA_0_OEM:NONSLP_IoTEnterpriseS_Ge d4bdc678-0a4b-4a32-a5b3-aaa24c3b0f24_K9%f%VKN-3BG%f%WV-Y6%f%24W-MCR%f%MQ-BH%f%DCD_202_X22-53884_kyoNx2s93U6OUSklB1xn+GXcwCJO1QTEtACYnChi8aXSoxGQ6H2xHfUdHVCwUA1OR0UeNcRrMmOzZBOEUBtdoGWSYPg9AMjvxlxq9JOzYAH+G6lT0UbCWgMSGGrqdcIfmshyEak3aUmsZK6l+uIAFCCZZ/HbbCRkkHC5rWKstMI_0_____Retail_CloudEditionN 92fb8726-92a8-4ffc-94ce-f82e07444653_KY%f%7PN-VR6%f%RX-83%f%W6Y-6DD%f%YQ-T6%f%R4W_203_X22-53847_gD6HnT4jP4rcNu9u83gvDiQq1xs7QSujcDbo60Di5iSVa9/ihZ7nlhnA0eDEZfnoDXriRiPPqc09T6AhSnFxLYitAkOuPJqL5UMobIrab9dwTKlowqFolxoHhLOO4V92Hsvn/9JLy7rEzoiAWHhX/0cpMr3FCzVYPeUW1OyLT1A_0_____Retail_CloudEdition 5a85300a-bfce-474f-ac07-a30983e3fb90_N9%f%79K-XWD%f%77-YW%f%3GB-HBG%f%H6-D3%f%2MH_205_X23-15042_blZopkUuayCTgZKH4bOFiisH9GTAHG5/js6UX/qcMWWc3sWNxKSX1OLp1k3h8Xx1cFuvfG/fNAw/I83ssEtPY+A0Gx1JF4QpRqsGOqJ5ruQ2tGW56CJcCVHkB+i46nJAD759gYmy3pEYMQbmpWbhLx3MJ6kvwxKfU+0VCio8k50_0_____OEM:DM_IoTEnterpriseSK 80083eae-7031-4394-9e88-4901973d56fe_P8%f%Q7T-WNK%f%7X-PM%f%FXY-VXH%f%BG-RR%f%K69_206_X23-62084_habUJ0hhAG0P8iIKaRQ74/wZQHyAdFlwHmrejNjOSRG08JeqilJlTM6V8G9UERLJ92/uMDVHIVOPXfN8Zdh8JuYO8oflPnqymIRmff/pU+Gpb871jV2JDA4Cft5gmn+ictKoN4VoSfEZRR+R5hzF2FsoCExDNNw6gLdjtiX94uA_0_____OEM:DM_IoTEnterpriseK ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-9 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do ( REM Detect key if %1==key if %osSKU%==%%C if not defined key ( set skufound=1 echo "!applist! !altapplist!" | find /i "%%A" %nul1% && ( if %%F==1 set notworking=1 set key=%%B ) ) REM Generate ticket if %1==ticket if "%key%"=="%%B" ( set "string=OSMajorVersion=5;OSMinorVersion=1;OSPlatformId=2;PP=0;Pfn=Microsoft.Windows.%%C.%%D_8wekyb3d8bbwe;PKeyIID=465145217131314304264339481117862266242033457260311819664735280;$([char]0)" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('%psc% [conv%f%ert]::ToBas%f%e64String([Text.En%f%coding]::Uni%f%code.GetBytes("""!string!"""^)^)') do set "encoded=%%i" echo "!encoded!" | find "AAAA" %nul1% || exit /b 1.0OA3xOriginalProductId=;OA3xOriginalProductKey=;SessionId=!encoded!;TimeStampClient=2022-10-11T12:00:00Z%%E=" >"%tdir%\GenuineTicket" ) ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Below code is used to get alternate edition name and key if current edition doesn't support HWID activation :: 1st column = Current SKU ID :: 2nd column = Current Edition Name :: 3rd column = Current Edition Activation ID :: 4th column = Alternate Edition Activation ID :: 5th column = Alternate Edition HWID Key :: 6th column = Alternate Edition Name :: Separator = _ :hwidfallback set notfoundaltactID= if %_NoEditionChange%==1 exit /b for %%# in ( 125_EnterpriseS-2021_______________cce9d2de-98ee-4ce2-8113-222620c64a27_ed655016-a9e8-4434-95d9-4345352c2552_QPM%f%6N-7J2%f%WJ-P8%f%8HH-P3Y%f%RH-YY%f%74H_IoTEnterpriseS-2021 125_EnterpriseS-2024_______________f6e29426-a256-4316-88bf-cc5b0f95ec0c_6c4de1b8-24bb-4c17-9a77-7b939414c298_CGK%f%42-GYN%f%6Y-VD%f%22B-BX9%f%8W-J8%f%JXD_IoTEnterpriseS-2024 138_ProfessionalSingleLanguage_____a48938aa-62fa-4966-9d44-9f04da3f72f2_4de7cb65-cdf1-4de9-8ae8-e3cce27b9f2c_VK7%f%JG-NPH%f%TM-C9%f%7JM-9MP%f%GT-3V%f%66T_Professional 139_ProfessionalCountrySpecific____f7af7d09-40e4-419c-a49b-eae366689ebd_4de7cb65-cdf1-4de9-8ae8-e3cce27b9f2c_VK7%f%JG-NPH%f%TM-C9%f%7JM-9MP%f%GT-3V%f%66T_Professional 139_ProfessionalCountrySpecific-Zn_01eb852c-424d-4060-94b8-c10d799d7364_4de7cb65-cdf1-4de9-8ae8-e3cce27b9f2c_VK7%f%JG-NPH%f%TM-C9%f%7JM-9MP%f%GT-3V%f%66T_Professional ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if %osSKU%==%%A ( echo "!applist! !altapplist!" | find /i "%%C" %nul1% && ( echo "!applist!" | find /i "%%D" %nul1% && ( set altkey=%%E set altedition=%%F ) || ( set altedition=%%F set notfoundaltactID=1 ) ) ) ) exit /b :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :OhookActivation @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: To activate Office with Ohook activation, run the script with "/Ohook" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _act=0 :: To remove Ohook activation, run the script with /Ohook-Uninstall parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _rem=0 :: If value is changed in above lines or parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title Ohook Activation %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _unattended=0 set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="/Ohook" set _act=1 if /i "%%A"=="/Ohook-Uninstall" set _rem=1 if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) for %%A in (%_act% %_rem%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" set "Red="41;97m"" set "Gray="100;97m"" set "Green="42;97m"" set "Blue="44;97m"" set "_White="40;37m"" set "_Green="40;92m"" set "_Yellow="40;93m"" ) else ( set "Red="Red" "white"" set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" set "Blue="Blue" "white"" set "_White="Black" "Gray"" set "_Green="Black" "Green"" set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" ) set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" if %~z0 GEQ 200000 ( set "_exitmsg=Go back" set "_fixmsg=Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix Licensing option." ) else ( set "_exitmsg=Exit" set "_fixmsg=In MAS folder, run Troubleshoot script and select Fix Licensing option." ) ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 9200 ( %eline% echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%]. echo Ohook Activation is supported on Windows 8 and later and their server equivalent. goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" set "_Local=%LocalAppData%" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== if %_rem%==1 goto :oh_uninstall :oh_menu if %_unattended%==0 ( cls mode 76, 25 title Ohook Activation %masver% echo: echo: echo: echo: echo ____________________________________________________________ echo: echo [1] Install Ohook Office Activation echo: echo [2] Uninstall echo ____________________________________________ echo: echo [3] Download Office echo: echo [0] %_exitmsg% echo ____________________________________________________________ echo: call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,0]" choice /C:1230 /N set _el=!errorlevel! if !_el!==4 exit /b if !_el!==3 start %mas%genuine-installation-media.html &goto :oh_menu if !_el!==2 goto :oh_uninstall if !_el!==1 goto :oh_menu2 goto :oh_menu ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_menu2 cls mode 130, 32 %psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=32;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" title Ohook Activation %masver% echo: echo Initializing... :: Check PowerShell %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode %nul2% | find /i "Full" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode echo: echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_product call :dk_ckeckwmic :: Show info for potential script stuck scenario sc start sppsvc %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 1056 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Error code: %errorlevel% call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to start [sppsvc] service, rest of the process may take a long time..." echo: ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set error= cls echo: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set osarch=%%b for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if "%%j"=="" (set fullbuild=%%i) else (set fullbuild=%%i.%%j) echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %osarch%] ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Windows Script Host set _WSH=1 reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) if %_WSH% EQU 0 ( reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% if not "%arch%"=="x86" reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:32 %nul% echo Enabling Windows Script Host [Successful] ) ::======================================================================================================================================== echo Initiating Diagnostic Tests... set "_serv=sppsvc Winmgmt" set officeact=1 call :dk_errorcheck :: Check unsupported office versions set o14msi= set o14c2r= set o16uwp= set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=Office 2010 MSI ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=Office 2010 MSI ) %nul% reg query %_68%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R %nul% reg query %_86%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.Office.Desktop"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && set o16uwp=Office UWP if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" ( echo: call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Unsupported Office Install [ %o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check supported office versions call :oh_getpath sc query ClickToRunSvc %nul% set error1=%errorlevel% if defined o16c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 16.0 files found]" set o16c2r= set error=1 ) sc query OfficeSvc %nul% set error2=%errorlevel% if defined o15c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 if %error2% EQU 1060 ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 15.0 files found]" set o15c2r= set error=1 ) if "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%"=="" ( set error=1 echo: if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Supported Office Install [Not Found]" ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Office [Not Found]" ) if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && ( echo: echo You have only Office dashboard app installed, you need to install full Office version. ) echo: call :dk_color %Blue% "Download and install Office from below URL and try again." echo: echo %mas%genuine-installation-media.html goto dk_done ) set multioffice= if not "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%"=="1" set multioffice=1 if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" set multioffice=1 if defined multioffice ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Multiple Office Install [Found. Its best to install only one version]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Process Office 15.0 C2R if not defined o15c2r goto :starto16c2r call :oh_reset call :oh_actids set oVer=15 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") if not defined _oArch for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") echo "%o15c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=10) || (set _tok=9) for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query %o15c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs\Active %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do ( echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ") ) set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses" set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe" if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\System" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\SystemX86" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" ) else ( set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" ) echo: echo Activating Office 15.0 %_oArch% C2R... if not defined _oIds ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" set error=1 goto :starto16c2r ) call :oh_process call :oh_hookinstall ::======================================================================================================================================== :starto16c2r :: Process Office 16.0 C2R if not defined o16c2r goto :startmsi call :oh_reset call :oh_actids set oVer=16 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") echo "%o16c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=9) || (set _tok=8) for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query "%o16c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs" /s /f ".16" /k %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do ( echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ") ) set _oIds=%_oIds:.16=% set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses16" set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe" if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\System" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\SystemX86" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" ) else ( set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" ) echo: echo Activating Office 16.0 %_oArch% C2R... if not defined _oIds ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" set error=1 goto :startmsi ) call :oh_process call :oh_hookinstall ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Find remnants of Office vNext license block and remove it because it stops non vNext licenses from appearing :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/activation/reset-office-365-proplus-activation-state set _sid= set sub_next= for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' | ForEach-Object { Split-Path -Path $_.PSPath -Leaf }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sid (set "_sid=!_sid! HKU\%%a") else (set "_sid=HKU\%%a")) if not defined _sid ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking User Accounts SID [Not Found]" ) dir /b /s /a:-d "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\*" %nul% && set sub_next=1 dir /b /s /a:-d "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\*" %nul% && set sub_next=1 for %%# in (!_sid! HKCU) do if not defined sub_next ( reg query %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext /v MigrationToV5Done %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && ( reg query %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext %nul2% | findstr /i "volume retail" %nul2% | findstr /i "0x2 0x3" %nul% && ( set sub_next=1 ) ) ) if defined sub_next ( rmdir /s /q "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% rmdir /s /q "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% for %%# in (!_sid! HKCU) do ( reg delete %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing /f %nul% reg delete %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity /f %nul% reg delete %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration /f %nul% ) ) if defined sub_next echo Removing Office vNext Block [Successful] ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Subscription products attempt to validate the license and may show a banner "There was a problem checking this device's license status." :: Resiliency registry entry can skip this check if defined o16c2r ( for %%# in (!_sid! HKCU) do (reg delete %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f %nul%) for %%# in (!_sid! HKCU) do ( reg query "%%#\Volatile Environment" %nul% && ( reg add %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /v "TimeOfLastHeartbeatFailure" /t REG_SZ /d "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z" /f %nul% ) ) echo Adding Reg Keys To Skip License Check [Successful] ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: mass grave[.]dev/office-license-is-not-genuine.html :: Add registry keys for volume products so that 'non-genuine' banner won't appear :: Script already is using MAK instead of GVLK so it won't appear anyway, but registry keys are added incase Office installs default GVLK grace key for volume products echo "%_oIds%" | find /i "Volume" %nul1% && ( if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f /reg:32 %nul% reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32 %nul% ) reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f %nul% reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" %nul% echo Adding a Reg To Prevent Banner [Successful] ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :startmsi if defined o15msi call :oh_processmsi 15 %o15msi_reg% if defined o16msi call :oh_processmsi 16 %o16msi_reg% ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Uninstall other / grace Keys set upk_result=0 set allapplist= if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663' and PartialProductKey is not null) get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')" %chkapp% do (if defined allapplist (call set "allapplist=!allapplist! %%a") else (call set "allapplist=%%a")) for %%# in (%allapplist%) do ( echo "%_allactid%" | find /i "%%#" %nul1% || ( cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /upk %%# %nul% && ( set upk_result=1 ) || ( set error=1 set upk_result=2 ) ) ) if not %upk_result%==0 echo: if %upk_result%==1 echo Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Successful] if %upk_result%==2 call :dk_color %Red% "Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Failed]" ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Refresh Windows Insider Preview Licenses :: It required in Insider versions otherwise office may not activate if exist "%windir%\system32\spp\store_test\2.0\tokens.dat" ( cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% ) ::======================================================================================================================================== echo: if not defined error ( call :dk_color %Green% "Office is permanently activated." echo Help: %mas%troubleshoot ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Some errors were detected." if not defined ierror if not defined showfix if not defined serv_cor if not defined serv_cste call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" echo: call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" ) goto :dk_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_uninstall cls mode 99, 28 title Uninstall Ohook Activation %masver% set _present= set _unerror= call :oh_reset call :oh_getpath echo: echo Uninstalling Ohook Activation... echo: if defined o16c2r_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_16CHook=%%b\root\vfs")) if defined o15c2r_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_15CHook=%%b\root\vfs")) if defined o16msi_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16msi_reg%\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_16MHook=%%b")) if defined o15msi_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15msi_reg%\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_15MHook=%%b")) if defined _16CHook (if exist "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) if defined _16CHook (if exist "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) if defined _15CHook (if exist "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) if defined _15CHook (if exist "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) if defined _16MHook (if exist "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) if defined _15MHook (if exist "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) for %%# in (15 16) do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( if exist "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" & if exist "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1) ) ) for %%# in (System SystemX86) do ( for %%G in ("Office 15" "Office") do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( if exist "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" & if exist "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1) ) ) ) reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && ( echo: echo Deleting - Registry keys to skip license check reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' | ForEach-Object { Split-Path -Path $_.PSPath -Leaf }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sid (set "_sid=!_sid! %%a") else (set "_sid=%%a")) for %%# in (!_sid!) do (reg query HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && ( reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f ) ) ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" %nul% && ( echo: echo Deleting - Registry keys to prevent non-genuine banner reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f ) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" %nul% && ( reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f ) echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ echo: if not defined _present ( echo Ohook Activation is not installed. ) else ( if defined _unerror ( call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to uninstall Ohook activation." call :dk_color %Blue% "Close Office apps if they are running and try again." ) else ( call :dk_color %Green% "Successfully uninstalled Ohook activation." ) ) echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ goto :dk_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_reset set _oRoot= set _oArch= set _oIds= set _oLPath= set _hookPath= set _hook= set _sppcPath= set _key= set _actid= set _prod= set _lic= set _License= exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_getpath set o16c2r= set o15c2r= set o16msi= set o15msi= set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_86%\ClickToRun) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_68%\ClickToRun) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_86%\15.0\ClickToRun) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_68%\15.0\ClickToRun) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_86%\16.0) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_68%\16.0) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_86%\15.0) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_68%\15.0) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_installkey if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingService where __CLASS='SoftwareLicensingService' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_key%" %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService').Get()).InstallProductKey('%_key%')" %nul% if not %errorlevel%==0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %_key% %nul% set errorcode=%errorlevel% cmd /c exit /b %errorcode% if %errorcode% NEQ 0 set "errorcode=[0x%=ExitCode%]" if %errorcode% EQU 0 ( call :dk_refresh echo Installing Generic Product Key [%_key%] [%_prod%] [%_lic%] [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Generic Product Key [%_key%] [%_prod%] [Failed] %errorcode%" if not defined error ( call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" set showfix=1 ) set error=1 ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_installlic if not defined _oLPath exit /b if %oVer%==16 ( "!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License%.16 PidKey=%_key% %nul% ) else ( "!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License% PidKey=%_key% %nul% ) call :oh_actids echo "!oapplist!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% && ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Installing Missing License Files [Office %oVer%.0 %_prod%] [Successful]" exit /b ) :: Fallback to /ilc method to install licenses incase integrator.exe is not working set _License=%_License:XVolume=XC2RVL_% set _License=%_License:O365EduCloudRetail=O365EduCloudEDUR_% set _License=%_License:ProjectProRetail=ProjectProO365R_% set _License=%_License:ProjectStdRetail=ProjectStdO365R_% set _License=%_License:VisioProRetail=VisioProO365R_% set _License=%_License:VisioStdRetail=VisioStdO365R_% if defined _preview set _License=%_License:Volume=PreviewVL_% set _License=%_License:Retail=R_% set _License=%_License:Volume=VL_% for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do ( cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "!_oLPath!\%%~nx#" %nul% ) cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "!_oLPath!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms" %nul% for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\%_License%*.xrm-ms") do ( cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "!_oLPath!\%%~nx#" %nul% ) call :oh_actids echo "!oapplist!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% && ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Installing Missing License Files [Office %oVer%.0 %_prod%] [Successful with /ilc Method]" ) || ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Missing License Files [Office %oVer%.0 %_prod%] [Failed]" ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_hookinstall set ierror= set hasherror= if %_hook%==sppc32.dll set offset=2564 if %_hook%==sppc64.dll set offset=3076 del /s /q "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" %nul% del /s /q "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" %nul% if exist "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" set ierror=1 if exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" set ierror=1 mklink "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" "%_sppcPath%" %nul% if not %errorlevel%==0 set ierror=1 if not exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" call :oh_extractdll "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" "%offset%" if not exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" set ierror=1 echo: if not defined ierror ( echo Symlinking System's sppc.dll To ["%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll"] [Successful] echo Extracting Custom %_hook% To ["%_hookPath%\sppc.dll"] [Successful] ) else ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Symlinking Systems sppc.dll [Failed]" call :dk_color %Red% "Extracting Custom %_hook% [Failed]" echo ["%_hookPath%\sppc.dll"] echo: call :dk_color %Blue% "Close ALL Office apps including Outlook and try again." call :dk_color %Blue% "If its still not resolved then restart system and try again." ) if not defined ierror ( if defined hasherror ( set error=1 set ierror=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Modifying Hash of Custom %_hook% [Failed]" ) else ( echo Modifying Hash of Custom %_hook% [Successful] ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_process for %%# in (%_oIds%) do ( set _key= set _actid= set _lic= set _preview= set _License=%%# echo %%# | find /i "2024" %nul% && ( if exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024PreviewVL_*.xrm-ms" if not exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024VL_*.xrm-ms" set _preview=-Preview ) set _prod=%%#!_preview! call :ohookdata getinfo !_prod! if not [!_key!]==[] ( echo "!oapplist!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% || call :oh_installlic call :oh_installkey ) else ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Product In Script [Office %oVer%.0 !_prod! not found in script]" call :dk_color %Blue% "Make sure you are using Latest MAS script." ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_msiproducts set msitemp=%SystemRoot%\Temp\_msitemp.txt if %oVer%==15 set _psmsikey=%o15msi_reg:HKLM\=HKLM:% if %oVer%==16 set _psmsikey=%o16msi_reg:HKLM\=HKLM:% if exist %msitemp% del /f /q %msitemp% %psc% "$Key = '%_psmsikey%\Registration\{*FF1CE}'; $keydata = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Key -Name "DigitalProductID"; $binaryData = $keydata."DigitalProductID"; $stringData = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($binaryData);$stringData" >>%msitemp% if exist %msitemp% call :ohookdata getmsiprod if exist %msitemp% del /f /q %msitemp% exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :oh_processmsi :: Process Office MSI Version call :oh_reset call :oh_actids set oVer=%1 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %2\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b") if "%_oRoot:~-1%"=="\" set "_oRoot=%_oRoot:~0,-1%" echo "%2" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && set _oArch=x86 if not [%osarch%]==[x86] if not defined _oArch set _oArch=x64 if [%osarch%]==[x86] set _oArch=x86 if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" ) else ( set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" ) call :oh_msiproducts echo: echo Activating Office %1.0 %_oArch% MSI... if not defined _oIds ( set error=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" exit /b ) call :oh_process call :oh_hookinstall exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Get Office Activation IDs :oh_actids set oapplist= if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663') get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')" %chkapp% do (if defined oapplist (call set "oapplist=!oapplist! %%a") else (call set "oapplist=%%a")) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: 1st column = Office version number :: 2nd column = Activation ID :: 3rd column = Generic key. Preference is given in this order, Retail:TB:Sub > Retail > OEM:NONSLP > Volume:MAK > Volume:GVLK :: 4th column = Last part of license description :: 5th column = Edition :: Separator = "_" :ohookdata set f= for %%# in ( 15_ab4d047b-97cf-4126-a69f-34df08e2f254_B7%f%RFY-7N%f%XPK-Q43%f%42-Y9%f%X2H-3JX%f%4X_Retail________AccessRetail 15_4374022d-56b8-48c1-9bb7-d8f2fc726343_9M%f%F9G-CN%f%32B-HV7%f%XT-9X%f%J8T-9KV%f%F4_MAK___________AccessVolume 15_1b1d9bd5-12ea-4063-964c-16e7e87d6e08_NT%f%889-MB%f%H4X-8MD%f%4H-X8%f%R2D-WQH%f%F8_Retail________ExcelRetail 15_ac1ae7fd-b949-4e04-a330-849bc40638cf_Y3%f%N36-YC%f%HDK-XYW%f%BG-KY%f%QVV-BDT%f%J2_MAK___________ExcelVolume 15_cfaf5356-49e3-48a8-ab3c-e729ab791250_BM%f%K4W-6N%f%88B-BP9%f%QR-PH%f%FCK-MG7%f%GF_Retail________GrooveRetail 15_4825ac28-ce41-45a7-9e6e-1fed74057601_RN%f%84D-7H%f%CWY-FTC%f%BK-JM%f%XWM-HT7%f%GJ_MAK___________GrooveVolume 15_c02fb62e-1cd5-4e18-ba25-e0480467ffaa_2W%f%QNF-GB%f%K4B-XVG%f%6F-BB%f%MX7-M4F%f%2Y_OEM-Perp______HomeBusinessPipcRetail 15_a2b90e7a-a797-4713-af90-f0becf52a1dd_YW%f%D4R-CN%f%KVT-VG8%f%VJ-93%f%33B-RCW%f%9F_Subscription__HomeBusinessRetail 15_f2de350d-3028-410a-bfae-283e00b44d0e_6W%f%W3N-BD%f%GM9-PCC%f%HD-9Q%f%PP9-P34%f%QG_Subscription__HomeStudentRetail 15_44984381-406e-4a35-b1c3-e54f499556e2_RV%f%7NQ-HY%f%3WW-7CK%f%WH-QT%f%VMW-29V%f%HC_Retail________InfoPathRetail 15_9e016989-4007-42a6-8051-64eb97110cf2_C4%f%TGN-QQ%f%W6Y-FYK%f%XC-6W%f%JW7-X73%f%VG_MAK___________InfoPathVolume 15_9103f3ce-1084-447a-827e-d6097f68c895_6M%f%DN4-WF%f%3FV-4WH%f%3Q-W6%f%99V-RGC%f%MY_PrepidBypass__LyncAcademicRetail 15_ff693bf4-0276-4ddb-bb42-74ef1a0c9f4d_N4%f%2BF-CB%f%Y9F-W2C%f%7R-X3%f%97X-DYF%f%QW_PrepidBypass__LyncEntryRetail 15_fada6658-bfc6-4c4e-825a-59a89822cda8_89%f%P23-2N%f%K2R-JXM%f%2M-3Q%f%8R8-BWM%f%3Y_Retail________LyncRetail 15_e1264e10-afaf-4439-a98b-256df8bb156f_3W%f%KCD-RN%f%489-4M7%f%XJ-GJ%f%2GQ-YBF%f%Q6_MAK___________LyncVolume 15_69ec9152-153b-471a-bf35-77ec88683eae_VN%f%WHF-FK%f%FBW-Q2R%f%GD-HY%f%HWF-R3H%f%H2_Subscription__MondoRetail 15_f33485a0-310b-4b72-9a0e-b1d605510dbd_2Y%f%NYQ-FQ%f%MVG-CB8%f%KW-6X%f%KYD-M7R%f%RJ_MAK___________MondoVolume 15_3391e125-f6e4-4b1e-899c-a25e6092d40d_4T%f%GWV-6N%f%9P6-G2H%f%8Y-2H%f%WKB-B4F%f%F4_Bypass________OneNoteFreeRetail 15_8b524bcc-67ea-4876-a509-45e46f6347e8_3K%f%XXQ-PV%f%N2C-8P7%f%YY-HC%f%V88-GVG%f%Q6_Retail________OneNoteRetail 15_b067e965-7521-455b-b9f7-c740204578a2_JD%f%MWF-NJ%f%C7B-HRC%f%HY-WF%f%T8G-BPX%f%D9_MAK___________OneNoteVolume 15_12004b48-e6c8-4ffa-ad5a-ac8d4467765a_9N%f%4RQ-CF%f%8R2-HBV%f%CB-J3%f%C9V-94P%f%4D_Retail________OutlookRetail 15_8d577c50-ae5e-47fd-a240-24986f73d503_HN%f%G29-GG%f%WRG-RFC%f%8C-JT%f%FP4-2J9%f%FH_MAK___________OutlookVolume 15_5aab8561-1686-43f7-9ff5-2c861da58d17_9C%f%YB3-NF%f%MRW-YFD%f%G6-XC%f%7TF-BY3%f%6J_OEM-Perp______PersonalPipcRetail 15_17e9df2d-ed91-4382-904b-4fed6a12caf0_2N%f%CQJ-MF%f%RMH-TXV%f%83-J7%f%V4C-RVR%f%WC_Retail________PersonalRetail 15_31743b82-bfbc-44b6-aa12-85d42e644d5b_HV%f%MN2-KP%f%HQH-DVQ%f%MK-7B%f%3CM-FGB%f%FC_Retail________PowerPointRetail 15_e40dcb44-1d5c-4085-8e8f-943f33c4f004_47%f%DKN-HP%f%JP7-RF9%f%M3-VC%f%YT2-TMQ%f%4G_MAK___________PowerPointVolume 15_064383fa-1538-491c-859b-0ecab169a0ab_N3%f%QMM-GK%f%DT3-JQG%f%X6-7X%f%3MQ-4GB%f%G3_Retail________ProPlusRetail 15_2b88c4f2-ea8f-43cd-805e-4d41346e18a7_QK%f%HNX-M9%f%GGH-T3Q%f%MW-YP%f%K4Q-QRP%f%9V_MAK___________ProPlusVolume 15_4e26cac1-e15a-4467-9069-cb47b67fe191_CF%f%9DD-6C%f%NW2-BJW%f%JQ-CV%f%CFX-Y7T%f%XD_OEM-Perp______ProfessionalPipcRetail 15_44bc70e2-fb83-4b09-9082-e5557e0c2ede_MB%f%QBN-CQ%f%PT6-PXR%f%MC-TY%f%JFR-3C8%f%MY_Retail________ProfessionalRetail 15_2f72340c-b555-418d-8b46-355944fe66b8_WP%f%Y8N-PD%f%PY4-FC7%f%TF-KM%f%P7P-KWY%f%FY_Subscription__ProjectProRetail 15_ed34dc89-1c27-4ecd-8b2f-63d0f4cedc32_WF%f%CT2-NB%f%FQ7-JD7%f%VV-MF%f%JX6-6F2%f%CM_MAK___________ProjectProVolume 15_58d95b09-6af6-453d-a976-8ef0ae0316b1_NT%f%HQT-VK%f%K6W-BRB%f%87-HV%f%346-Y96%f%W8_Subscription__ProjectStdRetail 15_2b9e4a37-6230-4b42-bee2-e25ce86c8c7a_3C%f%NQX-T3%f%4TY-99R%f%H4-C4%f%YD2-KWY%f%GV_MAK___________ProjectStdVolume 15_c3a0814a-70a4-471f-af37-2313a6331111_TW%f%NCJ-YR%f%84W-X7P%f%PF-6D%f%PRP-D67%f%VC_Retail________PublisherRetail 15_38ea49f6-ad1d-43f1-9888-99a35d7c9409_DJ%f%PHV-NC%f%JV6-GWP%f%T6-K2%f%6JX-C7G%f%X6_MAK___________PublisherVolume 15_ba3e3833-6a7e-445a-89d0-7802a9a68588_3N%f%Y6J-WH%f%T3F-47B%f%DV-JH%f%F36-234%f%3W_PrepidBypass__SPDRetail 15_32255c0a-16b4-4ce2-b388-8a4267e219eb_V6%f%VWN-KC%f%2HR-YYD%f%D6-9V%f%7HQ-7T7%f%VP_Retail________StandardRetail 15_a24cca51-3d54-4c41-8a76-4031f5338cb2_9T%f%N6B-PC%f%YH4-MCV%f%DQ-KT%f%83C-TMQ%f%7T_MAK___________StandardVolume 15_a56a3b37-3a35-4bbb-a036-eee5f1898eee_NV%f%K2G-2M%f%Y4G-7JX%f%2P-7D%f%6F2-VFQ%f%BR_Subscription__VisioProRetail 15_3e4294dd-a765-49bc-8dbd-cf8b62a4bd3d_YN%f%7CF-XR%f%H6R-CGK%f%RY-GK%f%PV3-BG7%f%WF_MAK___________VisioProVolume 15_980f9e3e-f5a8-41c8-8596-61404addf677_NC%f%RB7-VP%f%48F-43F%f%YY-62%f%P3R-367%f%WK_Subscription__VisioStdRetail 15_44a1f6ff-0876-4edb-9169-dbb43101ee89_RX%f%63Y-4N%f%FK2-XTY%f%C8-C6%f%B3W-YPX%f%PJ_MAK___________VisioStdVolume 15_191509f2-6977-456f-ab30-cf0492b1e93a_NB%f%77V-RP%f%FQ6-PMM%f%KQ-T8%f%7DV-M4D%f%84_Retail________WordRetail 15_9cedef15-be37-4ff0-a08a-13a045540641_RP%f%HPB-Y7%f%NC4-3VY%f%FM-DW%f%7VD-G8Y%f%J8_MAK___________WordVolume 15_6337137e-7c07-4197-8986-bece6a76fc33_2P%f%3C9-BQ%f%NJH-VCV%f%PH-YD%f%Y6M-43J%f%PQ_Subscription__O365BusinessRetail 15_537ea5b5-7d50-4876-bd38-a53a77caca32_J2%f%W28-TN%f%9C8-26P%f%WV-F7%f%J4G-72X%f%CB_Subscription1_O365HomePremRetail 15_149dbce7-a48e-44db-8364-a53386cd4580_2N%f%382-D6%f%PKK-QTX%f%4D-2J%f%JYK-M96%f%P2_Subscription1_O365ProPlusRetail 15_bacd4614-5bef-4a5e-bafc-de4c788037a2_HN%f%8JP-87%f%TQJ-PBF%f%3P-Y6%f%6KC-W2K%f%9V_Subscription1_O365SmallBusPremRetail 16_bfa358b0-98f1-4125-842e-585fa13032e6_WH%f%K4N-YQ%f%GHB-XWX%f%CC-G3%f%HYC-6JF%f%94_Retail________AccessRetail 16_9d9faf9e-d345-4b49-afce-68cb0a539c7c_RN%f%B7V-P4%f%8F4-3FY%f%Y6-2P%f%3R3-63B%f%QV_PrepidBypass__AccessRuntimeRetail 16_3b2fa33f-cd5a-43a5-bd95-f49f3f546b0b_JJ%f%2Y4-N8%f%KM3-Y8K%f%Y3-Y2%f%2FR-R3K%f%VK_MAK___________AccessVolume 16_424d52ff-7ad2-4bc7-8ac6-748d767b455d_RK%f%JBN-VW%f%TM2-BDK%f%XX-RK%f%QFD-JTY%f%Q2_Retail________ExcelRetail 16_685062a7-6024-42e7-8c5f-6bb9e63e697f_FV%f%GNR-X8%f%2B2-6PR%f%JM-YT%f%4W7-8HV%f%36_MAK___________ExcelVolume 16_c02fb62e-1cd5-4e18-ba25-e0480467ffaa_2W%f%QNF-GB%f%K4B-XVG%f%6F-BB%f%MX7-M4F%f%2Y_OEM-Perp______HomeBusinessPipcRetail 16_86834d00-7896-4a38-8fae-32f20b86fa2b_HM%f%6FM-NV%f%F78-KV9%f%PM-F3%f%6B8-D9M%f%XD_Retail________HomeBusinessRetail 16_c28acdb8-d8b3-4199-baa4-024d09e97c99_PN%f%PRV-F2%f%627-Q8J%f%VC-3D%f%GR9-WTY%f%RK_Retail________HomeStudentRetail 16_e2127526-b60c-43e0-bed1-3c9dc3d5a468_YW%f%D4R-CN%f%KVT-VG8%f%VJ-93%f%33B-RC3%f%B8_Retail________HomeStudentVNextRetail 16_69ec9152-153b-471a-bf35-77ec88683eae_VN%f%WHF-FK%f%FBW-Q2R%f%GD-HY%f%HWF-R3H%f%H2_Subscription__MondoRetail 16_2cd0ea7e-749f-4288-a05e-567c573b2a6c_FM%f%TQQ-84%f%NR8-274%f%4R-MX%f%F4P-PGY%f%R3_MAK___________MondoVolume 16_436366de-5579-4f24-96db-3893e4400030_XY%f%NTG-R9%f%6FY-369%f%HX-YF%f%PHY-F9C%f%PM_Bypass________OneNoteFreeRetail 16_83ac4dd9-1b93-40ed-aa55-ede25bb6af38_FX%f%F6F-CN%f%C26-W64%f%3C-K6%f%KB7-6XX%f%W3_Retail________OneNoteRetail 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16_711e48a6-1a79-4b00-af10-73f4ca3aaac4_DJ%f%PHV-NC%f%JV6-GWP%f%T6-K2%f%6JX-C7P%f%BG_Retail________Professional2021Retail 16_3747d1d5-55a8-4bc3-b53d-19fff1913195_QK%f%HNX-M9%f%GGH-T3Q%f%MW-YP%f%K4Q-QRW%f%MV_Retail________ProjectPro2021Retail 16_17739068-86c4-4924-8633-1e529abc7efc_HV%f%C34-CV%f%NPG-RVC%f%MT-X2%f%JRF-CR7%f%RK_MAK-AE1_______ProjectPro2021Volume 16_4ea64dca-227c-436b-813f-b6624be2d54c_2B%f%96V-X9%f%NJY-WFB%f%RC-Q8%f%MP2-7CH%f%RR_Retail________ProjectStd2021Retail 16_84313d1e-47c8-4e27-8ced-0476b7ee46c4_3C%f%NQX-T3%f%4TY-99R%f%H4-C4%f%YD2-KW6%f%WH_MAK-AE________ProjectStd2021Volume 16_b769b746-53b1-4d89-8a68-41944dafe797_CD%f%NFG-77%f%T8D-VKQ%f%JX-B7%f%KT3-KK2%f%8V_Retail1_______Publisher2021Retail 16_a0234cfe-99bd-4586-a812-4f296323c760_2K%f%XJH-3N%f%HTW-RDB%f%PX-QF%f%RXJ-MTG%f%XF_MAK-AE________Publisher2021Volume 16_c3fb48b2-1fd4-4dc8-af39-819edf194288_DV%f%BXN-HF%f%T43-CVP%f%RQ-J8%f%9TF-VMM%f%HG_Retail________SkypeforBusiness2021Retail 16_6029109c-ceb8-4ee5-b324-f8eb2981e99a_R3%f%FCY-NH%f%GC7-CBP%f%VP-8Q%f%934-YTG%f%XG_MAK-AE________SkypeforBusiness2021Volume 16_9e7e7b8e-a0e7-467b-9749-d0de82fb7297_HX%f%NXB-J4%f%JGM-TCF%f%44-2X%f%2CV-FJV%f%VH_Retail________Standard2021Retail 16_223a60d8-9002-4a55-abac-593f5b66ca45_2C%f%JN4-C9%f%XK2-HFP%f%Q6-YH%f%498-82T%f%XH_MAK-AE________Standard2021Volume 16_b99ba8c4-e257-4b70-a31a-8bd308ce7073_BQ%f%WDW-NJ%f%9YF-P7Y%f%79-H6%f%DCT-MKQ%f%9C_MAK-AE________StandardSPLA2021Volume 16_814014d3-c30b-4f63-a493-3708e0dc0ba8_T6%f%P26-NJ%f%VBR-76B%f%K8-WB%f%CDY-TX3%f%BC_Retail________VisioPro2021Retail 16_c590605a-a08a-4cc7-8dc2-f1ffb3d06949_JN%f%KBX-MH%f%9P4-K8Y%f%YV-8C%f%G2Y-VQ2%f%C8_MAK-AE________VisioPro2021Volume 16_16d43989-a5ef-47e2-9ff1-272784caee24_89%f%NYY-KB%f%93R-7X2%f%2F-93%f%QDF-DJ6%f%YM_Retail________VisioStd2021Retail 16_d55f90ee-4ba2-4d02-b216-1300ee50e2af_BW%f%43B-4P%f%NFP-V63%f%7F-23%f%TR2-J47%f%TX_MAK-AE________VisioStd2021Volume 16_fb33d997-4aa3-494e-8b58-03e9ab0f181d_VN%f%CC4-CJ%f%QVK-BKX%f%34-77%f%Y8H-CYX%f%MR_Retail________Word2021Retail 16_0c728382-95fb-4a55-8f12-62e605f91727_BJ%f%G97-NW%f%3GM-8QQ%f%Q7-FH%f%76G-686%f%XM_MAK-AE________Word2021Volume 16_8fdb1f1e-663f-4f2e-8fdb-7c35aee7d5ea_GN%f%XWX-DF%f%797-B2J%f%T3-82%f%W27-KHP%f%XT_MAK-AE________ProPlus2024Volume-Preview 16_33b11b14-91fd-4f7b-b704-e64a055cf601_X8%f%6XX-N3%f%QMW-B4W%f%GQ-QC%f%B69-V26%f%KW_MAK-AE________ProjectPro2024Volume-Preview 16_eb074198-7384-4bdd-8e6c-c3342dac8435_DW%f%99Y-H7%f%NT6-6B2%f%9D-8J%f%Q8F-R3Q%f%T7_MAK-AE________VisioPro2024Volume-Preview 16_6337137e-7c07-4197-8986-bece6a76fc33_2P%f%3C9-BQ%f%NJH-VCV%f%PH-YD%f%Y6M-43J%f%PQ_Subscription__O365BusinessRetail 16_2f5c71b4-5b7a-4005-bb68-f9fac26f2ea3_W6%f%2NQ-26%f%7QR-RTF%f%74-PF%f%2MH-JQM%f%TH_Subscription__O365EduCloudRetail 16_537ea5b5-7d50-4876-bd38-a53a77caca32_J2%f%W28-TN%f%9C8-26P%f%WV-F7%f%J4G-72X%f%CB_Subscription1_O365HomePremRetail 16_149dbce7-a48e-44db-8364-a53386cd4580_2N%f%382-D6%f%PKK-QTX%f%4D-2J%f%JYK-M96%f%P2_Subscription1_O365ProPlusRetail 16_bacd4614-5bef-4a5e-bafc-de4c788037a2_HN%f%8JP-87%f%TQJ-PBF%f%3P-Y6%f%6KC-W2K%f%9V_Subscription1_O365SmallBusPremRetail ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do ( if %1==getinfo if not defined _key ( if %oVer%==%%A if /i "%2"=="%%E" ( set _key=%%C set _actid=%%B set _allactid=!_allactid! %%B set _lic=%%D if %oVer%==16 (echo "%%D" | find /i "Subscription" %nul% && set _sublic=1) ) ) if %1==getmsiprod if %oVer%==%%A ( find /i "%%E" %msitemp% %nul% && ( if defined _oIds (set _oIds=!_oIds! %%E) else (set _oIds=%%E) ) ) ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: This code is used to modify the timestamp value of sppc dll file in order to change checksums :: It's done to lower the potential false positive detection by antivirus's. On each install, it will install a unique sppc dll file :oh_extractdll set b= %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':%_hook%\:.*';$encoded = ($f[1]) -replace '-', 'A' -replace '_', 'a';$bytes = [Con%b%vert]::FromBas%b%e64String($encoded); $PePath='%1'; $offset='%2'; $m=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':hexedit\:.*';iex ($m[1]);" %nul2% | find /i "Error found" %nul1% && set hasherror=1 exit /b :hexedit: # Use a MemoryStream to perform operations on the bytes $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $Writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($MemoryStream) $Writer.Write($bytes) # Define dynamic assembly, module, and type $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False) $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0) # Define P/Invoke method [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('MapFileAndCheckSum', 'imagehlp.dll', 'Public, Static', [Reflection.CallingConventions]::Standard, [int], @([string], [int].MakeByRefType(), [int].MakeByRefType()), [Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention]::Winapi, [Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet]::Auto) # Create the type $Imagehlp = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() # Offset information $timestampOffset = 136 $exportTimestampOffset = $offset $checkSumOffset = 216 # Calculate timestamp $currentTimestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow $unixTimestamp = [int]($currentTimestamp - (Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0)).TotalSeconds # Change timestamps $Writer.BaseStream.Position = $timestampOffset $Writer.Write($unixTimestamp) $Writer.BaseStream.Position = $exportTimestampOffset $Writer.Write($unixTimestamp) $Writer.Flush() # Write the current state of the MemoryStream to a temporary file $tempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:windir, "Temp", [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($tempFilePath, $MemoryStream.ToArray()) # Update hash using the temporary file [int]$HeaderSum = 0 [int]$CheckSum = 0 [void]$Imagehlp::MapFileAndCheckSum($tempFilePath, [ref]$HeaderSum, [ref]$CheckSum) # If the checksums don't match, update the checksum in the MemoryStream if ($HeaderSum -ne $CheckSum) { $Writer.BaseStream.Position = $checkSumOffset $Writer.Write($CheckSum) $Writer.Flush() } else { Write-host Error found } # Delete the temporary file Remove-Item -Path $tempFilePath -Force # Get the modified bytes $modifiedBytes = $MemoryStream.ToArray() # Write the modified bytes to the final file [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($PePath, $modifiedBytes) [void]$Imagehlp::MapFileAndCheckSum($PePath, [ref]$HeaderSum, [ref]$CheckSum) if ($HeaderSum -ne $CheckSum) { Write-host Error found } $MemoryStream.Close() :hexedit: ::======================================================================================================================================== :: :: This below blocks of text is encoded in base64 format :: The blocks in labels "sppc64.dll" and "sppc32.dll" contains below files :: :: e6ac83560c19ec7eb868c50ea97ea0ed5632a397a9f43c17e24e6de4a694d118 *sppc32.dll :: c6df24deef2e83813dee9c81ddd9793a3d60c117a4e8e231b82e32b3192927e7 *sppc64.dll :: :: The files are encoded in base64 to make MAS AIO version. :: :: mass grave[.]dev/ohook :: Here you can find the files source code and info on how to rebuild the identical sppc.dll files :: :: stackoverflow.com/a/35335273 :: Here you can check how to extract sppc.dll files from base64 :: :: For any further question, feel free to contact us on mass grave[.]dev/contactus :: ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Replace - with A and _ with a before base64 conversion :sppc32.dll: TVqQ--M----E----//8--Lg---------Q-----------------------------------------------g-----4fug4-t-nNIbgBTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4g_W4gRE9TIG1vZGUuDQ0KJ---------BQRQ--T-EH-MDc0GQ----------O-- DiML-QIo--I----e---------B-----Q----------C-_g-Q-----g--B-----E----G----------CQ----B---i9M---I-Q-E--C---B------E---E--------B------Q---jR----Bg---Y-Q---H---HgD-------------------------I---BQ--------- ----------------------------------------------------------BsY---H------------------------------------C50ZXh0----c-E----Q-----g----Q------------------C---G-ucmRhdGE--Bg-----I-----I----G---------------- --B---B-LmVoX2ZyYW2------D-----C----C-------------------Q---QC5lZGF0YQ--jR----B-----Eg----o------------------E---E-u_WRhdGE--BgB----Y-----I----c------------------B---D-LnJzcmM---B4-w---H-----E----Hg-- 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b2tlbkFjdGl2YXRpb25HcmFudEluZm8-U0xwR2V0VG9rZW5BY3RpdmF0_W9uR3JhbnRJbmZv-FNQUENTLlNMcElBQWN0_XZhdGVQcm9kdWN0-FNMcElBQWN0_XZhdGVQcm9kdWN0-FNQUENTLlNMcElzQ3VycmVudEluc3RhbGxlZFByb2R1Y3RLZXlEZWZhdWx0S2V5 -FNMcElzQ3VycmVudEluc3RhbGxlZFByb2R1Y3RLZXlEZWZhdWx0S2V5-FNQUENTLlNMcFByb2Nlc3NWTVBpcGVNZXNzYWdl-FNMcFByb2Nlc3NWTVBpcGVNZXNzYWdl-FNQUENTLlNMcFNldEFjdGl2YXRpb25JblByb2dyZXNz-FNMcFNldEFjdGl2YXRpb25JblBy b2dyZXNz-FNQUENTLlNMcFRy_WdnZXJTZXJ2_WNlV29y_2Vy-FNMcFRy_WdnZXJTZXJ2_WNlV29y_2Vy-FNQUENTLlNMcFZMQWN0_XZhdGVQcm9kdWN0-FNMcFZMQWN0_XZhdGVQcm9kdWN0-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------UH--------------IHE--Ihw--Boc--------------wcQ--oH---Hhw-------------ERx--Cwc-----------------------------D-c--------OJw--------------------cQ------------------ DHE------------------MBw--------4n--------------------Bx-------------------McQ-------------------gBTTEdldExpY2Vuc2luZ1N0YXR1c0luZm9ybWF0_W9u--E-U0xHZXRQcm9kdWN0U2t1SW5mb3JtYXRpb24--OgDTG9jYWxGcmVl-FEB U3RyU3RyTklX--Bw----c---c3BwY3MuZGxs----FH---EtFUk5FTDMyLmRsb------oc---U0hMV0FQSS5kbGw----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E-E----Bg--I--------------------E--Q---D---I-------------- ------E-CQQ--Eg---BYg---H-M-------------H-M0----VgBT-F8-VgBF-FI-UwBJ-E8-TgBf-Ek-TgBG-E8------L0E7/4---E--w---------D--------------------B--E--I-------------------B8-g---QBT-HQ-cgBp-G4-ZwBG-Gk-b-Bl-Ek- bgBm-G8---BY-g---Q-w-DQ-M--5-D--N-BF-DQ---B6-C0--QBD-G8-bQBw-GE-bgB5-E4-YQBt-GU------EE-bgBv-G0-YQBs-G8-dQBz-C--UwBv-GY-d-B3-GE-cgBl-C--R-Bl-HQ-ZQBy-Gk-bwBy-GE-d-Bp-G8-bg-g-EM-bwBy-H--bwBy-GE-d-Bp-G8- bg------Pg-L--E-RgBp-Gw-ZQBE-GU-cwBj-HI-_QBw-HQ-_QBv-G4------G8-_-Bv-G8-_w-g-FM-U-BQ-EM------D--C--B-EY-_QBs-GU-VgBl-HI-cwBp-G8-bg------M--u-DM-Lg-w-C4-M----Co-BQ-B-Ek-bgB0-GU-cgBu-GE-b-BO-GE-bQBl---- cwBw-H--Yw------j--0--E-T-Bl-Gc-YQBs-EM-bwBw-Hk-cgBp-Gc-_-B0----qQ-g-DI-M--y-DM-I-BB-G4-bwBt-GE-b-Bv-HU-cw-g-FM-bwBm-HQ-dwBh-HI-ZQ-g-EQ-ZQB0-GU-cgBp-G8-cgBh-HQ-_QBv-G4-I-BD-G8-cgBw-G8-cgBh-HQ-_QBv-G4- ---6--k--QBP-HI-_QBn-Gk-bgBh-Gw-RgBp-Gw-ZQBu-GE-bQBl----cwBw-H--Yw-u-GQ-b-Bs-------s--Y--QBQ-HI-bwBk-HU-YwB0-E4-YQBt-GU------G8-_-Bv-G8-_w---DQ-C--B-F--cgBv-GQ-dQBj-HQ-VgBl-HI-cwBp-G8-bg---D--Lg-z-C4- M--u-D----BE-----QBW-GE-cgBG-Gk-b-Bl-Ek-bgBm-G8------CQ-B----FQ-cgBh-G4-cwBs-GE-d-Bp-G8-bg------CQTkB--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :sppc64.dll: :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :KMS38Activation @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: To activate, run the script with "/KMS38" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _act=0 :: To remove KMS38 protection, run the script with /KMS38-RemoveProtection parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _rem=0 :: To disable changing edition if current edition doesn't support KMS38 activation, change the value to 1 from 0 or run the script with "/KMS38-NoEditionChange" parameter set _NoEditionChange=0 :: If value is changed in above lines or parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title KMS38 Activation %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _unattended=0 set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="/KMS38" set _act=1 if /i "%%A"=="/KMS38-RemoveProtection" set _rem=1 if /i "%%A"=="/KMS38-NoEditionChange" set _NoEditionChange=1 if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) for %%A in (%_act% %_rem% %_NoEditionChange%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" set "Red="41;97m"" set "Gray="100;97m"" set "Green="42;97m"" set "Blue="44;97m"" set "_White="40;37m"" set "_Green="40;92m"" set "_Yellow="40;93m"" ) else ( set "Red="Red" "white"" set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" set "Blue="Blue" "white"" set "_White="Black" "Gray"" set "_Green="Black" "Green"" set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" ) set _k38= set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" if %~z0 GEQ 200000 ( set "_exitmsg=Go back" set "_fixmsg=Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix Licensing option." ) else ( set "_exitmsg=Exit" set "_fixmsg=In MAS folder, run Troubleshoot script and select Fix Licensing option." ) set "specific_kms=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f" ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 14393 ( %eline% echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%]. echo KMS38 Activation is supported for Windows 10/11/Server, build 14393 and later. goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== if %_rem%==1 goto :k_uninstall :k_menu if %_unattended%==0 ( cls mode 76, 25 title KMS38 Activation %masver% echo: echo: echo: echo: echo ____________________________________________________________ echo: echo [1] KMS38 Activation echo ____________________________________________ echo: echo [2] Remove KM38 Protection echo: echo [0] %_exitmsg% echo ____________________________________________________________ echo: call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,0]" choice /C:120 /N set _el=!errorlevel! if !_el!==3 exit /b if !_el!==2 goto :k_uninstall if !_el!==1 goto :k_menu2 goto :k_menu ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :k_menu2 cls mode 110, 34 if exist "%Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\store_test\" mode 134, 34 title KMS38 Activation %masver% echo: echo Initializing... :: Check PowerShell %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode %nul2% | find /i "Full" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode echo: echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_product call :dk_ckeckwmic :: Show info for potential script stuck scenario sc start sppsvc %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 1056 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Error code: %errorlevel% call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to start [sppsvc] service, rest of the process may take a long time..." echo: ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check if system is permanently activated or not call :dk_checkperm if defined _perm ( cls echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________ echo: call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Green% "Checking: %winos% is Permanently Activated." call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Gray% "Activation is not required." echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________ if %_unattended%==1 goto dk_done echo: choice /C:10 /N /M "> [1] Activate [0] %_exitmsg% : " if errorlevel 2 exit /b ) cls ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Evaluation version set _eval= set _evalserv= if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1 if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _evalserv=1 if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalCorEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1 & set _evalserv=1 if defined _eval ( reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% && ( %eline% echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild%] if defined _evalserv ( echo Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Convert it to full Server OS. echo: echo In MAS, goto Extras and use 'Change Edition' option. ) else ( echo Evaluation Editions cannot be activated. echo You need to install full version of %winos% echo: echo Download it from here, echo %mas%genuine-installation-media.html ) goto dk_done ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check clipup.exe for the detection and activation of server cor and acor editions set a_cor= if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*CorEdition~*.mum" if not exist "%systemroot%\System32\clipup.exe" set a_cor=1 if defined a_cor ( if not exist "!_work!\clipup.exe" ( %eline% echo clipup.exe doesn't exist in Server Cor/Acor [No GUI] version. echo It's required for KMS38 Activation. echo Check below page on how to activate it. echo %mas%kms38.html goto dk_done ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_checksku if not defined osSKU ( %eline% echo SKU value was not detected properly. Aborting... goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set error= cls echo: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if "%%j"=="" (set fullbuild=%%i) else (set fullbuild=%%i.%%j) echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %arch%] ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Windows Script Host set _WSH=1 reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _WSH=0) if %_WSH% EQU 0 ( reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% if not "%arch%"=="x86" reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:32 %nul% echo Enabling Windows Script Host [Successful] ) ::======================================================================================================================================== echo Initiating Diagnostic Tests... set "_serv=ClipSVC sppsvc KeyIso Winmgmt" :: Client License Service (ClipSVC) :: Software Protection :: CNG Key Isolation :: Windows Management Instrumentation call :dk_errorcheck ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check if GVLK (KMS key) is already installed or not set _gvlk= call :dk_channel if /i "Volume:GVLK"=="%_channel%" set _gvlk=1 :: Detect Key set key= set pkey= set altkey= set skufound= set changekey= set altedition= call :kms38data getkey if not defined key call :dk_gvlk %nul% if defined applist if not defined key call :kms38fallback if defined altkey (set key=%altkey%&set changekey=1) set /a UBR=0 if %osSKU%==191 if defined altkey if defined altedition ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR 2^>nul') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a UBR=%%b if %winbuild% GEQ 19044 if !UBR! LSS 2788 ( call :dk_color %Blue% "Windows must to be updated to build 19044.2788 or higher for IotEnterpriseS KMS38 activation." ) ) if not defined key if defined notfoundaltactID ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Alternate Edition For KMS38 [%altedition% Activation ID Not Found]" ) if not defined key if not defined _gvlk ( %eline% echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU%] if not defined skufound ( echo Unable to find this product in the supported product list. ) else ( echo Required License files not installed. ) echo Make sure you are using updated version of the script. echo %mas% echo: goto dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Install key echo: if defined changekey ( call :dk_color %Blue% "[%altedition%] Edition product key will be used to enable KMS38 activation." echo: ) set _partial= if not defined key ( if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where "ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and PartialProductKey<>null" Get PartialProductKey /value %nul6%') do set "_partial=%%#" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT PartialProductKey FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).PartialProductKey | %% {echo ('PartialProductKey='+$_)}" %nul6%') do set "_partial=%%#" call echo Checking Installed Product Key [Partial Key - %%_partial%%] [Volume:GVLK] ) set error_code= if defined key ( if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingService where __CLASS='SoftwareLicensingService' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService').Get()).InstallProductKey('%key%')" %nul% if not !errorlevel!==0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %key% %nul% set error_code=!errorlevel! cmd /c exit /b !error_code! if !error_code! NEQ 0 set "error_code=[0x!=ExitCode!]" if !error_code! EQU 0 ( call :dk_refresh echo Installing KMS Client Setup Key [%key%] [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Installing KMS Client Setup Key [%key%] [Failed] !error_code!" if not defined error ( call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" set showfix=1 ) set error=1 ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check activation ID for setting specific KMS host set app= if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID /VALUE" %nul6%') do call set "app=%%a" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ID | %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%') do call set "app=%%a" if not defined app ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed GVLK Activation ID [Not Found] Aborting..." call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" goto :dk_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Set specific KMS host to Local Host :: By doing this, global KMS IP can not replace KMS38 activation but can be used with Office and other Windows Editions echo: %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg query "HKLM\%specific_kms%" && ( %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regdel\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f ) set k_error= %nul% reg add "HKLM\%specific_kms%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" || set k_error=1 %nul% reg add "HKLM\%specific_kms%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" || set k_error=1 if not defined k_error ( echo Adding Specific KMS Host [LocalHost] [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Adding Specific KMS Host [LocalHost] [Failed]" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Copy clipup.exe to System32 directory to activate Server Cor/Acor editions if defined a_cor ( set "_clipup=%systemroot%\System32\clipup.exe" pushd "!_work!\" copy /y /b "ClipUp.exe" "!_clipup!" %nul% popd echo: if exist "!_clipup!" ( echo Copying clipup.exe File to [%systemroot%\System32\] [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Copying clipup.exe File to [%systemroot%\System32\] [Failed] Aborting..." goto :k_final ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Generate GenuineTicket.xml and apply :: In some cases clipup -v -o method fails and in some cases service restart method fails as well :: To maximize success rate and get better error details, script will install tickets two times (service restart + clipup -v -o) if not exist %SystemRoot%\system32\ClipUp.exe ( call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClipUp.exe File [Not found, aborting the process]" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" goto :k_final ) set "tdir=%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket" if not exist "%tdir%\" md "%tdir%\" %nul% if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul% if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*" del /f /q "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*" %nul% :: Signature value is as it is, it's not encoded :: Session ID is in Base64 encoded format. It's decoded value is "OSMajorVersion=5;OSMinorVersion=1;OSPlatformId=2;PP=0;GVLKExp=2038-01-19T03:14:07Z;DownlevelGenuineState=1;" :: Check mass grave[.]dev/kms38.html#Manual_Activation to see how it's generated set "signature=C52iGEoH+1VqzI6kEAqOhUyrWuEObnivzaVjyef8WqItVYd/xGDTZZ3bkxAI9hTpobPFNJyJx6a3uriXq3HVd7mlXfSUK9ydeoUdG4eqMeLwkxeb6jQWJzLOz41rFVSMtBL0e+ycCATebTaXS4uvFYaDHDdPw2lKY8ADj3MLgsA=" set "sessionId=TwBTAE0AYQBqAG8AcgBWAGUAcgBzAGkAbwBuAD0ANQA7AE8AUwBNAGkAbgBvAHIAVgBlAHIAcwBpAG8AbgA9ADEAOwBPAFMAUABsAGEAdABmAG8AcgBtAEkAZAA9ADIAOwBQAFAAPQAwADsARwBWAEwASwBFAHgAcAA9ADIAMAAzADgALQAwADEALQAxADkAVAAwADMAOgAxADQAOgAwADcAWgA7AEQAbwB3AG4AbABlAHYAZQBsAEcAZQBuAHUAaQBuAGUAUwB0AGEAdABlAD0AMQA7AAAA" 1.0OA3xOriginalProductId=;OA3xOriginalProductKey=;SessionId=%sessionId%;TimeStampClient=2022-10-11T12:00:00Z%signature%" >"%tdir%\GenuineTicket" copy /y /b "%tdir%\GenuineTicket" "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" %nul% if not exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" ( call :dk_color %Red% "Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Failed, aborting the process]" if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% goto :k_final ) else ( echo Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Successful] ) set "_xmlexist=if exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml"" :: Stop sppsvc %psc% Stop-Service sppsvc %nul% sc query sppsvc | find /i "STOPPED" %nul% && ( echo Stopping sppsvc Service [Successful] ) || ( call :dk_color %Gray% "Stopping sppsvc Service [Failed]" ) %_xmlexist% ( %psc% Restart-Service ClipSVC %nul% %_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul% %_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul% %_xmlexist% ( set error=1 if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul% call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed With ClipSVC Service Restart, Wait...]" ) ) copy /y /b "%tdir%\GenuineTicket" "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml" %nul% clipup -v -o set rebuildinfo= if not exist %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\tokens.dat ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClipSVC tokens.dat [Not Found]" ) %_xmlexist% ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed With clipup -v -o]" ) if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\Install\Migration\*.xml" ( set error=1 set rebuildinfo=1 call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Ticket Migration [Failed]" ) if defined applist if not defined showfix if defined rebuildinfo ( set showfix=1 call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" ) if exist "%tdir%\Genuine*" del /f /q "%tdir%\Genuine*" %nul% ::========================================================================================================================================== call :dk_product echo: echo Activating... echo: call :k_checkexp if defined _k38 ( call :k_actinfo goto :k_final ) :: Clear 180 Days KMS Activation lock with Windows SKU specific rearm and without the need to restart the system if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where ID='%app%' call ReArmsku %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=([WMI]'SoftwareLicensingProduct=''%app%''').ReArmsku()" %nul% if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo Applying SKU-ID Rearm [Successful] ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "Applying SKU-ID Rearm [Failed]" ) call :dk_refresh echo: call :k_checkexp if defined _k38 ( call :k_actinfo goto :k_final ) call :dk_color %Red% "Activation Failed" if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" ::======================================================================================================================================== :k_final :: Remove the added Specific KMS Host (Local Host) if activation is not completed echo: if not defined _k38 ( %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg query "HKLM\%specific_kms%" && ( call :dk_color %Red% "Removing The Added Specific KMS Host [Failed]" ) || ( echo Removing The Added Specific KMS Host [Successful] ) ) :: Protect KMS38 if opted by the user and conditions are correct if defined _k38 ( %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regdel\:.*';& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f[1])) -protect;" %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg query "HKLM\%specific_kms%" && ( echo Protect KMS38 From KMS [Successful] [Locked A Registry Key] ) || ( call :dk_color %Red% "Protect KMS38 From KMS [Failed To Lock A Registry Key]" ) ) :: clipup.exe does not exist in server cor and acor editions by default, it was copied there with this script if defined a_cor if exist "%_clipup%" del /f /q "%_clipup%" %nul% if defined a_cor ( if exist "%_clipup%" ( call :dk_color %Red% "Deleting copied clipup.exe file [Failed]" ) else ( echo Deleting copied clipup.exe file [Successful] ) ) for %%# in (175 407) do if %osSKU%==%%# ( call :dk_color %Red% "%winos% does not support activation on non-azure platforms." ) goto :dk_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :k_uninstall cls mode 99, 28 title Remove KMS38 Protection %masver% %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%specific_kms%" /f %nul% reg query "HKLM\%specific_kms%" && ( %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regdel\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%specific_kms%" /f ) echo: %nul% reg query "HKLM\%specific_kms%" && ( call :dk_color %Red% "Removing Specific KMS Host [Failed]" ) || ( echo Removing Specific KMS Host [Successful] ) goto :dk_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :: This code runs to protect/undo below registry key for KMS38 protection :: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f :: KMS38 protection stops 180 days KMS Activation from replacing KMS38 activation :regdel: param ( [switch]$protect ) $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-32-544') $Admin = ($SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).Value if($protect) { $ruleArgs = @("$Admin", "Delete, SetValue", "ContainerInherit", "None", "Deny") } else { $ruleArgs = @("$Admin", "FullControl", "Allow") } $path = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' $key = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey('LocalMachine', 'Registry64').OpenSubKey($path, 'ReadWriteSubTree', 'ChangePermissions') $acl = $key.GetAccessControl() $rule = [System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule]::new.Invoke($ruleArgs) $acl.ResetAccessRule($rule) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) :regdel: ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check KMS activation status :k_actinfo set xpr= for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('%psc% "$([DateTime]::Now.addMinutes(%gpr%)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')" %nul6%') do set "xpr=%%#" call :dk_color %Green% "%winos% is activated till !xpr!" exit /b :: Check remaining KMS activation grace period :k_checkexp set gpr=0 if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get GracePeriodRemaining /VALUE" %nul6%') do set "gpr=%%#" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT GracePeriodRemaining FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).GracePeriodRemaining | %% {echo ('GracePeriodRemaining='+$_)}" %nul6%') do set "gpr=%%#" if %gpr% GTR 259200 (set _k38=1) else (set _k38=) exit /b :: Get Windows installed key channel :dk_channel if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where "ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and PartialProductKey<>null" Get ProductKeyChannel /value %nul6%') do set "_channel=%%#" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ProductKeyChannel FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ProductKeyChannel | %% {echo ('ProductKeyChannel='+$_)}" %nul6%') do set "_channel=%%#" exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Get Product Key from pkeyhelper.dll for future new editions :: It works on Windows 10 1803 (17134) and later builds. :dk_pkey call :dk_reflection set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SkuGetProductKeyForEdition', 'pkeyhelper.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([int], [String], [String].MakeByRefType(), [String].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $out = ''; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::SkuGetProductKeyForEdition(%1, %2, [ref]$out, [ref]$null); $out set pkey= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set pkey=%%a) exit /b :: Get channel name for the key which was extracted from pkeyhelper.dll :dk_pkeychannel set k=%1 set m=[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] set p=%SystemRoot%\System32\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\pkeyconfig.xrm-ms set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('PidGenX', 'pidgenx.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([String], [String], [String], [int], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $r = [byte[]]::new(0x04F8); $r[0] = 0xF8; $r[1] = 0x04; $f = %m%::AllocHGlobal(0x04F8); %m%::Copy($r, 0, $f, 0x04F8); set d1=%d1% [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::PidGenX('%k%', '%p%', '00000', 0, 0, 0, $f); %m%::Copy($f, $r, 0, 0x04F8); %m%::FreeHGlobal($f); [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($r, 1016, 128) set pkeychannel= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set pkeychannel=%%a) exit /b :dk_gvlk for %%# in (pkeyhelper.dll) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" exit /b for %%# in (Volume:GVLK) do ( call :dk_pkey %osSKU% '%%#' if defined pkey call :dk_pkeychannel !pkey! if /i [!pkeychannel!]==[%%#] ( set key=!pkey! exit /b ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: 1st column = Activation ID :: 2nd column = GVLK (Generic volume licensing key) :: 3rd column = SKU ID :: 4th column = WMI Edition ID (For reference only) :: 5th column = Build Branch name incase same Edition ID is used in different OS versions with different key (For reference only) :: Separator = "_" :kms38data set f= for %%# in ( 73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300_NP%f%PR9-FWD%f%CX-D2%f%C8J-H872%f%K-2Y%f%T43___4_Enterprise 7dc26449-db21-4e09-ba37-28f2958506a6_DP%f%NXD-67Y%f%Y9-WW%f%FJJ-RYH9%f%9-RM%f%832___7_ServerStandard_Ge 9bd77860-9b31-4b7b-96ad-2564017315bf_VD%f%YBN-27W%f%PP-V4%f%HQT-9VMD%f%4-VM%f%K7H___7_ServerStandard_FE de32eafd-aaee-4662-9444-c1befb41bde2_N6%f%9G4-B89%f%J2-4G%f%8F4-WWYC%f%C-J4%f%64C___7_ServerStandard_RS5 8c1c5410-9f39-4805-8c9d-63a07706358f_WC%f%2BQ-8NR%f%M3-FD%f%DYY-2BFG%f%V-KH%f%KQY___7_ServerStandard_RS1 c052f164-cdf6-409a-a0cb-853ba0f0f55a_CN%f%FDQ-2BW%f%8H-9V%f%4WM-TKCP%f%D-MD%f%2QF___8_ServerDatacenter_Ge ef6cfc9f-8c5d-44ac-9aad-de6a2ea0ae03_WX%f%4NM-KYW%f%YW-QJ%f%JR4-XV3Q%f%B-6V%f%M33___8_ServerDatacenter_FE 34e1ae55-27f8-4950-8877-7a03be5fb181_WM%f%DGN-G9P%f%QG-XV%f%VXX-R3X4%f%3-63%f%DFG___8_ServerDatacenter_RS5 21c56779-b449-4d20-adfc-eece0e1ad74b_CB%f%7KF-BWN%f%84-R7%f%R2Y-793K%f%2-8X%f%DDG___8_ServerDatacenter_RS1 e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947_DP%f%H2V-TTN%f%VB-4X%f%9Q3-TJR4%f%H-KH%f%JW4__27_EnterpriseN 2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588_W2%f%69N-WFG%f%WX-YV%f%C9B-4J6C%f%9-T8%f%3GX__48_Professional a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf_MH%f%37W-N47%f%XK-V7%f%XM9-C722%f%7-GC%f%QG9__49_ProfessionalN 034d3cbb-5d4b-4245-b3f8-f84571314078_WV%f%DHN-86M%f%7X-46%f%6P6-VHXV%f%7-YY%f%726__50_ServerSolution_RS5 2b5a1b0f-a5ab-4c54-ac2f-a6d94824a283_JC%f%KRF-N37%f%P4-C2%f%D82-9YXR%f%T-4M%f%63B__50_ServerSolution_RS1 7b9e1751-a8da-4f75-9560-5fadfe3d8e38_3K%f%HY7-WNT%f%83-DG%f%QKR-F7HP%f%R-84%f%4BM__98_CoreN a9107544-f4a0-4053-a96a-1479abdef912_PV%f%MJN-6DF%f%Y6-9C%f%CP6-7BKT%f%T-D3%f%WVR__99_CoreCountrySpecific cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83_7H%f%NRX-D7K%f%GG-3K%f%4RQ-4WPJ%f%4-YT%f%DFH_100_CoreSingleLanguage 58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8_TX%f%9XD-98N%f%7V-6W%f%MQ6-BX7F%f%G-H8%f%Q99_101_Core 7b4433f4-b1e7-4788-895a-c45378d38253_QN%f%4C6-GBJ%f%D2-FB%f%422-GHWJ%f%K-GJ%f%G2R_110_ServerCloudStorage 8de8eb62-bbe0-40ac-ac17-f75595071ea3_GR%f%FBW-QND%f%C4-6Q%f%BHG-CCK3%f%B-2P%f%R88_120_ServerARM64_RS5 43d9af6e-5e86-4be8-a797-d072a046896c_K9%f%FYF-G6N%f%CK-73%f%M32-XMVP%f%Y-F9%f%DRR_120_ServerARM64_RS4 e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e_NW%f%6C2-QMP%f%VW-D7%f%KKK-3GKT%f%6-VC%f%FB2_121_Education 3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585_2W%f%H4N-8QG%f%BV-H2%f%2JP-CT43%f%Q-MD%f%WWJ_122_EducationN 32d2fab3-e4a8-42c2-923b-4bf4fd13e6ee_M7%f%XTQ-FN8%f%P6-TT%f%KYV-9D4C%f%C-J4%f%62D_125_EnterpriseS_RS5,VB,Ge 2d5a5a60-3040-48bf-beb0-fcd770c20ce0_DC%f%PHK-NFM%f%TC-H8%f%8MJ-PFHP%f%Y-QJ%f%4BJ_125_EnterpriseS_RS1 7b51a46c-0c04-4e8f-9af4-8496cca90d5e_WN%f%MTR-4C8%f%8C-JK%f%8YV-HQ7T%f%2-76%f%DF9_125_EnterpriseS_TH1 7103a333-b8c8-49cc-93ce-d37c09687f92_92%f%NFX-8DJ%f%QP-P6%f%BBQ-THF9%f%C-7C%f%G2H_126_EnterpriseSN_RS5,VB,Ge 9f776d83-7156-45b2-8a5c-359b9c9f22a3_QF%f%FDN-GRT%f%3P-VK%f%WWX-X7T3%f%R-8B%f%639_126_EnterpriseSN_RS1 87b838b7-41b6-4590-8318-5797951d8529_2F%f%77B-TNF%f%GY-69%f%QQF-B8YK%f%P-D6%f%9TJ_126_EnterpriseSN_TH1 39e69c41-42b4-4a0a-abad-8e3c10a797cc_QF%f%ND9-D3Y%f%9C-J3%f%KKY-6RPV%f%P-2D%f%PYV_145_ServerDatacenterACor_FE 90c362e5-0da1-4bfd-b53b-b87d309ade43_6N%f%MRW-2C8%f%FM-D2%f%4W7-TQWM%f%Y-CW%f%H2D_145_ServerDatacenterACor_RS5 e49c08e7-da82-42f8-bde2-b570fbcae76c_2H%f%XDN-KRX%f%HB-GP%f%YC7-YCKF%f%J-7F%f%VDG_145_ServerDatacenterACor_RS3 f5e9429c-f50b-4b98-b15c-ef92eb5cff39_67%f%KN8-4FY%f%JW-24%f%87Q-MQ2J%f%7-4C%f%4RG_146_ServerStandardACor_FE 73e3957c-fc0c-400d-9184-5f7b6f2eb409_N2%f%KJX-J94%f%YW-TQ%f%VFB-DG9Y%f%T-72%f%4CC_146_ServerStandardACor_RS5 61c5ef22-f14f-4553-a824-c4b31e84b100_PT%f%XN8-JFH%f%JM-4W%f%C78-MPCB%f%R-9W%f%4KR_146_ServerStandardACor_RS3 82bbc092-bc50-4e16-8e18-b74fc486aec3_NR%f%G8B-VKK%f%3Q-CX%f%VCJ-9G2X%f%F-6Q%f%84J_161_ProfessionalWorkstation 4b1571d3-bafb-4b40-8087-a961be2caf65_9F%f%NHH-K3H%f%BT-3W%f%4TD-6383%f%H-6X%f%YWF_162_ProfessionalWorkstationN 3f1afc82-f8ac-4f6c-8005-1d233e606eee_6T%f%P4R-GNP%f%TD-KY%f%YHQ-7B7D%f%P-J4%f%47Y_164_ProfessionalEducation 5300b18c-2e33-4dc2-8291-47ffcec746dd_YV%f%WGF-BXN%f%MC-HT%f%QYQ-CPQ9%f%9-66%f%QFC_165_ProfessionalEducationN 45b5aff2-60a0-42f2-bc4b-ec6e5f7b527e_QN%f%7G3-4RM%f%92-MT%f%6QR-PR96%f%6-FV%f%YV7_168_ServerAzureCor_Ge 8c8f0ad3-9a43-4e05-b840-93b8d1475cbc_6N%f%379-GGT%f%MK-23%f%C6M-XVVT%f%C-CK%f%FRQ_168_ServerAzureCor_FE a99cc1f0-7719-4306-9645-294102fbff95_FD%f%NH6-VW9%f%RW-BX%f%PJ7-4XTY%f%G-23%f%9TB_168_ServerAzureCor_RS5 3dbf341b-5f6c-4fa7-b936-699dce9e263f_VP%f%34G-4NP%f%PG-79%f%JTQ-864T%f%4-R3%f%MQX_168_ServerAzureCor_RS1 e0b2d383-d112-413f-8a80-97f373a5820c_YY%f%VX9-NTF%f%WV-6M%f%DM3-9PT4%f%T-4M%f%68B_171_EnterpriseG e38454fb-41a4-4f59-a5dc-25080e354730_44%f%RPN-FTY%f%23-9V%f%TTB-MP9B%f%X-T8%f%4FV_172_EnterpriseGN ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29_CP%f%WHC-NT2%f%C7-VY%f%W78-DHDB%f%2-PG%f%3GK_175_ServerRdsh_RS5 e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07_7N%f%BT4-WGB%f%QX-MP%f%4H7-QXFF%f%8-YP%f%3KX_175_ServerRdsh_RS3 0df4f814-3f57-4b8b-9a9d-fddadcd69fac_NB%f%TWJ-3DR%f%69-3C%f%4V8-C26M%f%C-GQ%f%9M6_183_CloudE 59eb965c-9150-42b7-a0ec-22151b9897c5_KB%f%N8V-HFG%f%Q4-MG%f%XVD-347P%f%6-PD%f%QGT_191_IoTEnterpriseS_VB,NI d30136fc-cb4b-416e-a23d-87207abc44a9_6X%f%N7V-PCB%f%DC-BD%f%BRH-8DQY%f%7-G6%f%R44_202_CloudEditionN ca7df2e3-5ea0-47b8-9ac1-b1be4d8edd69_37%f%D7F-N49%f%CB-WQ%f%R8W-TBJ7%f%3-FM%f%8RX_203_CloudEdition c2e946d1-cfa2-4523-8c87-30bc696ee584_NQ%f%8HH-FTD%f%TM-6V%f%GY7-TQ3D%f%V-XF%f%BV2_407_ServerTurbine_Ge 19b5e0fb-4431-46bc-bac1-2f1873e4ae73_NT%f%BV8-9K7%f%Q8-V2%f%7C6-M2BT%f%V-KH%f%MXV_407_ServerTurbine_RS5 ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if %osSKU%==%%C ( set skufound=1 if %1==getkey if not defined key echo "!applist!" | find /i "%%A" %nul1% && set key=%%B ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Below code is used to get alternate edition name and key if current edition doesn't support KMS38 activation :: 1st column = Current SKU ID :: 2nd column = Current Edition Name :: 3rd column = Current Edition Activation ID :: 4th column = Alternate Edition Activation ID :: 5th column = Alternate Edition GVLK :: 6th column = Alternate Edition Name :: Separator = _ :kms38fallback set notfoundaltactID= if %_NoEditionChange%==1 exit /b for %%# in ( 188_IoTEnterprise__________________8ab9bdd1-1f67-4997-82d9-8878520837d9_73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300_NPP%f%R9-FWD%f%CX-D2%f%C8J-H872%f%K-2Y%f%T43_Enterprise 206_IoTEnterpriseK_________________80083eae-7031-4394-9e88-4901973d56fe_73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300_NPP%f%R9-FWD%f%CX-D2%f%C8J-H872%f%K-2Y%f%T43_Enterprise 191_IoTEnterpriseS-2021____________ed655016-a9e8-4434-95d9-4345352c2552_32d2fab3-e4a8-42c2-923b-4bf4fd13e6ee_M7X%f%TQ-FN8%f%P6-TT%f%KYV-9D4C%f%C-J4%f%62D_EnterpriseS-2021 205_IoTEnterpriseSK________________d4f9b41f-205c-405e-8e08-3d16e88e02be_59eb965c-9150-42b7-a0ec-22151b9897c5_KBN%f%8V-HFG%f%Q4-MG%f%XVD-347P%f%6-PD%f%QGT_IoTEnterpriseS 138_ProfessionalSingleLanguage_____a48938aa-62fa-4966-9d44-9f04da3f72f2_2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588_W26%f%9N-WFG%f%WX-YV%f%C9B-4J6C%f%9-T8%f%3GX_Professional 139_ProfessionalCountrySpecific____f7af7d09-40e4-419c-a49b-eae366689ebd_2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588_W26%f%9N-WFG%f%WX-YV%f%C9B-4J6C%f%9-T8%f%3GX_Professional 139_ProfessionalCountrySpecific-Zn_01eb852c-424d-4060-94b8-c10d799d7364_2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588_W26%f%9N-WFG%f%WX-YV%f%C9B-4J6C%f%9-T8%f%3GX_Professional ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if %osSKU%==%%A ( echo "!applist!" | find /i "%%C" %nul1% && ( echo "!applist!" | find /i "%%D" %nul1% && ( set altkey=%%E set altedition=%%F ) || ( set altedition=%%F set notfoundaltactID=1 ) ) ) ) exit /b :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :KMSActivation @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off cls color 07 title Online KMS Activation %masver% :: You are not supposed to edit anything below this. set WMI_VBS=0 set _Debug=0 set Silent=0 set Logger=0 set AutoR2V=1 set SkipKMS38=1 set vNextOverride=1 set ActWindows=1 set ActOffice=1 set _uni= set _args= set _elev= set _renetask= set _renacttask= set _unattended= set _unattendedact= set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( echo "%_args%" | find /i "/KMS" >nul && set _unattended=1 for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="-el" (set _elev=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-RenewalTask" (set _renetask=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-ActAndRenewalTask" (set _renacttask=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Uninstall" (set _uni=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Windows" (set ActWindows=1&set ActOffice=0&set _unattendedact=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Office" (set ActWindows=0&set ActOffice=1&set _unattendedact=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-WindowsOffice" (set ActWindows=1&set ActOffice=1&set _unattendedact=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-KeepvNext" (set vNextOverride=0 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Debug" (set _Debug=1 ) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Logger" (set Logger=1&set Silent=1 ) ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 2>nul | find /i "0x0" 1>nul && (set _NCS=0) call :_colorprep set "_buf={$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" set "nceline=echo. &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo." set "eline=echo. &call :_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo." if %_Debug% EQU 1 set _unattended=1 ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" set "_Local=%LocalAppData%" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== if %~z0 GEQ 300000 (set "_exitmsg=Go back") else (set "_exitmsg=Exit") :: Check not x86 Windows set notx86= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b if /i not "%arch%"=="x86" set notx86=1 ::======================================================================================================================================== for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( %nceline% echo Unable to find wmic.exe in the system. if %winbuild% GEQ 22621 echo Make sure WMIC is enabled in optional features. goto Done ) wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "ComputerSystem" 1>nul || ( %nceline% echo WMI is not responding in the system. echo: echo In MAS, Goto Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option. goto Done ) set _WSH=1 reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled 2>nul | find /i "0x0" 1>nul && (set _WSH=0) reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled 2>nul | find /i "0x0" 1>nul && (set _WSH=0) if %_WSH% EQU 0 ( reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul% if defined notx86 reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:32 %nul% ) ::======================================================================================================================================== if defined _uni goto _Complete_Uninstall if defined _renetask set ActTask=&call:RenTask&timeout /t 2 cls if defined _renacttask set ActTask=1&call:RenTask&timeout /t 2 cls if defined _unattended if not defined _unattendedact goto Done ::======================================================================================================================================== set "_title=Online KMS Activation %masver%" set _gui= :_KMS_Menu set sub_next=0 set sub_o365=0 set sub_proj=0 set sub_vsio=0 set kNext=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext reg query %kNext% /v MigrationToV5Done 2>nul | find /i "0x1" %nul% && call :officeSub %nul% set _tskinstalled= reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && ( find /i "Ver:1.9" "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd" %nul% && set _tskinstalled=1 ) set _oldtsk= if not defined _tskinstalled ( reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | findstr /i "\Activation-Renewal \Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal" >nul && ( set _oldtsk=1 ) ) if defined _unattended ( call :Activation_Start timeout /t 2 goto Done ) cls set _gui=1 title %_title% mode con: cols=76 lines=30 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. ______________________________________________________________ echo. echo. [1] Activate - Windows echo. [2] Activate - Office echo. [3] Activate - All echo. if defined _tskinstalled call :_color2 %_White% " [4] Install Auto-Renewal " %_Green% "[Installed]" if defined _oldtsk call :_color2 %_White% " [4] Install Auto-Renewal " %_Red% "[Old Installed]" if not defined _tskinstalled if not defined _oldtsk echo. [4] Install Auto-Renewal echo. [5] Uninstall echo. _______________________________________________ echo. if %_Debug%==0 ( echo. [6] Enable Debug Mode [No] ) else ( call :_color2 %_White% " [6] Enable Debug Mode " %_Red% "[Yes]" ) if %vNextOverride% EQU 1 ( if %sub_next% EQU 1 ( call :_color2 %_White% " [7] Override Office vNext " %_Red% "[Yes]" ) else ( echo [7] Override Office vNext [Yes] ) ) else ( if %sub_next% EQU 1 ( call :_color2 %_White% " [7] Override Office vNext " %_Yellow% "[No]" ) else ( echo [7] Override Office vNext [No] ) ) echo. _______________________________________________ echo. echo. [0] %_exitmsg% echo. ______________________________________________________________ echo. call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0]" choice /C:12345670 /N set _el=%errorlevel% if %_el%==8 exit /b if %_el%==7 (if %vNextOverride% EQU 0 (set vNextOverride=1) else (set vNextOverride=0))&goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==6 (if %_Debug%==0 (set _Debug=1) else (set _Debug=0)) &goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==5 call:_Complete_Uninstall&cls&goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==4 set ActTask=&call:RenTask&goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==3 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=1"&set "ActOffice=1"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==2 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=0"&set "ActOffice=1"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu if %_el%==1 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=1"&set "ActOffice=0"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu goto _KMS_Menu ::======================================================================================================================================== :Done if defined _unattended exit /b echo. echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul exit /b :========================================================================================================================================= :Activation_Start @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set nil= for %%# in (SppE%nil%xtComObj.exe,sppsvc.exe,osppsvc.exe) do ( reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%nil%ge File Execu%nil%tion Options\%%#" /f %nul%) ) call :Clear-KMS-Cache %nul% set "_Null=1>nul 2>nul" set KMS_Port=1688 if %_Debug% EQU 1 set _unattended=1 set "_run=nul" if %Logger% EQU 1 set _run="%~dpn0_Silent.log" set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32" set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative" set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%" ) set "_bit=64" set "_wow=1" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="arm64" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=A64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=x86"&set "_wow=0"&set "_bit=32" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="arm64" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=A64" if not defined xBit set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64" set _cwmi=0 for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "ComputerSystem" 1>nul && set _cwmi=1 ) set "_Local=%LocalAppData%" set "_temp=%SystemRoot%\Temp" set "_log=%~dpn0" set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set _UNC=0 if "%_work:~0,2%"=="\\" ( set _UNC=1 ) else ( net use %~d0 %_Null% if not errorlevel 1 set _UNC=1 ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop') do call set "_dsk=%%b" if exist "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\desktop.ini" set "_dsk=%PUBLIC%\Desktop" set "_mO21a=Detected Office 2021 C2R Retail is activated" set "_mO19a=Detected Office 2019 C2R Retail is activated" set "_mO16a=Detected Office 2016 C2R Retail is activated" set "_mO15a=Detected Office 2013 C2R Retail is activated" set "_mO21c=Detected Office 2021 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume" set "_mO19c=Detected Office 2019 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume" set "_mO16c=Detected Office 2016 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume" set "_mO15c=Detected Office 2013 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume" set "_mO14c=Detected Office 2010 C2R Retail is not supported by this script" set "_mO14m=Detected Office 2010 MSI Retail is not supported by this script" set "_mO15m=Detected Office 2013 MSI Retail is not supported by this script" set "_mO16m=Detected Office 2016 MSI Retail is not supported by this script" set "_mOuwp=Detected Office 365/2016 UWP is not supported by this script" set DO15Ids=ProPlus,Standard,Access,Lync,Excel,Groove,InfoPath,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word set DO16Ids=ProPlus,Standard,Access,SkypeforBusiness,Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word set LV16Ids=Mondo,ProPlus,ProjectPro,VisioPro,Standard,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,SkypeforBusiness,OneNote,Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word set LR16Ids=%LV16Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud set "ESUEditions=Enterprise,EnterpriseE,EnterpriseN,Professional,ProfessionalE,ProfessionalN,Ultimate,UltimateE,UltimateN" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" ( set "ESUEditions=ServerDatacenter,ServerDatacenterCore,ServerDatacenterV,ServerDatacenterVCore,ServerStandard,ServerStandardCore,ServerStandardV,ServerStandardVCore,ServerEnterprise,ServerEnterpriseCore,ServerEnterpriseV,ServerEnterpriseVCore" ) for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set UBR=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 7601 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR 2^>nul') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a UBR=%%b set "_csq=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiQuery "%~nx0?.wsf"" set "_csm=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiMethod "%~nx0?.wsf"" set "_csp=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiPKey "%~nx0?.wsf"" set "_csd=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:MPS "%~nx0?.wsf"" if %_cwmi% EQU 0 set WMI_VBS=1 if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 ( set "_zz1=wmic path" set "_zz2=where" set "_zz3=get" set "_zz4=/value" set "_zz5=(" set "_zz6=)" set "_zz7="wmic path" set "_zz8=/value"" ) else ( set "_zz1=%_csq%" set "_zz2=" set "_zz3=" set "_zz4=" set "_zz5="" set "_zz6="" set "_zz7=%_csq%" set "_zz8=" ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion pushd "!_work!" if not defined _unattended ( mode con cols=98 lines=31 %psc% "&%_buf%" title %_title% ) else ( title Online KMS Activation %masver% ) if defined _gui if %_Debug%==1 mode con cols=98 lines=30 if %_Debug% EQU 0 ( set "_Nul1=1>nul" set "_Nul2=2>nul" set "_Nul6=2^>nul" set "_Nul3=1>nul 2>nul" set "_Pause=pause >nul" if %Silent% EQU 0 (call :Begin) else (call :Begin >!_run! 2>&1) ) else ( set "_Nul1=" set "_Nul2=" set "_Nul6=" set "_Nul3=" set "_log=!_dsk!\%~n0" if %Silent% EQU 0 ( echo. echo Running in Debug Mode... if not defined _args (echo The window will be closed when finished) else (echo please wait...) echo. echo Writing debug log to: echo "!_log!_Debug.log" ) @echo on @prompt $G @call :Begin >"!_log!_tmp.log" 2>&1 &cmd /u /c type "!_log!_tmp.log">"!_log!_Debug.log"&del "!_log!_tmp.log" ) @echo off if defined _gui if %_Debug%==1 ( echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b ) @exit /b :Begin ::======================================================================================================================================== set act_failed=0 set /a act_attempt=0 echo. echo Initializing... :: Check Internet connection. Works even if ICMP echo is disabled. call :setserv for %%a in (%srvlist%) do ( for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do ( if not [%%#]==[] goto IntConnected ) ) nslookup dns.msftncsi.com 2>nul | find "" 1>nul if [%errorlevel%]==[0] goto IntConnected cls if %_Debug%==1 ( echo Error: Internet is not connected. exit /b ) if defined _unattended ( echo. call :_color %_Red% "Internet is not connected, continuing the process anyway." ) else ( %eline% echo Internet is not connected. echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b ) :IntConnected call :getserv ::======================================================================================================================================== set "_wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f" set "_oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" set "_oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" set "IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" set "OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" set SSppHook=0 for /f %%A in ('dir /b /ad %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus') do ( if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*GVLK*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*VLKMS*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*VL-BYPASS*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1 ) set OsppHook=1 sc query osppsvc %_Nul3% if %errorlevel% EQU 1060 set OsppHook=0 set ESU_KMS=0 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 for /f %%A in ('dir /b /ad %SysPath%\spp\tokens\channels') do ( if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\channels\%%A\*VL-BYPASS*.xrm-ms" set ESU_KMS=1 ) if %ESU_KMS% EQU 1 (set "adoff=and LicenseDependsOn is NULL"&set "addon=and LicenseDependsOn is not NULL") else (set "adoff="&set "addon=") set ESU_EDT=0 if %ESU_KMS% EQU 1 for %%A in (%ESUEditions%) do ( if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%%A\*.xrm-ms" set ESU_EDT=1 ) :: if %ESU_EDT% EQU 1 set SSppHook=1 set ESU_ADD=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( set OSType=Win8 set SppVer=SppExtComObj.exe ) else if %winbuild% GEQ 7600 ( set OSType=Win7 set SppVer=sppsvc.exe ) else ( goto :UnsupportedVersion ) if %OSType% EQU Win8 reg query "%IFEO%\sppsvc.exe" %_Nul3% && ( reg delete "%IFEO%\sppsvc.exe" /f %_Nul3% call :StopService sppsvc ) if %ActWindows% EQU 0 if %ActOffice% EQU 0 set ActWindows=1 set _AUR=1 if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 ( reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoGenTicket /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %_Nul3% if %winbuild% EQU 14393 reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoAcquireGT /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %_Nul3% ) call :StopService sppsvc if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 call :StopService osppsvc :ReturnHook call :UpdateOSPPEntry osppsvc.exe SET Win10Gov=0 SET "EditionWMI=" SET "EditionID=" IF %winbuild% LSS 14393 if %SSppHook% NEQ 0 GOTO :Main SET "RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages" SET "Pattern=Microsoft-Windows-*Edition~31bf3856ad364e35" SET "EditionPKG=FFFFFFFF" FOR /F "TOKENS=8 DELIMS=\" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "%RegKey%" /f "%Pattern%" /k %_Nul6% ^| FIND /I "CurrentVersion"') DO ( REG QUERY "%RegKey%\%%A" /v "CurrentState" %_Nul2% | FIND /I "0x70" %_Nul1% && ( FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=-~" %%B IN ('ECHO %%A') DO SET "EditionPKG=%%B" ) ) IF /I "%EditionPKG:~-7%"=="Edition" ( SET "EditionID=%EditionPKG:~0,-7%" ) ELSE ( FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=: " %%A IN ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %_Nul6% ^| FIND /I "Current Edition :"') DO SET "EditionID=%%A" ) net start sppsvc /y %_Nul3% set "_qr=%_zz7% SoftwareLicensingProduct %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' %adoff% AND PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz8%" FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%A IN ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') DO SET "EditionWMI=%%A" IF "%EditionWMI%"=="" ( IF %winbuild% GEQ 17063 FOR /F "SKIP=2 TOKENS=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionId') DO SET "EditionID=%%B" IF %winbuild% LSS 14393 ( FOR /F "SKIP=2 TOKENS=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionId') DO SET "EditionID=%%B" GOTO :Main ) ) IF NOT "%EditionWMI%"=="" SET "EditionID=%EditionWMI%" IF /I "%EditionID%"=="IoTEnterprise" SET "EditionID=Enterprise" IF /I "%EditionID%"=="IoTEnterpriseS" IF %winbuild% LSS 22610 ( SET "EditionID=EnterpriseS" IF %winbuild% GEQ 19041 IF %UBR% GEQ 2788 SET "EditionID=IoTEnterpriseS" ) IF /I "%EditionID%"=="ProfessionalSingleLanguage" SET "EditionID=Professional" IF /I "%EditionID%"=="ProfessionalCountrySpecific" SET "EditionID=Professional" IF /I "%EditionID%"=="EnterpriseG" SET Win10Gov=1 IF /I "%EditionID%"=="EnterpriseGN" SET Win10Gov=1 :Main if defined EditionID (set "_winos=Windows %EditionID% edition") else (set "_winos=Detected Windows") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName %_Nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "_winos=%%b" set "nKMS=does not support KMS activation..." set "nEval=Evaluation Editions cannot be activated. Please install full Windows OS." if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1 if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalEdition~*.mum" set "nEval=Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Please convert to full Server OS." if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalCorEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1&set "nEval=Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Please convert to full Server OS." set "_C16R=" reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && set "_C16R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" ) if not defined _C16R reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && set "_C16R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" ) set "_C15R=" reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && call set "_C15R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration" if not defined _C15R reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && call set "_C15R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag" ) set "_C14R=" if %_wow%==0 (reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %_Nul3% && set "_C14R=1") else (reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %_Nul3% && set "_C14R=1") for %%A in (14,15,16,19,21) do call :officeLoc %%A if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 set "_C14R=" set S_OK=1 call :RunSPP if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 call :RunOSPP if %ActOffice% EQU 0 (echo.&echo Office activation is OFF...) if exist "!_temp!\crv*.txt" del /f /q "!_temp!\crv*.txt" if exist "!_temp!\*chk.txt" del /f /q "!_temp!\*chk.txt" if exist "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" del /f /q "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" call :StopService sppsvc if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 call :StopService osppsvc sc start sppsvc trigger=timer;sessionid=0 %_Nul3% goto TheEnd :RunSPP set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct set sps=SoftwareLicensingService set W1nd0ws=1 set WinPerm=0 set WinVL=0 set Off1ce=0 set RanR2V=0 set aC2R21=0 set aC2R19=0 set aC2R16=0 set aC2R15=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 call :sppoff set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set WinVL=1) if %WinVL% EQU 0 ( if %ActWindows% EQU 0 ( echo.&echo Windows activation is OFF... ) else ( if %SSppHook% EQU 0 ( echo.&echo %_winos% %nKMS% if defined _eval echo %nEval% ) else ( echo.&echo Failed checking KMS Activation ID^(s^) for Windows. &call :CheckWS exit /b ) ) ) if %WinVL% EQU 0 if %Off1ce% EQU 0 exit /b set _gvlk=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set _gvlk=1) set gpr=0 set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% GracePeriodRemaining %_zz8%" if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 if %SkipKMS38% NEQ 0 if %_gvlk% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set "gpr=%%A" set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" if %gpr% NEQ 0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 ( set W1nd0ws=0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i EnterpriseG %_Nul1% && (call set W1nd0ws=1) ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr%') do set slsv=%%A reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3% if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if not %xOS%==x86 ( reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" /reg:32 %_Nul3% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32 %_Null% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" /reg:32 %_Nul3% ) reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f %_Null% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3% ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" if %W1nd0ws% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkwin) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" if %W1nd0ws% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkwin) :: set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %addon% %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" :: if %ESU_EDT% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :esuchk) if %W1nd0ws% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% EQU 0 (echo.&echo Windows activation is OFF...) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" if %Off1ce% EQU 1 if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkoff 1) reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %_Null% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %_Null% exit /b :sppoff set OffUWP=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\msoxmled.exe" %_Nul3% && ( dir /b "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.Desktop*" %_Nul3% && set OffUWP=1 if not %xOS%==x86 dir /b "%ProgramW6432%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.Desktop*" %_Nul3% && set OffUWP=1 ) rem nothing installed if %loc_off21% EQU 0 if %loc_off19% EQU 0 if %loc_off16% EQU 0 if %loc_off15% EQU 0 ( if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if %OffUWP% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office 2013-2021 Product Detected...) else (echo.&echo %_mOuwp%) exit /b ) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (if %loc_off14% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b)) ) if %vNextOverride% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 ( set sub_o365=0 set sub_proj=0 set sub_vsio=0 if %sub_next% EQU 1 reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing /f %_Nul3% ) set Off1ce=1 set _sC2R=sppoff set _fC2R=ReturnSPP set vol_off14=0&set vol_off15=0&set vol_off16=0&set vol_off19=0&set vol_off21=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' AND NOT Name like '%%MondoR_KMS_Automation%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" 2>&1 find /i "Office 21" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off21=1) find /i "Office 19" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off19=1) find /i "Office 16" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off16=1) find /i "Office 15" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off15=1) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 find /i "Office 14" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off14=1) for %%A in (14,15,16,19,21) do if !loc_off%%A! EQU 0 set vol_off%%A=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" if %vol_off16% EQU 1 find /i "Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% || (set vol_off16=0) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" if %vol_off15% EQU 1 find /i "OfficeMondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% || (set vol_off15=0) ) set ret_off14=0&set ret_off15=0&set ret_off16=0&set ret_off19=0&set ret_off21=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND NOT Name like '%%O365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" 2>&1 find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 21" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off21=1) find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 19" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off19=1) find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 16" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off16=1) find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 15" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off15=1) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oA14%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Description %_zz4%" if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i channel %_Nul1% && (set ret_off14=1) set run_off21=0&set prr_off21=0&set prv_off21=0 if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 set run_off21=1 if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off21+=1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1 ) for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off21+=1 find /i "Office21ProPlus2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1 ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off21+=1 find /i "Office21Standard2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1 ) if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off21+=1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1 ) if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off21+=1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1 ) ) if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 if %prv_off21% LSS %prr_off21% (set vol_off21=0&set run_off21=1) set run_off19=0&set prr_off19=0&set prv_off19=0 if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 set run_off19=1 if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off19+=1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1 ) for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off19+=1 find /i "Office19ProPlus2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1 ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off19+=1 find /i "Office19Standard2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1 ) if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off19+=1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1 ) if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off19+=1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1 ) ) if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 if %prv_off19% LSS %prr_off19% (set vol_off19=0&set run_off19=1) set run_off16=0&set prr_off16=0&set prv_off16=0 if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if defined _C16R ( for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 ) for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16ProPlusVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21ProPlus2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19ProPlus2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16StandardVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21Standard2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19Standard2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 ) if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 ) if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1 ) ) if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if defined _C16R if %prv_off16% LSS %prr_off16% (set vol_off16=0&set run_off16=1) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %run_off16% EQU 0 if %sub_o365% EQU 0 if defined _C16R %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office16MondoVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% || set run_off16=1 ) set run_off15=0&set prr_off15=0&set prv_off15=0 if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 if defined _C15R set run_off15=1 if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 1 if defined _C15R ( for %%a in (%DO15Ids%) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off15+=1 find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1 ) for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off15+=1 find /i "OfficeProPlusVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1 ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off15+=1 find /i "OfficeStandardVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1 ) if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off15+=1 find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1 ) if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && ( call set /a prr_off15+=1 find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1 ) ) if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 1 if defined _C15R if %prv_off15% LSS %prr_off15% (set vol_off15=0&set run_off15=1) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %run_off15% EQU 0 if defined _C15R %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "OfficeMondoVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% || set run_off15=1 ) set vol_offgl=1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 ( if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set vol_offgl=0 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 set vol_offgl=0 ) rem mixed Volume + Retail if %run_off21% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V if %run_off19% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V if %run_off16% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V if %run_off15% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V rem all supported Volume + message for unsupported if %loc_off16% EQU 0 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %OffUWP% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mOuwp%) if %vol_offgl% EQU 1 ( if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO16m%) if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO15m%) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 1 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 (if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%)) exit /b ) set Off1ce=0 rem Retail C2R if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V :ReturnSPP rem Retail MSI/C2R or failed C2R-R2V if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 ( if %aC2R21% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO21a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO21c%) ) if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 ( if %aC2R19% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO19a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO19c%) ) if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 ( if defined _C16R (if %aC2R16% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO16a%) else (if %sub_o365% EQU 0 echo.&echo %_mO16c%)) else if %_O16MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off16% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO16m%) ) if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 ( if defined _C15R (if %aC2R15% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO15a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO15c%)) else if %_O15MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off15% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO15m%) ) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 1 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 ( if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%) ) exit /b :sppchkoff set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" if %winbuild% LSS 9200 find /i "Office 14" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off14% EQU 0 exit /b) find /i "Office 15" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off15% EQU 0 exit /b) find /i "Office 16" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off16% EQU 0 exit /b) find /i "Office 19" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off19% EQU 0 exit /b) find /i "Office 21" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off21% EQU 0 exit /b) if %1 EQU 1 (set _officespp=1) else (set _officespp=0) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=3 delims==, " %%G in ('%_qr%') do set OffVer=%%G call :offchk%OffVer% exit /b :sppchkwin set _officespp=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 if %WinPerm% EQU 0 if %_gvlk% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set _gvlk=1) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b) if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 if %_gvlk% EQU 1 exit /b if %WinPerm% EQU 1 exit /b if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (call :winchk&exit /b) for %%A in ( b71515d9-89a2-4c60-88c8-656fbcca7f3a,af43f7f0-3b1e-4266-a123-1fdb53f4323b,075aca1f-05d7-42e5-a3ce-e349e7be7078 11a37f09-fb7f-4002-bd84-f3ae71d11e90,43f2ab05-7c87-4d56-b27c-44d0f9a3dabd,2cf5af84-abab-4ff0-83f8-f040fb2576eb 6ae51eeb-c268-4a21-9aae-df74c38b586d,ff808201-fec6-4fd4-ae16-abbddade5706,34260150-69ac-49a3-8a0d-4a403ab55763 4dfd543d-caa6-4f69-a95f-5ddfe2b89567,5fe40dd6-cf1f-4cf2-8729-92121ac2e997,903663f7-d2ab-49c9-8942-14aa9e0a9c72 2cc171ef-db48-4adc-af09-7c574b37f139,5b2add49-b8f4-42e0-a77c-adad4efeeeb1 ) do ( if /i '%app%' EQU '%%A' exit /b ) if not defined EditionID (call :winchk&exit /b) if %winbuild% LSS 14393 (call :winchk&exit /b) if /i '%app%' EQU '32d2fab3-e4a8-42c2-923b-4bf4fd13e6ee' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EnterpriseS exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'ca7df2e3-5ea0-47b8-9ac1-b1be4d8edd69' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudEdition exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'd30136fc-cb4b-416e-a23d-87207abc44a9' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudEditionN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '0df4f814-3f57-4b8b-9a9d-fddadcd69fac' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudE exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Education exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Enterprise exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Professional exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '3f1afc82-f8ac-4f6c-8005-1d233e606eee' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalEducation exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '82bbc092-bc50-4e16-8e18-b74fc486aec3' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalWorkstation exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EducationN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EnterpriseN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '5300b18c-2e33-4dc2-8291-47ffcec746dd' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalEducationN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '4b1571d3-bafb-4b40-8087-a961be2caf65' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalWorkstationN exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Core exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CoreSingleLanguage exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ServerRdsh exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ServerRdsh exit /b set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%'" %_zz3% ID %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07" ( %_qr% | findstr /i "ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29" %_Nul3% && (exit /b) ) call :winchk exit /b :winchk if not defined tok (if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (set "tok=4") else (set "tok=7")) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseStatus='1' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && (exit /b) echo. set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' %adoff% and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && ( set WinPerm=1 ) set WinOEM=0 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%" if %WinPerm% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && set WinOEM=1 set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Description %_zz8%" if %WinOEM% EQU 1 ( for /f "tokens=%tok% delims=, " %%G in ('%_qr%') do set "channel=%%G" for %%A in (VOLUME_MAK, RETAIL, OEM_DM, OEM_SLP, OEM_COA, OEM_COA_SLP, OEM_COA_NSLP, OEM_NONSLP, OEM) do if /i "%%A"=="!channel!" set WinPerm=1 ) if %WinPerm% EQU 0 ( copy /y %SysPath%\slmgr.vbs "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" %_Nul3% cscript //nologo "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" /xpr %_Nul2% | findstr /i "permanently" %_Nul3% && set WinPerm=1 ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%" if %WinPerm% EQU 1 ( for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Checking: %%x echo Product is Permanently Activated. exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :esuchk set _officespp=0 set ESU_ADD=1 set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='77db037b-95c3-48d7-a3ab-a9c6d41093e0'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "3fcc2df2-f625-428d-909a-1f76efc849b6" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='0e00c25d-8795-4fb7-9572-3803d91b6880'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "dadfcd24-6e37-47be-8f7f-4ceda614cece" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='4220f546-f522-46df-8202-4d07afd26454'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "0c29c85e-12d7-4af8-8e4d-ca1e424c480c" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='553673ed-6ddf-419c-a153-b760283472fd'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "f2b21bfc-a6b0-4413-b4bb-9f06b55f2812" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='04fa0286-fa74-401e-bbe9-fbfbb158010d'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "bfc078d0-8c7f-475c-8519-accc46773113" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='16c08c85-0c8b-4009-9b2b-f1f7319e45f9'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "23c6188f-c9d8-457e-81b6-adb6dacb8779" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='8e7bfb1e-acc1-4f56-abae-b80fce56cd4b'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%" if /i "%app%" EQU "e7cce015-33d6-41c1-9831-022ba63fe1da" ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b) call :insKey exit /b :RunOSPP set spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct set sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService set Off1ce=0 set RanR2V=0 set aC2R21=0 set aC2R19=0 set aC2R16=0 set aC2R15=0 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (set "aword=2010-2021") else (set "aword=2010") if %OsppHook% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b) if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b) set err_offsvc=0 net start osppsvc /y %_Nul3% || ( sc start osppsvc %_Nul3% if !errorlevel! EQU 1053 set err_offsvc=1 ) if %err_offsvc% EQU 1 (echo.&echo Error: osppsvc service is not running...&exit /b) if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 call :oppoff if %winbuild% LSS 9200 call :sppoff if %Off1ce% EQU 0 exit /b set "vPrem="&set "vProf=" set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='OfficeVisioPrem-MAK'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%" if %loc_off14% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set vPrem=%%A set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='OfficeVisioPro-MAK'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%" if %loc_off14% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set vProf=%%A set "_qr=%_zz7% %sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set slsv=%%A reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3% set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkoff 2) reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %_Null% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %_Null% exit /b :oppoff set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz3% Description %_zz4%" %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i KMSCLIENT %_Nul1% && ( set Off1ce=1 exit /b ) set ret_off14=0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i channel %_Nul1% && (set ret_off14=1) if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%) exit /b :offchk set ls=0 set ls2=0 set ls3=0 set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~1'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls=%%A set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~3'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%" if /i not "%~3"=="" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls2=%%A set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~5'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%" if /i not "%~5"=="" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls3=%%A if "%ls3%"=="1" ( echo Checking: %~6 echo Product is Permanently Activated. exit /b ) if "%ls2%"=="1" ( echo Checking: %~4 echo Product is Permanently Activated. exit /b ) if "%ls%"=="1" ( echo Checking: %~2 echo Product is Permanently Activated. exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :offchk21 if /i '%app%' EQU 'f3fb2d68-83dd-4c8b-8f09-08e0d950ac3b' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '76093b1b-7057-49d7-b970-638ebcbfd873' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'a3b44174-2451-4cd6-b25f-66638bfb9046' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'fbdb3e18-a8ef-4fb3-9183-dffd60bd0984' ( call :offchk "21ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE1" "Office ProPlus 2021" "21ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE2" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '080a45c5-9f9f-49eb-b4b0-c3c610a5ebd3' ( call :offchk "21Standard2021VL_MAK_AE" "Office Standard 2021" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '76881159-155c-43e0-9db7-2d70a9a3a4ca' ( call :offchk "21ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE1" "Project Pro 2021" "21ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE2" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '6dd72704-f752-4b71-94c7-11cec6bfc355' ( call :offchk "21ProjectStd2021VL_MAK_AE" "Project Standard 2021" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'fb61ac9a-1688-45d2-8f6b-0674dbffa33c' ( call :offchk "21VisioPro2021VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Pro 2021" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '72fce797-1884-48dd-a860-b2f6a5efd3ca' ( call :offchk "21VisioStd2021VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Standard 2021" exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :offchk19 if /i '%app%' EQU '0bc88885-718c-491d-921f-6f214349e79c' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'fc7c4d0c-2e85-4bb9-afd4-01ed1476b5e9' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '500f6619-ef93-4b75-bcb4-82819998a3ca' exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03' ( call :offchk "19ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office ProPlus 2019" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '6912a74b-a5fb-401a-bfdb-2e3ab46f4b02' ( call :offchk "19Standard2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office Standard 2019" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '2ca2bf3f-949e-446a-82c7-e25a15ec78c4' ( call :offchk "19ProjectPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Pro 2019" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '1777f0e3-7392-4198-97ea-8ae4de6f6381' ( call :offchk "19ProjectStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Standard 2019" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '5b5cf08f-b81a-431d-b080-3450d8620565' ( call :offchk "19VisioPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Pro 2019" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'e06d7df3-aad0-419d-8dfb-0ac37e2bdf39' ( call :offchk "19VisioStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Standard 2019" exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :offchk16 if /i '%app%' EQU 'd450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64' ( call :offchk "16ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'dedfa23d-6ed1-45a6-85dc-63cae0546de6' ( call :offchk "16StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c' ( call :offchk "16ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'da7ddabc-3fbe-4447-9e01-6ab7440b4cd4' ( call :offchk "16ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb' ( call :offchk "16VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'aa2a7821-1827-4c2c-8f1d-4513a34dda97' ( call :offchk "16VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2016" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '829b8110-0e6f-4349-bca4-42803577788d' ( call :offchk "16ProjectProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Pro 2016 C2R" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'cbbaca45-556a-4416-ad03-bda598eaa7c8' ( call :offchk "16ProjectStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Standard 2016 C2R" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'b234abe3-0857-4f9c-b05a-4dc314f85557' ( call :offchk "16VisioProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Pro 2016 C2R" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '361fe620-64f4-41b5-ba77-84f8e079b1f7' ( call :offchk "16VisioStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Standard 2016 C2R" exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :offchk15 if /i '%app%' EQU 'b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69' ( call :offchk "ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2013" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'b13afb38-cd79-4ae5-9f7f-eed058d750ca' ( call :offchk "StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2013" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '4a5d124a-e620-44ba-b6ff-658961b33b9a' ( call :offchk "ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2013" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '427a28d1-d17c-4abf-b717-32c780ba6f07' ( call :offchk "ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2013" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'e13ac10e-75d0-4aff-a0cd-764982cf541c' ( call :offchk "VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2013" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'ac4efaf0-f81f-4f61-bdf7-ea32b02ab117' ( call :offchk "VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2013" exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :offchk14 if /i '%app%' EQU '6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c' ( call :offchk "ProPlus-MAK" "Office ProPlus 2010" "ProPlusAcad-MAK" "Office Professional Academic 2010" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '9da2a678-fb6b-4e67-ab84-60dd6a9c819a' ( call :offchk "Standard-MAK" "Office Standard 2010" "StandardAcad-MAK" "Office Standard Academic 2010" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'ea509e87-07a1-4a45-9edc-eba5a39f36af' ( call :offchk "SmallBusBasics-MAK" "Office Small Business Basics 2010" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU 'df133ff7-bf14-4f95-afe3-7b48e7e331ef' ( call :offchk "ProjectPro-MAK" "Project Pro 2010" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '5dc7bf61-5ec9-4996-9ccb-df806a2d0efe' ( call :offchk "ProjectStd-MAK" "Project Standard 2010" "ProjectStd-MAK2" "Project Standard 2010" exit /b ) if /i '%app%' EQU '92236105-bb67-494f-94c7-7f7a607929bd' ( call :offchk "VisioPrem-MAK" "Visio Premium 2010" "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010" exit /b ) if defined vPrem exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU 'e558389c-83c3-4b29-adfe-5e4d7f46c358' ( call :offchk "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010" "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010" exit /b ) if defined vProf exit /b if /i '%app%' EQU '9ed833ff-4f92-4f36-b370-8683a4f13275' ( call :offchk "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010" exit /b ) call :insKey exit /b :officeLoc set loc_off%1=0 set _O%1MSI=0 if %1 EQU 19 ( if defined _C16R reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul2% | findstr 2019 %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1 exit /b ) if %1 EQU 21 ( if defined _C16R reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul2% | findstr 2021 %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1 exit /b ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" ( set loc_off%1=1 set _O%1MSI=1 ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" ( set loc_off%1=1 set _O%1MSI=1 ) if %1 EQU 16 if defined _C16R ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds') do echo %%b> "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt" for %%a in (%LV16Ids%,ProjectProX,ProjectStdX,VisioProX,VisioStdX) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt" %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1 ) for %%a in (%LR16Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt" %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1 ) exit /b ) if %1 EQU 15 if defined _C15R ( set loc_off%1=1 exit /b ) if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1 if not %xOS%==x86 if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1 if not %xOS%==x86 if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1 exit /b :officeSub reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*retail" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1) reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*retail" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1) reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*volume" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1) reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*volume" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1) reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "project.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && set sub_proj=1 reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "project.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && set sub_proj=1 reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "visio.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && set sub_vsio=1 reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "visio.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && set sub_vsio=1 if %sub_o365% EQU 1 set sub_next=1 if %sub_proj% EQU 1 set sub_next=1 if %sub_vsio% EQU 1 set sub_next=1 exit /b :insKey set S_OK=1 echo. set "_key=" set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%" if %ESU_ADD% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Installing Key: %%x if %ESU_ADD% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==f" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Installing Key: %%x set ESU_ADD=0 call :keys %app% if "%_key%"=="" (echo No associated KMS Client key found&exit /b) set "_qr=wmic path %sps% where Version='%slsv%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_key%"" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %sps% "%_key%"" %_qr% %_Nul3% set ERRORCODE=%ERRORLEVEL% if %ERRORCODE% NEQ 0 ( cmd /c exit /b %ERRORCODE% echo Failed: 0x!=ExitCode! set S_OK=0 exit /b ) set "_qr=wmic path %sps% where Version='%slsv%' call RefreshLicenseStatus" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%sps%.Version='%slsv%'" RefreshLicenseStatus" if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService %_qr% %_Nul3% :activate set S_OK=1 if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService ( if %_officespp% EQU 0 (reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f %_Null%) else (reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%\%app%" /f %_Null%) ) else ( reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%\%app%" /f %_Null% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%\%app%" /f %_Null% ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%" if %W1nd0ws% EQU 0 if %_officespp% EQU 0 if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService ( reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3% for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Checking: %%x echo Product is KMS 2038 Activated. set _keepkms38=1 exit /b ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%" if %act_attempt% LSS 1 ( if %ESU_ADD% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Activating: %%x if %ESU_ADD% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==f" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Activating: %%x ) set ESU_ADD=0 set "_qr=wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' call Activate" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%spp%.ID='%app%'" Activate" %_qr% %_Nul3% call set ERRORCODE=%ERRORLEVEL% if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073418187 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F035 if %OSType% EQU Win7 echo Windows 7 cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS. echo See Read Me for details. exit /b ) if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073417728 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F200 echo Windows needs to rebuild the activation-related files. echo See KB2736303 for details. exit /b ) if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073422315 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004E015 echo Running slmgr.vbs /rilc to mitigate. cscript //Nologo //B %SysPath%\slmgr.vbs /rilc ) set gpr=0 set gpr2=0 set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% GracePeriodRemaining %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do (set gpr=%%x&set /a "gpr2=(%%x+1440-1)/1440") if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU 0 if %gpr% EQU 0 ( echo Product Activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase. if %OSType% EQU Win7 echo This could be related to the error described in KB4487266 exit /b ) set Act_OK=0 if %gpr% EQU 43200 if %_officespp% EQU 0 if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set Act_OK=1 if %gpr% EQU 64800 set Act_OK=1 if %gpr% GTR 259200 if %Win10Gov% EQU 1 set Act_OK=1 if %gpr% EQU 259200 set Act_OK=1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU 0 if %Act_OK% EQU 1 ( call :_color %_Green% "Product Activation Successful" echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^) set /a act_attempt=0 exit /b ) if not !server_num! gtr %max_servers% ( if %act_attempt% LSS 3 ( set /a act_attempt+=1 call :getserv %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" %nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" if defined notx86 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" /reg:32 %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" /reg:32 ) ) goto :activate ) ) cmd /c exit /b %ERRORCODE% if %ERRORCODE% NEQ 0 ( call :_color %_Red% "Product Activation Failed: 0x!=ExitCode!" ) else ( call :_color %_Red% "Product Activation Failed" ) echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^) set S_OK=0 set act_failed=1 set /a act_attempt=0 exit /b :StopService sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" %_Nul1% || net stop %1 /y %_Nul3% sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" %_Nul1% || sc stop %1 %_Nul3% goto :eof :UpdateOSPPEntry if /i %1 EQU osppsvc.exe ( reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" %_Nul3% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3% ) goto :eof :CheckFR set WMIe=0 call :CheckWS if %WMIe% EQU 1 ( echo. echo %_err% echo Failed running WMI query check. ) goto :eof :CheckWS set "_qrw=%_zz1% Win32_ComputerSystem %_zz3% CreationClassName %_zz4%" set "_qrs=%_zz1% SoftwareLicensingService %_zz3% Version %_zz4%" %_qrs% %_Nul2% | findstr /r "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" %_Nul1% || ( set WMIe=1 %_qrw% %_Nul2% | find /i "ComputerSystem" %_Nul1% && ( echo Error: SPP is not responding ) || ( echo Error: WMI ^& SPP are not responding ) ) goto :eof :C2RR2V set RanR2V=1 set "_SLMGR=%SysPath%\slmgr.vbs" if %_Debug% EQU 0 ( set "_cscript=cscript //Nologo //B" ) else ( set "_cscript=cscript //Nologo" ) set _LTSC=0 set "_tag="&set "_ons= 2016" sc query ClickToRunSvc %_Nul3% set error1=%errorlevel% sc query OfficeSvc %_Nul3% set error2=%errorlevel% if %error1% EQU 1060 if %error2% EQU 1060 ( echo Error: Office C2R service is not detected goto :%_fC2R% ) set _Office16=0 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( set _Office16=1 ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( set _Office16=1 ) set _Office15=0 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( set _Office15=1 ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( set _Office15=1 ) if %_Office16% EQU 0 if %_Office15% EQU 0 ( echo Error: Office C2R InstallPath is not detected goto :%_fC2R% ) :Reg16istry if %_Office16% EQU 0 goto :Reg15istry set "_InstallRoot=" set "_ProductIds=" set "_GUID=" set "_Config=" set "_PRIDs=" set "_LicensesPath=" set "_Integrator=" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_InstallRoot=%%b\root") if not "%_InstallRoot%"=="" ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_OSPPVBS=%%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v PackageGUID" %_Nul6%') do (set "_GUID=%%b") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_ProductIds=%%b") set "_Config=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" set "_PRIDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs" ) else ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_InstallRoot=%%b\root") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_OSPPVBS=%%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v PackageGUID" %_Nul6%') do (set "_GUID=%%b") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_ProductIds=%%b") set "_Config=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" set "_PRIDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs" ) set "_LicensesPath=%_InstallRoot%\Licenses16" set "_Integrator=%_InstallRoot%\integration\integrator.exe" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_PRIDs% /v ActiveConfiguration" %_Nul6%') do set "_PRIDs=%_PRIDs%\%%b" if "%_ProductIds%"=="" ( if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R ProductIDs are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry) ) if not exist "%_LicensesPath%\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R Licenses files are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry) ) if not exist "%_Integrator%" ( if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R Licenses Integrator is not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry) ) if exist "%_LicensesPath%\Word2019VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" (set "_tag=2019"&set "_ons= 2019") if exist "%_LicensesPath%\Word2021VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" (set _LTSC=1) if %winbuild% LSS 10240 if !_LTSC! EQU 1 (set "_tag=2021"&set "_ons= 2021") if %_Office15% EQU 0 goto :CheckC2R :Reg15istry set "_Install15Root=" set "_Product15Ids=" set "_Con15fig=" set "_PR15IDs=" set "_OSPP15Ready=" set "_Licenses15Path=" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Install15Root=%%b\root") if not "%_Install15Root%"=="" ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b") set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" set "_PR15IDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs" set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration" ) else ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Install15Root=%%b\root") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b") set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" set "_PR15IDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs" set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration" ) set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_SZ" if "%_Product15Ids%"=="" ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b") set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun" set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_DWORD" ) reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b") set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun" set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_DWORD" ) ) set "_Licenses15Path=%_Install15Root%\Licenses" if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ( set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ) else if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ( set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ( set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" ) if "%_Product15Ids%"=="" ( if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R ProductIDs are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R) ) if not exist "%_Licenses15Path%\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" ( if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R Licenses files are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R) ) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if not exist "%_OSPP15VBS%" ( if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R Licensing tool OSPP.vbs is not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R) ) :CheckC2R set _OMSI=0 if %_Office16% EQU 0 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1 ) if %_Office15% EQU 0 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1 ) if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( set _spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct set _sps=SoftwareLicensingService set "_vbsi=%_SLMGR% /ilc " set "_vbsf=%_SLMGR% /ilc " ) else ( set _spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct set _sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService set _vbsi="!_OSPP15VBS!" /inslic: set _vbsf="!_OSPPVBS!" /inslic: ) set "_wmi=" set "_qr=%_zz7% %_sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do set _wmi=%%# if "%_wmi%"=="" ( echo Error: %_sps% WMI version is not detected call :CheckWS goto :%_fC2R% ) set _Retail=0 set "_ocq=ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseStatus='1' AND PartialProductKey is not NULL" if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where (%_ocq%) get Description %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "%_ocq%" Description" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" find /i "RETAIL channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1 find /i "RETAIL(MAK) channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1 find /i "TIMEBASED_SUB channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1 set rancopp=0 if %_Retail% EQU 0 if %_OMSI% EQU 0 ( set rancopp=1 %_Nul3% powershell "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':cleanlicense\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" ) set _O16O365=0 set _C16Msg=0 set _C15Msg=0 set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "%_ocq%" LicenseFamily" if %_Retail% EQU 1 if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where (%_ocq%) get LicenseFamily %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" if %_Retail% EQU 1 if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" LicenseFamily" if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" get LicenseFamily %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" 2>&1 if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" 2>&1 if %_Office16% EQU 0 goto :R15V set _O21Ids=ProPlus2021,ProjectPro2021,VisioPro2021,Standard2021,ProjectStd2021,VisioStd2021,Access2021,SkypeforBusiness2021 set _O19Ids=ProPlus2019,ProjectPro2019,VisioPro2019,Standard2019,ProjectStd2019,VisioStd2019,Access2019,SkypeforBusiness2019 set _O16Ids=ProjectPro,VisioPro,Standard,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,SkypeforBusiness set _A21Ids=Excel2021,Outlook2021,PowerPoint2021,Publisher2021,Word2021 set _A19Ids=Excel2019,Outlook2019,PowerPoint2019,Publisher2019,Word2019 set _A16Ids=Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word set _V21Ids=%_O21Ids%,%_A21Ids% set _V19Ids=%_O19Ids%,%_A19Ids% set _V16Ids=Mondo,%_O16Ids%,%_A16Ids%,OneNote set _R16Ids=%_V16Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud set _RetIds=%_V21Ids%,Professional2021,HomeBusiness2021,HomeStudent2021,%_V19Ids%,Professional2019,HomeBusiness2019,HomeStudent2019,%_R16Ids% set _Suites=Mondo,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud,ProPlus,Standard,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,ProPlus2019,Standard2019,Professional2019,HomeBusiness2019,HomeStudent2019,ProPlus2021,Standard2021,Professional2021,HomeBusiness2021,HomeStudent2021 set _PrjSKU=ProjectPro,ProjectStd,ProjectPro2019,ProjectStd2019,ProjectPro2021,ProjectStd2021 set _VisSKU=VisioPro,VisioStd,VisioPro2019,VisioStd2019,VisioPro2021,VisioStd2021 echo %_ProductIds%>"!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do ( set _%%a=0 ) for %%a in (%_RetIds%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && set _%%a=1 ) if !_LTSC! EQU 0 for %%a in (%_V21Ids%) do ( set _%%a=0 ) if !_LTSC! EQU 1 for %%a in (%_V21Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office21%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1) ) ) for %%a in (%_V19Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office19%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1) ) ) for %%a in (%_V16Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office16%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1) ) ) reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusRetail.16 %_Nul3% && ( find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1) ) reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusVolume.16 %_Nul3% && ( find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1) ) if %_Retail% EQU 1 for %%a in (%_RetIds%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office16%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aR_Sub" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aR_PIN" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aE5R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aEDUR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aCO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16%%aXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office19%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1) find /i "Office19%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1) find /i "Office19%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1) find /i "Office19%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1) find /i "Office21%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1) find /i "Office21%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1) find /i "Office21%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1) find /i "Office21%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1) ) ) if %_Retail% EQU 1 reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusRetail.16 %_Nul3% && ( find /i "Office16ProPlusR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16ProPlusR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16ProPlusMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1) find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %_spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" find /i "Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && ( for %%a in (O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud) do set _%%a=0 ) ) if %sub_o365% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%_Suites%) do set _%%a=0 echo. echo Microsoft Office is activated with a vNext license. ) if %sub_proj% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%_PrjSKU%) do set _%%a=0 echo. echo Microsoft Project is activated with a vNext license. ) if %sub_vsio% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%_VisSKU%) do set _%%a=0 echo. echo Microsoft Visio is activated with a vNext license. ) for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( set _C16Msg=1 ) if %_C16Msg% EQU 1 ( echo. echo Converting Office C2R Retail-to-Volume: ) if %_C16Msg% EQU 0 (if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R)) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do ( %_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\%%~nx#" ) %_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms" if !_Mondo! EQU 1 ( call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 ( echo O365ProPlus 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses call :InsLic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365Business! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365Business 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses call :InsLic O365Business NCHRJ-3VPGW-X73DM-6B36K-3RQ6B if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 1 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365SmallBusPrem 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses call :InsLic O365SmallBusPrem 3FBRX-NFP7C-6JWVK-F2YGK-H499R if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 1 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365HomePrem 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses call :InsLic O365HomePrem 9FNY8-PWWTY-8RY4F-GJMTV-KHGM9 if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365EduCloud! EQU 1 if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 0 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365EduCloud 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses call :InsLic O365EduCloud 8843N-BCXXD-Q84H8-R4Q37-T3CPT if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo ) if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 set _O16O365=1 if !_Mondo! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo Mondo 2016 Suite call :InsLic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R) ) if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo ProPlus 2021 Suite call :InsLic ProPlus2021 ) if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 ( echo ProPlus 2019 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag% ) if !_ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 ( echo ProPlus 2016 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag% ) if !_Professional2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo Professional 2021 Suite -^> ProPlus 2021 Licenses call :InsLic ProPlus2021 ) if !_Professional2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 ( echo Professional 2019 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag% ) if !_Professional! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 ( echo Professional 2016 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag% ) if !_Standard2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 ( echo Standard 2021 Suite call :InsLic Standard2021 ) if !_Standard2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 ( echo Standard 2019 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic Standard%_tag% ) if !_Standard! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 ( echo Standard 2016 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic Standard%_tag% ) for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 ( echo %%a 2021 SKU call :InsLic %%a2021 ) for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 ( if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2019 SKU -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2016 SKU -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 ( set _Standard2021=1 echo %%a 2021 Suite -^> Standard 2021 Licenses call :InsLic Standard2021 ) ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 ( set _Standard2019=1 echo %%a 2019 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic Standard%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 ( set _Standard=1 echo %%a 2016 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic Standard%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (%_A21Ids%,OneNote) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 ( echo %%a App call :InsLic %%a ) ) for %%a in (%_A16Ids%) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (%_A16Ids%) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2021 App call :InsLic %%a2021 ) ) for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2021 App call :InsLic %%a2021 ) ) for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses call :InsLic %%a%_tag% ) ) if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R) :R15V set _O15Ids=Standard,ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,Lync set _A15Ids=Excel,Groove,InfoPath,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word set _R15Ids=SPD,Mondo,%_O15Ids%,%_A15Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem set _V15Ids=Mondo,%_O15Ids%,%_A15Ids% echo %_Product15Ids%>"!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do ( set _%%a=0 ) for %%a in (%_R15Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && set _%%a=1 ) for %%a in (%_V15Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1) ) ) reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusRetail\x-none %_Nul3% && ( find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1) ) reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusVolume\x-none %_Nul3% && ( find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1) ) if %_Retail% EQU 1 for %%a in (%_R15Ids%) do ( findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && ( find /i "Office%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aR_Sub" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aR_PIN" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aCO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "Office%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1) ) ) if %_Retail% EQU 1 reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusRetail\x-none %_Nul3% && ( find /i "OfficeProPlusR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "OfficeProPlusR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "OfficeProPlusMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1) find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1) ) set "_qr=%_zz1% %_spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%" find /i "OfficeMondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && ( %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && ( for %%a in (O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem) do set _%%a=0 ) ) for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( set _C15Msg=1 ) if %_C15Msg% EQU 1 if %_C16Msg% EQU 0 ( echo. echo Converting Office C2R Retail-to-Volume: ) if %_C15Msg% EQU 0 goto :GVLKC2R for %%# in ("!_Licenses15Path!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do ( %_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\%%~nx#" ) %_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms" if !_Mondo! EQU 1 ( call :Ins15Lic Mondo ) if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 ( echo O365ProPlus 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo ) if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365SmallBusPrem 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic O365SmallBusPrem 3FBRX-NFP7C-6JWVK-F2YGK-H499R if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo ) if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 1 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365HomePrem 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic O365HomePrem 9FNY8-PWWTY-8RY4F-GJMTV-KHGM9 if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo ) if !_O365Business! EQU 1 if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 0 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 ( set _O365ProPlus=1 echo O365Business 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic O365Business MCPBN-CPY7X-3PK9R-P6GTT-H8P8Y if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo ) if !_Mondo! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 ( echo Mondo 2013 Suite call :Ins15Lic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK goto :GVLKC2R ) if !_SPD! EQU 1 if !_Mondo! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo SharePoint Designer 2013 App -^> Mondo 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic Mondo goto :GVLKC2R ) if !_ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo ProPlus 2013 Suite call :Ins15Lic ProPlus ) if !_Professional! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo Professional 2013 Suite -^> ProPlus 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic ProPlus ) if !_Standard! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 ( echo Standard 2013 Suite call :Ins15Lic Standard ) for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( echo %%a 2013 SKU call :Ins15Lic %%a ) for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 ( set _Standard=1 echo %%a 2013 Suite -^> Standard 2013 Licenses call :Ins15Lic Standard ) ) for %%a in (%_A15Ids%) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2013 App call :Ins15Lic %%a ) ) for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 ( echo %%a 2013 App call :Ins15Lic %%a ) ) for %%a in (Lync) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 ( if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 ( echo SkypeforBusiness 2015 App call :Ins15Lic %%a ) ) goto :GVLKC2R :InsLic set "_ID=%1Volume" set "_patt=%1VL_" set "_pkey=" set "_kpey=" if not "%2"=="" ( set "_ID=%1Retail" set "_patt=%1R_" set "_pkey=PidKey=%2" set "_kpey=%2" ) reg delete %_Config% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady %_Nul3% "!_Integrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_ID%.16 %_pkey% PackageGUID="%_GUID%" PackageRoot="!_InstallRoot!" %_Nul1% set fallback=0 set "_qr=wmic path %_spp% where ApplicationID='%_oApp%' get LicenseFamily" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" LicenseFamily" %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "%_patt%" %_Nul1% || (set fallback=1) if %fallback% equ 0 goto :IntOK set "_lsfs=" for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%_patt%*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) if defined _kpey ( for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1DemoR*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1E5R*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1EDUR*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1MSDNR*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1O365R*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1CO365R*.xrm-ms") do ( set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#" ) ) for %%# in (!_lsfs!) do ( %_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\%%#" ) set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where Version='%_wmi%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_kpey%"" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %_sps% "%_kpey%"" if defined _kpey %_qr% %_Nul3% :IntOK reg add %_Config% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady /t REG_SZ /d 1 %_Nul1% reg query %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds | findstr /I "%_ID%" %_Nul1% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds') do reg add %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%_ID%" /f %_Nul1% ) exit /b :Ins15Lic set "_ID=%1Volume" set "_patt=%1VL_" set "_pkey=" if not "%2"=="" ( set "_ID=%1Retail" set "_patt=%1R_" set "_pkey=%2" ) reg delete %_OSPP15Ready% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady %_Nul3% for %%# in ("!_Licenses15Path!\%_patt%*.xrm-ms") do ( %_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\%%~nx#" ) set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where Version='%_wmi%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_pkey%"" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %_sps% "%_pkey%"" if defined _pkey %_qr% %_Nul3% reg add %_OSPP15Ready% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady /t %_OSPP15ReadT% /d 1 %_Nul1% reg query %_Con15fig% %_Nul2% | findstr /I "%_ID%" %_Nul1% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_Con15fig% %_Nul6%') do reg add %_Con15fig% /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%_ID%" /f %_Nul1% ) exit /b :GVLKC2R set _CtRMsg=0 if %_C16Msg% EQU 1 set _CtRMsg=1 if %_C15Msg% EQU 1 set _CtRMsg=1 if %_Office16% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do set "_%%a=" for %%A in (19,21) do call :officeLoc %%A ) if %_Office15% EQU 1 ( for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do set "_%%a=" ) set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where version='%_wmi%' call RefreshLicenseStatus" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%_sps%.Version='%_wmi%'" RefreshLicenseStatus" if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 %_qr% %_Nul3% if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0\tokens.dat" if %rancopp% EQU 1 if %_CtRMsg% EQU 1 ( %_cscript% %_SLMGR% /rilc if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 %_cscript% %_SLMGR% /rilc ) goto :%_sC2R% :keys if "%~1"=="" exit /b set yh=- goto :%1 %_Nul2% :: Windows 11 [Ni] :59eb965c-9150-42b7-a0ec-22151b9897c5 set "_key=KBN8V%yh%HFGQ4%yh%MGXVD%yh%347P6%yh%PDQGT" &:: IoT Enterprise LTSC exit /b :: Windows 11 [Co] :ca7df2e3-5ea0-47b8-9ac1-b1be4d8edd69 set "_key=37D7F%yh%N49CB%yh%WQR8W%yh%TBJ73%yh%FM8RX" &:: SE {Cloud} exit /b :d30136fc-cb4b-416e-a23d-87207abc44a9 set "_key=6XN7V%yh%PCBDC%yh%BDBRH%yh%8DQY7%yh%G6R44" &:: SE N {Cloud N} exit /b :: Windows 10 [RS5] :32d2fab3-e4a8-42c2-923b-4bf4fd13e6ee set "_key=M7XTQ%yh%FN8P6%yh%TTKYV%yh%9D4CC%yh%J462D" &:: Enterprise LTSC 2019 exit /b :7103a333-b8c8-49cc-93ce-d37c09687f92 set "_key=92NFX%yh%8DJQP%yh%P6BBQ%yh%THF9C%yh%7CG2H" &:: Enterprise LTSC 2019 N exit /b :ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29 set "_key=CPWHC%yh%NT2C7%yh%VYW78%yh%DHDB2%yh%PG3GK" &:: Enterprise for Virtual Desktops exit /b :0df4f814-3f57-4b8b-9a9d-fddadcd69fac set "_key=NBTWJ%yh%3DR69%yh%3C4V8%yh%C26MC%yh%GQ9M6" &:: Lean exit /b :: Windows 10 [RS3] :82bbc092-bc50-4e16-8e18-b74fc486aec3 set "_key=NRG8B%yh%VKK3Q%yh%CXVCJ%yh%9G2XF%yh%6Q84J" &:: Pro Workstation exit /b :4b1571d3-bafb-4b40-8087-a961be2caf65 set "_key=9FNHH%yh%K3HBT%yh%3W4TD%yh%6383H%yh%6XYWF" &:: Pro Workstation N exit /b :e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07 set "_key=7NBT4%yh%WGBQX%yh%MP4H7%yh%QXFF8%yh%YP3KX" &:: Enterprise Remote Server exit /b :: Windows 10 [RS2] :e0b2d383-d112-413f-8a80-97f373a5820c set "_key=YYVX9%yh%NTFWV%yh%6MDM3%yh%9PT4T%yh%4M68B" &:: Enterprise G exit /b :e38454fb-41a4-4f59-a5dc-25080e354730 set "_key=44RPN%yh%FTY23%yh%9VTTB%yh%MP9BX%yh%T84FV" &:: Enterprise G N exit /b :: Windows 10 [RS1] :2d5a5a60-3040-48bf-beb0-fcd770c20ce0 set "_key=DCPHK%yh%NFMTC%yh%H88MJ%yh%PFHPY%yh%QJ4BJ" &:: Enterprise 2016 LTSB exit /b :9f776d83-7156-45b2-8a5c-359b9c9f22a3 set "_key=QFFDN%yh%GRT3P%yh%VKWWX%yh%X7T3R%yh%8B639" &:: Enterprise 2016 LTSB N exit /b :3f1afc82-f8ac-4f6c-8005-1d233e606eee set "_key=6TP4R%yh%GNPTD%yh%KYYHQ%yh%7B7DP%yh%J447Y" &:: Pro Education exit /b :5300b18c-2e33-4dc2-8291-47ffcec746dd set "_key=YVWGF%yh%BXNMC%yh%HTQYQ%yh%CPQ99%yh%66QFC" &:: Pro Education N exit /b :: Windows 10 [TH] :58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8 set "_key=TX9XD%yh%98N7V%yh%6WMQ6%yh%BX7FG%yh%H8Q99" &:: Home exit /b :7b9e1751-a8da-4f75-9560-5fadfe3d8e38 set "_key=3KHY7%yh%WNT83%yh%DGQKR%yh%F7HPR%yh%844BM" &:: Home N exit /b :cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83 set "_key=7HNRX%yh%D7KGG%yh%3K4RQ%yh%4WPJ4%yh%YTDFH" &:: Home Single Language exit /b :a9107544-f4a0-4053-a96a-1479abdef912 set "_key=PVMJN%yh%6DFY6%yh%9CCP6%yh%7BKTT%yh%D3WVR" &:: Home China exit /b :2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588 set "_key=W269N%yh%WFGWX%yh%YVC9B%yh%4J6C9%yh%T83GX" &:: Pro exit /b :a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf set "_key=MH37W%yh%N47XK%yh%V7XM9%yh%C7227%yh%GCQG9" &:: Pro N exit /b :e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e set "_key=NW6C2%yh%QMPVW%yh%D7KKK%yh%3GKT6%yh%VCFB2" &:: Education exit /b :3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585 set "_key=2WH4N%yh%8QGBV%yh%H22JP%yh%CT43Q%yh%MDWWJ" &:: Education N exit /b :73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300 set "_key=NPPR9%yh%FWDCX%yh%D2C8J%yh%H872K%yh%2YT43" &:: Enterprise exit /b :e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947 set "_key=DPH2V%yh%TTNVB%yh%4X9Q3%yh%TJR4H%yh%KHJW4" &:: Enterprise N exit /b :7b51a46c-0c04-4e8f-9af4-8496cca90d5e set "_key=WNMTR%yh%4C88C%yh%JK8YV%yh%HQ7T2%yh%76DF9" &:: Enterprise 2015 LTSB exit /b :87b838b7-41b6-4590-8318-5797951d8529 set "_key=2F77B%yh%TNFGY%yh%69QQF%yh%B8YKP%yh%D69TJ" &:: Enterprise 2015 LTSB N exit /b :: Windows Server 2022 [Fe] :9bd77860-9b31-4b7b-96ad-2564017315bf set "_key=VDYBN%yh%27WPP%yh%V4HQT%yh%9VMD4%yh%VMK7H" &:: Standard exit /b :ef6cfc9f-8c5d-44ac-9aad-de6a2ea0ae03 set "_key=WX4NM%yh%KYWYW%yh%QJJR4%yh%XV3QB%yh%6VM33" &:: Datacenter exit /b :8c8f0ad3-9a43-4e05-b840-93b8d1475cbc set "_key=6N379%yh%GGTMK%yh%23C6M%yh%XVVTC%yh%CKFRQ" &:: Azure Core exit /b :f5e9429c-f50b-4b98-b15c-ef92eb5cff39 set "_key=67KN8%yh%4FYJW%yh%2487Q%yh%MQ2J7%yh%4C4RG" &:: Standard ACor exit /b :39e69c41-42b4-4a0a-abad-8e3c10a797cc set "_key=QFND9%yh%D3Y9C%yh%J3KKY%yh%6RPVP%yh%2DPYV" &:: Datacenter ACor exit /b :: Windows Server 2019 [RS5] :de32eafd-aaee-4662-9444-c1befb41bde2 set "_key=N69G4%yh%B89J2%yh%4G8F4%yh%WWYCC%yh%J464C" &:: Standard exit /b :34e1ae55-27f8-4950-8877-7a03be5fb181 set "_key=WMDGN%yh%G9PQG%yh%XVVXX%yh%R3X43%yh%63DFG" &:: Datacenter exit /b :a99cc1f0-7719-4306-9645-294102fbff95 set "_key=FDNH6%yh%VW9RW%yh%BXPJ7%yh%4XTYG%yh%239TB" &:: Azure Core exit /b :73e3957c-fc0c-400d-9184-5f7b6f2eb409 set "_key=N2KJX%yh%J94YW%yh%TQVFB%yh%DG9YT%yh%724CC" &:: Standard ACor exit /b :90c362e5-0da1-4bfd-b53b-b87d309ade43 set "_key=6NMRW%yh%2C8FM%yh%D24W7%yh%TQWMY%yh%CWH2D" &:: Datacenter ACor exit /b :034d3cbb-5d4b-4245-b3f8-f84571314078 set "_key=WVDHN%yh%86M7X%yh%466P6%yh%VHXV7%yh%YY726" &:: Essentials exit /b :8de8eb62-bbe0-40ac-ac17-f75595071ea3 set "_key=GRFBW%yh%QNDC4%yh%6QBHG%yh%CCK3B%yh%2PR88" &:: ServerARM64 exit /b :19b5e0fb-4431-46bc-bac1-2f1873e4ae73 set "_key=NTBV8%yh%9K7Q8%yh%V27C6%yh%M2BTV%yh%KHMXV" &:: Azure Datacenter - ServerTurbine exit /b :: Windows Server 2016 [RS4] :43d9af6e-5e86-4be8-a797-d072a046896c set "_key=K9FYF%yh%G6NCK%yh%73M32%yh%XMVPY%yh%F9DRR" &:: ServerARM64 exit /b :: Windows Server 2016 [RS3] :61c5ef22-f14f-4553-a824-c4b31e84b100 set "_key=PTXN8%yh%JFHJM%yh%4WC78%yh%MPCBR%yh%9W4KR" &:: Standard ACor exit /b :e49c08e7-da82-42f8-bde2-b570fbcae76c set "_key=2HXDN%yh%KRXHB%yh%GPYC7%yh%YCKFJ%yh%7FVDG" &:: Datacenter ACor exit /b :: Windows Server 2016 [RS1] :8c1c5410-9f39-4805-8c9d-63a07706358f set "_key=WC2BQ%yh%8NRM3%yh%FDDYY%yh%2BFGV%yh%KHKQY" &:: Standard exit /b :21c56779-b449-4d20-adfc-eece0e1ad74b set "_key=CB7KF%yh%BWN84%yh%R7R2Y%yh%793K2%yh%8XDDG" &:: Datacenter exit /b :3dbf341b-5f6c-4fa7-b936-699dce9e263f set "_key=VP34G%yh%4NPPG%yh%79JTQ%yh%864T4%yh%R3MQX" &:: Azure Core exit /b :2b5a1b0f-a5ab-4c54-ac2f-a6d94824a283 set "_key=JCKRF%yh%N37P4%yh%C2D82%yh%9YXRT%yh%4M63B" &:: Essentials exit /b :7b4433f4-b1e7-4788-895a-c45378d38253 set "_key=QN4C6%yh%GBJD2%yh%FB422%yh%GHWJK%yh%GJG2R" &:: Cloud Storage exit /b :: Windows 8.1 :fe1c3238-432a-43a1-8e25-97e7d1ef10f3 set "_key=M9Q9P%yh%WNJJT%yh%6PXPY%yh%DWX8H%yh%6XWKK" &:: Core exit /b :78558a64-dc19-43fe-a0d0-8075b2a370a3 set "_key=7B9N3%yh%D94CG%yh%YTVHR%yh%QBPX3%yh%RJP64" &:: Core N exit /b :c72c6a1d-f252-4e7e-bdd1-3fca342acb35 set "_key=BB6NG%yh%PQ82V%yh%VRDPW%yh%8XVD2%yh%V8P66" &:: Core Single Language exit /b :db78b74f-ef1c-4892-abfe-1e66b8231df6 set "_key=NCTT7%yh%2RGK8%yh%WMHRF%yh%RY7YQ%yh%JTXG3" &:: Core China exit /b :ffee456a-cd87-4390-8e07-16146c672fd0 set "_key=XYTND%yh%K6QKT%yh%K2MRH%yh%66RTM%yh%43JKP" &:: Core ARM exit /b :c06b6981-d7fd-4a35-b7b4-054742b7af67 set "_key=GCRJD%yh%8NW9H%yh%F2CDX%yh%CCM8D%yh%9D6T9" &:: Pro exit /b :7476d79f-8e48-49b4-ab63-4d0b813a16e4 set "_key=HMCNV%yh%VVBFX%yh%7HMBH%yh%CTY9B%yh%B4FXY" &:: Pro N exit /b :096ce63d-4fac-48a9-82a9-61ae9e800e5f set "_key=789NJ%yh%TQK6T%yh%6XTH8%yh%J39CJ%yh%J8D3P" &:: Pro with Media Center exit /b :81671aaf-79d1-4eb1-b004-8cbbe173afea set "_key=MHF9N%yh%XY6XB%yh%WVXMC%yh%BTDCT%yh%MKKG7" &:: Enterprise exit /b :113e705c-fa49-48a4-beea-7dd879b46b14 set "_key=TT4HM%yh%HN7YT%yh%62K67%yh%RGRQJ%yh%JFFXW" &:: Enterprise N exit /b :0ab82d54-47f4-4acb-818c-cc5bf0ecb649 set "_key=NMMPB%yh%38DD4%yh%R2823%yh%62W8D%yh%VXKJB" &:: Embedded Industry Pro exit /b :cd4e2d9f-5059-4a50-a92d-05d5bb1267c7 set "_key=FNFKF%yh%PWTVT%yh%9RC8H%yh%32HB2%yh%JB34X" &:: Embedded Industry Enterprise exit /b :f7e88590-dfc7-4c78-bccb-6f3865b99d1a set "_key=VHXM3%yh%NR6FT%yh%RY6RT%yh%CK882%yh%KW2CJ" &:: Embedded Industry Automotive exit /b :e9942b32-2e55-4197-b0bd-5ff58cba8860 set "_key=3PY8R%yh%QHNP9%yh%W7XQD%yh%G6DPH%yh%3J2C9" &:: with Bing exit /b :c6ddecd6-2354-4c19-909b-306a3058484e set "_key=Q6HTR%yh%N24GM%yh%PMJFP%yh%69CD8%yh%2GXKR" &:: with Bing N exit /b :b8f5e3a3-ed33-4608-81e1-37d6c9dcfd9c set "_key=KF37N%yh%VDV38%yh%GRRTV%yh%XH8X6%yh%6F3BB" &:: with Bing Single Language exit /b :ba998212-460a-44db-bfb5-71bf09d1c68b set "_key=R962J%yh%37N87%yh%9VVK2%yh%WJ74P%yh%XTMHR" &:: with Bing China exit /b :e58d87b5-8126-4580-80fb-861b22f79296 set "_key=MX3RK%yh%9HNGX%yh%K3QKC%yh%6PJ3F%yh%W8D7B" &:: Pro for Students exit /b :cab491c7-a918-4f60-b502-dab75e334f40 set "_key=TNFGH%yh%2R6PB%yh%8XM3K%yh%QYHX2%yh%J4296" &:: Pro for Students N exit /b :: Windows Server 2012 R2 :b3ca044e-a358-4d68-9883-aaa2941aca99 set "_key=D2N9P%yh%3P6X9%yh%2R39C%yh%7RTCD%yh%MDVJX" &:: Standard exit /b :00091344-1ea4-4f37-b789-01750ba6988c set "_key=W3GGN%yh%FT8W3%yh%Y4M27%yh%J84CP%yh%Q3VJ9" &:: Datacenter exit /b :21db6ba4-9a7b-4a14-9e29-64a60c59301d set "_key=KNC87%yh%3J2TX%yh%XB4WP%yh%VCPJV%yh%M4FWM" &:: Essentials exit /b :b743a2be-68d4-4dd3-af32-92425b7bb623 set "_key=3NPTF%yh%33KPT%yh%GGBPR%yh%YX76B%yh%39KDD" &:: Cloud Storage exit /b :: Windows 8 :c04ed6bf-55c8-4b47-9f8e-5a1f31ceee60 set "_key=BN3D2%yh%R7TKB%yh%3YPBD%yh%8DRP2%yh%27GG4" &:: Core exit /b :197390a0-65f6-4a95-bdc4-55d58a3b0253 set "_key=8N2M2%yh%HWPGY%yh%7PGT9%yh%HGDD8%yh%GVGGY" &:: Core N exit /b :8860fcd4-a77b-4a20-9045-a150ff11d609 set "_key=2WN2H%yh%YGCQR%yh%KFX6K%yh%CD6TF%yh%84YXQ" &:: Core Single Language exit /b :9d5584a2-2d85-419a-982c-a00888bb9ddf set "_key=4K36P%yh%JN4VD%yh%GDC6V%yh%KDT89%yh%DYFKP" &:: Core China exit /b :af35d7b7-5035-4b63-8972-f0b747b9f4dc set "_key=DXHJF%yh%N9KQX%yh%MFPVR%yh%GHGQK%yh%Y7RKV" &:: Core ARM exit /b :a98bcd6d-5343-4603-8afe-5908e4611112 set "_key=NG4HW%yh%VH26C%yh%733KW%yh%K6F98%yh%J8CK4" &:: Pro exit /b :ebf245c1-29a8-4daf-9cb1-38dfc608a8c8 set "_key=XCVCF%yh%2NXM9%yh%723PB%yh%MHCB7%yh%2RYQQ" &:: Pro N exit /b :a00018a3-f20f-4632-bf7c-8daa5351c914 set "_key=GNBB8%yh%YVD74%yh%QJHX6%yh%27H4K%yh%8QHDG" &:: Pro with Media Center exit /b :458e1bec-837a-45f6-b9d5-925ed5d299de set "_key=32JNW%yh%9KQ84%yh%P47T8%yh%D8GGY%yh%CWCK7" &:: Enterprise exit /b :e14997e7-800a-4cf7-ad10-de4b45b578db set "_key=JMNMF%yh%RHW7P%yh%DMY6X%yh%RF3DR%yh%X2BQT" &:: Enterprise N exit /b :10018baf-ce21-4060-80bd-47fe74ed4dab set "_key=RYXVT%yh%BNQG7%yh%VD29F%yh%DBMRY%yh%HT73M" &:: Embedded Industry Pro exit /b :18db1848-12e0-4167-b9d7-da7fcda507db set "_key=NKB3R%yh%R2F8T%yh%3XCDP%yh%7Q2KW%yh%XWYQ2" &:: Embedded Industry Enterprise exit /b :: Windows Server 2012 :f0f5ec41-0d55-4732-af02-440a44a3cf0f set "_key=XC9B7%yh%NBPP2%yh%83J2H%yh%RHMBY%yh%92BT4" &:: Standard exit /b :d3643d60-0c42-412d-a7d6-52e6635327f6 set "_key=48HP8%yh%DN98B%yh%MYWDG%yh%T2DCC%yh%8W83P" &:: Datacenter exit /b :7d5486c7-e120-4771-b7f1-7b56c6d3170c set "_key=HM7DN%yh%YVMH3%yh%46JC3%yh%XYTG7%yh%CYQJJ" &:: MultiPoint Standard exit /b :95fd1c83-7df5-494a-be8b-1300e1c9d1cd set "_key=XNH6W%yh%2V9GX%yh%RGJ4K%yh%Y8X6F%yh%QGJ2G" &:: MultiPoint Premium exit /b :: Windows 7 :b92e9980-b9d5-4821-9c94-140f632f6312 set "_key=FJ82H%yh%XT6CR%yh%J8D7P%yh%XQJJ2%yh%GPDD4" &:: Professional exit /b :54a09a0d-d57b-4c10-8b69-a842d6590ad5 set "_key=MRPKT%yh%YTG23%yh%K7D7T%yh%X2JMM%yh%QY7MG" &:: Professional N exit /b :5a041529-fef8-4d07-b06f-b59b573b32d2 set "_key=W82YF%yh%2Q76Y%yh%63HXB%yh%FGJG9%yh%GF7QX" &:: Professional E exit /b :ae2ee509-1b34-41c0-acb7-6d4650168915 set "_key=33PXH%yh%7Y6KF%yh%2VJC9%yh%XBBR8%yh%HVTHH" &:: Enterprise exit /b :1cb6d605-11b3-4e14-bb30-da91c8e3983a set "_key=YDRBP%yh%3D83W%yh%TY26F%yh%D46B2%yh%XCKRJ" &:: Enterprise N exit /b :46bbed08-9c7b-48fc-a614-95250573f4ea set "_key=C29WB%yh%22CC8%yh%VJ326%yh%GHFJW%yh%H9DH4" &:: Enterprise E exit /b :db537896-376f-48ae-a492-53d0547773d0 set "_key=YBYF6%yh%BHCR3%yh%JPKRB%yh%CDW7B%yh%F9BK4" &:: Embedded POSReady 7 exit /b :e1a8296a-db37-44d1-8cce-7bc961d59c54 set "_key=XGY72%yh%BRBBT%yh%FF8MH%yh%2GG8H%yh%W7KCW" &:: Embedded Standard exit /b :aa6dd3aa-c2b4-40e2-a544-a6bbb3f5c395 set "_key=73KQT%yh%CD9G6%yh%K7TQG%yh%66MRP%yh%CQ22C" &:: Embedded ThinPC exit /b :: Windows Server 2008 R2 :a78b8bd9-8017-4df5-b86a-09f756affa7c set "_key=6TPJF%yh%RBVHG%yh%WBW2R%yh%86QPH%yh%6RTM4" &:: Web exit /b :cda18cf3-c196-46ad-b289-60c072869994 set "_key=TT8MH%yh%CG224%yh%D3D7Q%yh%498W2%yh%9QCTX" &:: HPC exit /b :68531fb9-5511-4989-97be-d11a0f55633f set "_key=YC6KT%yh%GKW9T%yh%YTKYR%yh%T4X34%yh%R7VHC" &:: Standard exit /b :7482e61b-c589-4b7f-8ecc-46d455ac3b87 set "_key=74YFP%yh%3QFB3%yh%KQT8W%yh%PMXWJ%yh%7M648" &:: Datacenter exit /b :620e2b3d-09e7-42fd-802a-17a13652fe7a set "_key=489J6%yh%VHDMP%yh%X63PK%yh%3K798%yh%CPX3Y" &:: Enterprise exit /b :8a26851c-1c7e-48d3-a687-fbca9b9ac16b set "_key=GT63C%yh%RJFQ3%yh%4GMB6%yh%BRFB9%yh%CB83V" &:: Itanium exit /b :f772515c-0e87-48d5-a676-e6962c3e1195 set "_key=736RG%yh%XDKJK%yh%V34PF%yh%BHK87%yh%J6X3K" &:: MultiPoint Server - ServerEmbeddedSolution exit /b :: Office 2021 :fbdb3e18-a8ef-4fb3-9183-dffd60bd0984 set "_key=FXYTK%yh%NJJ8C%yh%GB6DW%yh%3DYQT%yh%6F7TH" &:: Professional Plus exit /b :080a45c5-9f9f-49eb-b4b0-c3c610a5ebd3 set "_key=KDX7X%yh%BNVR8%yh%TXXGX%yh%4Q7Y8%yh%78VT3" &:: Standard exit /b :76881159-155c-43e0-9db7-2d70a9a3a4ca set "_key=FTNWT%yh%C6WBT%yh%8HMGF%yh%K9PRX%yh%QV9H8" &:: Project Professional exit /b :6dd72704-f752-4b71-94c7-11cec6bfc355 set "_key=J2JDC%yh%NJCYY%yh%9RGQ4%yh%YXWMH%yh%T3D4T" &:: Project Standard exit /b :fb61ac9a-1688-45d2-8f6b-0674dbffa33c set "_key=KNH8D%yh%FGHT4%yh%T8RK3%yh%CTDYJ%yh%K2HT4" &:: Visio Professional exit /b :72fce797-1884-48dd-a860-b2f6a5efd3ca set "_key=MJVNY%yh%BYWPY%yh%CWV6J%yh%2RKRT%yh%4M8QG" &:: Visio Standard exit /b :1fe429d8-3fa7-4a39-b6f0-03dded42fe14 set "_key=WM8YG%yh%YNGDD%yh%4JHDC%yh%PG3F4%yh%FC4T4" &:: Access exit /b :ea71effc-69f1-4925-9991-2f5e319bbc24 set "_key=NWG3X%yh%87C9K%yh%TC7YY%yh%BC2G7%yh%G6RVC" &:: Excel exit /b :a5799e4c-f83c-4c6e-9516-dfe9b696150b set "_key=C9FM6%yh%3N72F%yh%HFJXB%yh%TM3V9%yh%T86R9" &:: Outlook exit /b :6e166cc3-495d-438a-89e7-d7c9e6fd4dea set "_key=TY7XF%yh%NFRBR%yh%KJ44C%yh%G83KF%yh%GX27K" &:: PowerPoint exit /b :aa66521f-2370-4ad8-a2bb-c095e3e4338f set "_key=2MW9D%yh%N4BXM%yh%9VBPG%yh%Q7W6M%yh%KFBGQ" &:: Publisher exit /b :1f32a9af-1274-48bd-ba1e-1ab7508a23e8 set "_key=HWCXN%yh%K3WBT%yh%WJBKY%yh%R8BD9%yh%XK29P" &:: Skype for Business exit /b :abe28aea-625a-43b1-8e30-225eb8fbd9e5 set "_key=TN8H9%yh%M34D3%yh%Y64V9%yh%TR72V%yh%X79KV" &:: Word exit /b :: Office 2019 :85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03 set "_key=NMMKJ%yh%6RK4F%yh%KMJVX%yh%8D9MJ%yh%6MWKP" &:: Professional Plus exit /b :6912a74b-a5fb-401a-bfdb-2e3ab46f4b02 set "_key=6NWWJ%yh%YQWMR%yh%QKGCB%yh%6TMB3%yh%9D9HK" &:: Standard exit /b :2ca2bf3f-949e-446a-82c7-e25a15ec78c4 set "_key=B4NPR%yh%3FKK7%yh%T2MBV%yh%FRQ4W%yh%PKD2B" &:: Project Professional exit /b :1777f0e3-7392-4198-97ea-8ae4de6f6381 set "_key=C4F7P%yh%NCP8C%yh%6CQPT%yh%MQHV9%yh%JXD2M" &:: Project Standard exit /b :5b5cf08f-b81a-431d-b080-3450d8620565 set "_key=9BGNQ%yh%K37YR%yh%RQHF2%yh%38RQ3%yh%7VCBB" &:: Visio Professional exit /b :e06d7df3-aad0-419d-8dfb-0ac37e2bdf39 set "_key=7TQNQ%yh%K3YQQ%yh%3PFH7%yh%CCPPM%yh%X4VQ2" &:: Visio Standard exit /b :9e9bceeb-e736-4f26-88de-763f87dcc485 set "_key=9N9PT%yh%27V4Y%yh%VJ2PD%yh%YXFMF%yh%YTFQT" &:: Access exit /b :237854e9-79fc-4497-a0c1-a70969691c6b set "_key=TMJWT%yh%YYNMB%yh%3BKTF%yh%644FC%yh%RVXBD" &:: Excel exit /b :c8f8a301-19f5-4132-96ce-2de9d4adbd33 set "_key=7HD7K%yh%N4PVK%yh%BHBCQ%yh%YWQRW%yh%XW4VK" &:: Outlook exit /b :3131fd61-5e4f-4308-8d6d-62be1987c92c set "_key=RRNCX%yh%C64HY%yh%W2MM7%yh%MCH9G%yh%TJHMQ" &:: PowerPoint exit /b :9d3e4cca-e172-46f1-a2f4-1d2107051444 set "_key=G2KWX%yh%3NW6P%yh%PY93R%yh%JXK2T%yh%C9Y9V" &:: Publisher exit /b :734c6c6e-b0ba-4298-a891-671772b2bd1b set "_key=NCJ33%yh%JHBBY%yh%HTK98%yh%MYCV8%yh%HMKHJ" &:: Skype for Business exit /b :059834fe-a8ea-4bff-b67b-4d006b5447d3 set "_key=PBX3G%yh%NWMT6%yh%Q7XBW%yh%PYJGG%yh%WXD33" &:: Word exit /b :0bc88885-718c-491d-921f-6f214349e79c set "_key=VQ9DP%yh%NVHPH%yh%T9HJC%yh%J9PDT%yh%KTQRG" &:: Pro Plus 2019 Preview exit /b :fc7c4d0c-2e85-4bb9-afd4-01ed1476b5e9 set "_key=XM2V9%yh%DN9HH%yh%QB449%yh%XDGKC%yh%W2RMW" &:: Project Pro 2019 Preview exit /b :500f6619-ef93-4b75-bcb4-82819998a3ca set "_key=N2CG9%yh%YD3YK%yh%936X4%yh%3WR82%yh%Q3X4H" &:: Visio Pro 2019 Preview exit /b :f3fb2d68-83dd-4c8b-8f09-08e0d950ac3b set "_key=HFPBN%yh%RYGG8%yh%HQWCW%yh%26CH6%yh%PDPVF" &:: Pro Plus 2021 Preview exit /b :76093b1b-7057-49d7-b970-638ebcbfd873 set "_key=WDNBY%yh%PCYFY%yh%9WP6G%yh%BXVXM%yh%92HDV" &:: Project Pro 2021 Preview exit /b :a3b44174-2451-4cd6-b25f-66638bfb9046 set "_key=2XYX7%yh%NXXBK%yh%9CK7W%yh%K2TKW%yh%JFJ7G" &:: Visio Pro 2021 Preview exit /b :: Office 2016 :829b8110-0e6f-4349-bca4-42803577788d set "_key=WGT24%yh%HCNMF%yh%FQ7XH%yh%6M8K7%yh%DRTW9" &:: Project Professional C2R-P exit /b :cbbaca45-556a-4416-ad03-bda598eaa7c8 set "_key=D8NRQ%yh%JTYM3%yh%7J2DX%yh%646CT%yh%6836M" &:: Project Standard C2R-P exit /b :b234abe3-0857-4f9c-b05a-4dc314f85557 set "_key=69WXN%yh%MBYV6%yh%22PQG%yh%3WGHK%yh%RM6XC" &:: Visio Professional C2R-P exit /b :361fe620-64f4-41b5-ba77-84f8e079b1f7 set "_key=NY48V%yh%PPYYH%yh%3F4PX%yh%XJRKJ%yh%W4423" &:: Visio Standard C2R-P exit /b :e914ea6e-a5fa-4439-a394-a9bb3293ca09 set "_key=DMTCJ%yh%KNRKX%yh%26982%yh%JYCKT%yh%P7KB6" &:: MondoR exit /b :9caabccb-61b1-4b4b-8bec-d10a3c3ac2ce set "_key=HFTND%yh%W9MK4%yh%8B7MJ%yh%B6C4G%yh%XQBR2" &:: Mondo exit /b :d450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64 set "_key=XQNVK%yh%8JYDB%yh%WJ9W3%yh%YJ8YR%yh%WFG99" &:: Professional Plus exit /b :dedfa23d-6ed1-45a6-85dc-63cae0546de6 set "_key=JNRGM%yh%WHDWX%yh%FJJG3%yh%K47QV%yh%DRTFM" &:: Standard exit /b :4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c set "_key=YG9NW%yh%3K39V%yh%2T3HJ%yh%93F3Q%yh%G83KT" &:: Project Professional exit /b :da7ddabc-3fbe-4447-9e01-6ab7440b4cd4 set "_key=GNFHQ%yh%F6YQM%yh%KQDGJ%yh%327XX%yh%KQBVC" &:: Project Standard exit /b :6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb set "_key=PD3PC%yh%RHNGV%yh%FXJ29%yh%8JK7D%yh%RJRJK" &:: Visio Professional exit /b :aa2a7821-1827-4c2c-8f1d-4513a34dda97 set "_key=7WHWN%yh%4T7MP%yh%G96JF%yh%G33KR%yh%W8GF4" &:: Visio Standard exit /b :67c0fc0c-deba-401b-bf8b-9c8ad8395804 set "_key=GNH9Y%yh%D2J4T%yh%FJHGG%yh%QRVH7%yh%QPFDW" &:: Access exit /b :c3e65d36-141f-4d2f-a303-a842ee756a29 set "_key=9C2PK%yh%NWTVB%yh%JMPW8%yh%BFT28%yh%7FTBF" &:: Excel exit /b :d8cace59-33d2-4ac7-9b1b-9b72339c51c8 set "_key=DR92N%yh%9HTF2%yh%97XKM%yh%XW2WJ%yh%XW3J6" &:: OneNote exit /b :ec9d9265-9d1e-4ed0-838a-cdc20f2551a1 set "_key=R69KK%yh%NTPKF%yh%7M3Q4%yh%QYBHW%yh%6MT9B" &:: Outlook exit /b :d70b1bba-b893-4544-96e2-b7a318091c33 set "_key=J7MQP%yh%HNJ4Y%yh%WJ7YM%yh%PFYGF%yh%BY6C6" &:: Powerpoint exit /b :041a06cb-c5b8-4772-809f-416d03d16654 set "_key=F47MM%yh%N3XJP%yh%TQXJ9%yh%BP99D%yh%8K837" &:: Publisher exit /b :83e04ee1-fa8d-436d-8994-d31a862cab77 set "_key=869NQ%yh%FJ69K%yh%466HW%yh%QYCP2%yh%DDBV6" &:: Skype for Business exit /b :bb11badf-d8aa-470e-9311-20eaf80fe5cc set "_key=WXY84%yh%JN2Q9%yh%RBCCQ%yh%3Q3J3%yh%3PFJ6" &:: Word exit /b :: Office 2013 :dc981c6b-fc8e-420f-aa43-f8f33e5c0923 set "_key=42QTK%yh%RN8M7%yh%J3C4G%yh%BBGYM%yh%88CYV" &:: Mondo exit /b :b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69 set "_key=YC7DK%yh%G2NP3%yh%2QQC3%yh%J6H88%yh%GVGXT" &:: Professional Plus exit /b :b13afb38-cd79-4ae5-9f7f-eed058d750ca set "_key=KBKQT%yh%2NMXY%yh%JJWGP%yh%M62JB%yh%92CD4" &:: Standard exit /b :4a5d124a-e620-44ba-b6ff-658961b33b9a set "_key=FN8TT%yh%7WMH6%yh%2D4X9%yh%M337T%yh%2342K" &:: Project Professional exit /b :427a28d1-d17c-4abf-b717-32c780ba6f07 set "_key=6NTH3%yh%CW976%yh%3G3Y2%yh%JK3TX%yh%8QHTT" &:: Project Standard exit /b :e13ac10e-75d0-4aff-a0cd-764982cf541c set "_key=C2FG9%yh%N6J68%yh%H8BTJ%yh%BW3QX%yh%RM3B3" &:: Visio Professional exit /b :ac4efaf0-f81f-4f61-bdf7-ea32b02ab117 set "_key=J484Y%yh%4NKBF%yh%W2HMG%yh%DBMJC%yh%PGWR7" &:: Visio Standard exit /b :6ee7622c-18d8-4005-9fb7-92db644a279b set "_key=NG2JY%yh%H4JBT%yh%HQXYP%yh%78QH9%yh%4JM2D" &:: Access exit /b :f7461d52-7c2b-43b2-8744-ea958e0bd09a set "_key=VGPNG%yh%Y7HQW%yh%9RHP7%yh%TKPV3%yh%BG7GB" &:: Excel exit /b :fb4875ec-0c6b-450f-b82b-ab57d8d1677f set "_key=H7R7V%yh%WPNXQ%yh%WCYYC%yh%76BGV%yh%VT7GH" &:: Groove exit /b :a30b8040-d68a-423f-b0b5-9ce292ea5a8f set "_key=DKT8B%yh%N7VXH%yh%D963P%yh%Q4PHY%yh%F8894" &:: InfoPath exit /b :1b9f11e3-c85c-4e1b-bb29-879ad2c909e3 set "_key=2MG3G%yh%3BNTT%yh%3MFW9%yh%KDQW3%yh%TCK7R" &:: Lync exit /b :efe1f3e6-aea2-4144-a208-32aa872b6545 set "_key=TGN6P%yh%8MMBC%yh%37P2F%yh%XHXXK%yh%P34VW" &:: OneNote exit /b :771c3afa-50c5-443f-b151-ff2546d863a0 set "_key=QPN8Q%yh%BJBTJ%yh%334K3%yh%93TGY%yh%2PMBT" &:: Outlook exit /b :8c762649-97d1-4953-ad27-b7e2c25b972e set "_key=4NT99%yh%8RJFH%yh%Q2VDH%yh%KYG2C%yh%4RD4F" &:: Powerpoint exit /b :00c79ff1-6850-443d-bf61-71cde0de305f set "_key=PN2WF%yh%29XG2%yh%T9HJ7%yh%JQPJR%yh%FCXK4" &:: Publisher exit /b :d9f5b1c6-5386-495a-88f9-9ad6b41ac9b3 set "_key=6Q7VD%yh%NX8JD%yh%WJ2VH%yh%88V73%yh%4GBJ7" &:: Word exit /b :: Office 2010 :09ed9640-f020-400a-acd8-d7d867dfd9c2 set "_key=YBJTT%yh%JG6MD%yh%V9Q7P%yh%DBKXJ%yh%38W9R" &:: Mondo exit /b :ef3d4e49-a53d-4d81-a2b1-2ca6c2556b2c set "_key=7TC2V%yh%WXF6P%yh%TD7RT%yh%BQRXR%yh%B8K32" &:: Mondo2 exit /b :6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c set "_key=VYBBJ%yh%TRJPB%yh%QFQRF%yh%QFT4D%yh%H3GVB" &:: Professional Plus exit /b :9da2a678-fb6b-4e67-ab84-60dd6a9c819a set "_key=V7QKV%yh%4XVVR%yh%XYV4D%yh%F7DFM%yh%8R6BM" &:: Standard exit /b :df133ff7-bf14-4f95-afe3-7b48e7e331ef set "_key=YGX6F%yh%PGV49%yh%PGW3J%yh%9BTGG%yh%VHKC6" &:: Project Professional exit /b :5dc7bf61-5ec9-4996-9ccb-df806a2d0efe set "_key=4HP3K%yh%88W3F%yh%W2K3D%yh%6677X%yh%F9PGB" &:: Project Standard exit /b :92236105-bb67-494f-94c7-7f7a607929bd set "_key=D9DWC%yh%HPYVV%yh%JGF4P%yh%BTWQB%yh%WX8BJ" &:: Visio Premium exit /b :e558389c-83c3-4b29-adfe-5e4d7f46c358 set "_key=7MCW8%yh%VRQVK%yh%G677T%yh%PDJCM%yh%Q8TCP" &:: Visio Professional exit /b :9ed833ff-4f92-4f36-b370-8683a4f13275 set "_key=767HD%yh%QGMWX%yh%8QTDB%yh%9G3R2%yh%KHFGJ" &:: Visio Standard exit /b :8ce7e872-188c-4b98-9d90-f8f90b7aad02 set "_key=V7Y44%yh%9T38C%yh%R2VJK%yh%666HK%yh%T7DDX" &:: Access exit /b :cee5d470-6e3b-4fcc-8c2b-d17428568a9f set "_key=H62QG%yh%HXVKF%yh%PP4HP%yh%66KMR%yh%CW9BM" &:: Excel exit /b :8947d0b8-c33b-43e1-8c56-9b674c052832 set "_key=QYYW6%yh%QP4CB%yh%MBV6G%yh%HYMCJ%yh%4T3J4" &:: Groove - SharePoint Workspace exit /b :ca6b6639-4ad6-40ae-a575-14dee07f6430 set "_key=K96W8%yh%67RPQ%yh%62T9Y%yh%J8FQJ%yh%BT37T" &:: InfoPath exit /b :ab586f5c-5256-4632-962f-fefd8b49e6f4 set "_key=Q4Y4M%yh%RHWJM%yh%PY37F%yh%MTKWH%yh%D3XHX" &:: OneNote exit /b :ecb7c192-73ab-4ded-acf4-2399b095d0cc set "_key=7YDC2%yh%CWM8M%yh%RRTJC%yh%8MDVC%yh%X3DWQ" &:: Outlook exit /b :45593b1d-dfb1-4e91-bbfb-2d5d0ce2227a set "_key=RC8FX%yh%88JRY%yh%3PF7C%yh%X8P67%yh%P4VTT" &:: Powerpoint exit /b :b50c4f75-599b-43e8-8dcd-1081a7967241 set "_key=BFK7F%yh%9MYHM%yh%V68C7%yh%DRQ66%yh%83YTP" &:: Publisher exit /b :2d0882e7-a4e7-423b-8ccc-70d91e0158b1 set "_key=HVHB3%yh%C6FV7%yh%KQX9W%yh%YQG79%yh%CRY7T" &:: Word exit /b :ea509e87-07a1-4a45-9edc-eba5a39f36af set "_key=D6QFG%yh%VBYP2%yh%XQHM7%yh%J97RH%yh%VVRCK" &:: Small Business Basics exit /b :TheEnd if %act_failed% EQU 1 ( echo ____________________________________________________________________ echo. call :_errorinfo ) if not defined _tskinstalled if not defined _oldtsk ( echo. if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( call :leavenonexistentkms %nul% echo Keeping the non-existent IP address as KMS Server. ) else ( call :Clear-KMS-Cache ) ) if not [%Act_OK%]==[1] ( echo. echo In case of any issues, check https://mass%-%grave.dev/troubleshoot ) if defined _unattended exit /b echo ____________________________________________________________________ echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_errorinfo call :CheckFR set _intcon= for %%a in (l.root-servers.net resolver1.opendns.com download.windowsupdate.com google.com) do if not defined _intcon ( for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _intcon=1) ) if not defined _intcon ( call :_color %_Red% "Internet is not connected." exit /b ) if [%ERRORCODE%]==[-1073418124] ( echo Checking Port 1688 connection, it may take a while... echo. set /a count=0 set _portcon= for %%a in (%srvlist%) do if not defined _portcon if !count! LEQ 7 ( set /a count+=1 %psc% "$t = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient;try{$t.Connect("""%%a""", 1688)}catch{};$t.Connected" | findstr /i true 1>nul && set _portcon=1 ) if not defined _portcon ( call :_color %Red% "Port 1688 is blocked in your Internet connection." echo. echo Reason: Probably restricted Internet [Office/College] is connected, echo or Firewall is blocking the connection. echo. echo Solution: Either use another Internet connection or use offline KMS echo https://github.com/abbodi1406/KMS_VL_ALL_AIO ) else ( echo Port 1688 connection test is passed. echo. echo Make sure system files are not blocked by your firewall. echo If the issue persists, try offline KMS echo https://github.com/abbodi1406/KMS_VL_ALL_AIO ) echo. ) echo KMS server is not an issue in this case. exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :setserv :: Multi KMS servers integration and servers randomization set srvlist= set -= set "srvlist=kms.zhu%-%xiaole.org kms-default.cangs%-%hui.net kms.six%-%yin.com kms.moe%-%club.org kms.cgt%-%soft.com" set "srvlist=%srvlist% kms.id%-%ina.cn kms.moe%-%yuuko.com xinch%-%eng213618.cn kms.wl%-%rxy.cn kms.ca%-%tqu.com" set "srvlist=%srvlist% kms.0%-%t.net.cn kms.its%-%jzx.com kms.wx%-%lost.com kms.moe%-%yuuko.top kms.gh%-%pym.com" set n=1 for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (set %%a=&set server!n!=%%a&set /a n+=1) set max_servers=15 set /a server_num=0 exit /b :getserv if %server_num% equ %max_servers% set /a server_num+=1&set KMS_IP= /b set /a rand=%Random%%%(15+1-1)+1 if defined !server%rand%! goto :getserv set KMS_IP=!server%rand%! set !server%rand%!=1 :: Get IPv4 address of KMS server to use for the activation, works even if ICMP echo is disabled. :: Microsoft and Antivirus's may flag the issue if public KMS server host name is directly used for the activation. set /a server_num+=1 (for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%a" if [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('pathping -4 -h 1 -n -p 1 -q 1 -w 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%#" if not [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] exit /b goto :getserv ) :========================================================================================================================================== :Clear-KMS-Cache set OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform set SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform set _wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f set _oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 set _oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if defined notx86 ( %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /reg:32 %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /reg:32 %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32 ) %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f ) if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 ( %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f ) %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f :: check KMS38 lock %nul% reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" && ( set error_=9 echo Failed to completely clear KMS Cache. reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /s 2>nul | findstr /i "" >nul && echo KMS38 activation is locked. ) || ( echo Cleared KMS Cache successfully. ) exit /b :========================================================================================================================================= :leavenonexistentkms reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching if not defined _keepkms38 reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if not %xOS%==x86 ( reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32 reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32 reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32 reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32 reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32 ) reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" ) if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 ( reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f ) reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f goto :eof :========================================================================================================================================= :_Complete_Uninstall cls mode con: cols=91 lines=30 title Online KMS Complete Uninstall %masver% set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" set "_C16R=" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath /reg:32" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1" if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if defined _C16R ( echo. echo ## Notice ## echo. echo To make sure Office programs do not show a non-genuine banner, echo please run the activation option once, and don't uninstall afterward. echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) set error_= echo. call :Clear-KMS-Cache call :clearstuff if defined error_ ( if [%error_%]==[1] ( echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ %eline% echo Try Again / Restart the System echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) ) else ( echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ echo. call :_color %Green% "Online KMS Complete Uninstall was done successfully." echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) if defined _unattended timeout /t 2 & exit /b echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b :clearstuff reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && ( echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Renewal schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul% ) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && ( echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Run_Once schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul% ) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal" >nul && ( echo Deleting [Task] Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal schtasks /delete /tn Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal /f %nul% ) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once" >nul && ( echo Deleting [Task] Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once schtasks /delete /tn Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once /f %nul% ) If exist "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" ( echo Deleting [Folder] %windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\ rmdir /s /q "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" %nul% ) if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" ( echo Deleting [File] %ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd del /f /q "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" %nul% ) If exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" ( echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\ rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" %nul% ) If exist "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" ( echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\ rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul% ) If exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" ( echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\ rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul% ) reg query "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" %nul% && ( echo Deleting [Registry] HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office Reg delete "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" /f %nul% ) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && (set error_=1) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (set error_=1) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script" >nul && (set error_=1) If exist "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" (set error_=1) reg query "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" %nul% && (set error_=1) if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" (set error_=1) if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" (set error_=1) if exist "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1) if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1) exit /b :========================================================================================================================================= :RenTask cls mode con cols=91 lines=30 title Install Activation Auto-Renewal %masver% set error_= set "_dest=%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal" set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" call :clearstuff %nul% if defined error_ ( %eline% echo Failed to completely clear KMS related folders/tasks. echo Run the Uninstall option and then try again. goto :RenDone ) if not exist "%_dest%\" md "%_dest%\" %nul% set "_temp=%SystemRoot%\Temp\_taskwork_%Random%" set nil= if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul% md "%_temp%\" %nul% call :RenExport renewal "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" Unicode if defined ActTask (call :RenExport run_once "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" Unicode) s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Renewal" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" %nul% if defined ActTask (s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Run_Once" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" %nul%) if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul% call :createInfo.txt %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":_extracttask\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd', '@REM Dummy ' + '%random%' + [Environment]::NewLine + $f[1].Trim(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII);" title Install Activation Auto-Renewal %masver% ::======================================================================================================================================== reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul || (set error_=1) if defined ActTask reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul || (set error_=1) If not exist "%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd" (set error_=1) If not exist "%_dest%\Info.txt" (set error_=1) if defined error_ ( reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && ( schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul% ) reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && ( schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul% ) If exist "%_dest%\" ( rmdir /s /q "%_dest%\" %nul% ) %eline% echo Run the Uninstall option and then try again. goto :RenDone ) echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ echo. echo Files created: echo %_dest%\Activation_task.cmd echo %_dest%\Info.txt echo. (if defined ActTask (echo Scheduled Tasks created:) else (echo Scheduled Task created:)) echo \Activation-Renewal [Weekly] if defined ActTask (echo \Activation-Run_Once) echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ echo. echo Info: echo Activation will be renewed every week if the Internet connection is found. echo It'll only renew installed KMS licenses. It won't convert any license to KMS. echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ echo. if defined ActTask ( call :_color %Green% "Renewal and Activation Tasks were successfully created." ) else ( call :_color %Green% "Renewal Task was successfully created." ) echo. call :_color %Gray% "Make sure you have run the Activation option at least once." echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :RenDone if defined _unattended exit /b echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :createInfo.txt ( echo The use of this script is to renew your Windows/Office KMS license using online KMS. echo: echo If renewal/activation Scheduled tasks were created then following would exist, echo: echo - Scheduled tasks echo Activation-Renewal [Renewal / Weekly] echo Activation-Run_Once [Activation Task - deletes itself once activated] echo The scheduled tasks runs only if the system is connected to the Internet. echo: echo - Files echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Info.txt echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt echo ______________________________________________________________________________________________ echo: echo Online KMS Activation Script is a part of 'Microsoft_Activation_Scripts' [MAS] project. echo: echo Homepage: mass grave[.]dev echo Email: windowsaddict@protonmail.com )>"%_dest%\Info.txt" exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :renewal: Microsoft Corporation 1999-01-01T12:00:00.34375 WindowsAddict 1.0 Online K-M-S Activation-Renewal - Weekly Task \Activation-Renewal D:P(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FRFX;;;LS)(A;;FRFW;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)(A;;FR;;;S-1-5-4) 1999-01-01T12:00:00 true 1 S-1-5-18 HighestAvailable IgnoreNew false false true true true false false true true true false false true false PT10M 7 PT2M 3 %ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd Task :renewal: :run_once: Microsoft Corporation 1999-01-01T12:00:00.34375 WindowsAddict 1.0 Online K-M-S Activation Run Once - Run and Delete itself on first Internet Contact \Activation-Run_Once D:P(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FRFX;;;LS)(A;;FRFW;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)(A;;FR;;;S-1-5-4) true S-1-5-18 HighestAvailable IgnoreNew false false true true true false false true true true false false true false PT10M 7 PT2M 3 %ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd Task :run_once: ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Extract the text from batch script without character and file encoding issue :RenExport %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":%~1\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%~2',$f[1].Trim(),[System.Text.Encoding]::%~3);" exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_extracttask: @echo off :: Renew K-M-S activation with Online servers via scheduled task ::============================================================================ :: :: This script is a part of 'Microsoft_Activation_Scripts' (MAS) project. :: :: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev :: Email: windowsaddict@protonmail.com :: ::============================================================================ if not "%~1"=="Task" ( echo. echo ====== Error ====== echo. echo This file is supposed to be run only by the scheduled task. echo. echo Press any key to exit pause >nul exit /b ) :: Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%PATH%" ) >nul fltmc || exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== set _tserror= set winbuild=1 set "nul=>nul 2>&1" for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set psc=powershell.exe set run_once= set t_name=Renewal Task reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && ( set run_once=1 set t_name=Run Once Task ) set _wmic=0 for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul && set _wmic=1 ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" call :_taskstart>>"%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt" & exit ::======================================================================================================================================== :_taskstart echo. echo %date%, %time% set /a loop=1 set /a max_loop=4 call :_tasksetserv :_intrepeat :: Check Internet connection. Works even if ICMP echo is disabled. for %%a in (%srvlist%) do ( for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do ( if not [%%#]==[] goto _taskIntConnected ) ) nslookup dns.msftncsi.com 2>nul | find "" 1>nul if [%errorlevel%]==[0] goto _taskIntConnected if %loop%==%max_loop% ( set _tserror=1 goto _taskend ) echo. echo Error: Internet is not connected echo Waiting 30 seconds timeout /t 30 >nul set /a loop=%loop%+1 goto _intrepeat :_taskIntConnected ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check not x86 Windows set notx86= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b if /i not "%arch%"=="x86" set notx86=1 ::======================================================================================================================================== set "OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct" set "ospp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct" set "_wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f" set "_oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" set "_oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Clean existing KMS cache from the registry / Set port value to 1688 %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( if defined notx86 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32 %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32 %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32 ) %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" ) if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 ( %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f ) %nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f %nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check WMI and sppsvc Errors set applist= net start sppsvc /y %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID='%_wApp%') get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%_wApp%''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')" %chkapp% do (if defined applist (call set "applist=!applist! %%a") else (call set "applist=%%a")) if not defined applist ( set _tserror=1 if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set e_wmispp=WMI, SPP) else (set e_wmispp=SPP) echo. echo Error: Not Respoding- !e_wmispp! echo. ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check installed volume products activation ID's call :_taskgetids sppwid %slp% windows call :_taskgetids sppoid %slp% office call :_taskgetids osppid %ospp% office ::======================================================================================================================================== echo. echo Renewing KMS activation for all installed Volume products if not defined sppwid if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid ( echo. echo No installed Volume Windows / Office product found echo. echo Renewing KMS server call :_taskgetserv call :_taskregserv goto :_skipact ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check KMS38 activation set gpr=0 set _kms38=0 if defined sppwid if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 ( set _path=%slp% set _actid=%sppwid% call :_taskgetgrace ) if %gpr% NEQ 0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 ( set _kms38=1 call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _kms38 ) :: Set specific KMS host to Local Host so that global KMS IP can not replace KMS38 activation but can be used with Office and other Windows Editions. if %_kms38% EQU 1 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" ) ::======================================================================================================================================== echo. if defined sppwid ( set _path=%slp% set _actid=%sppwid% call :_actprod call :_act act_win call :_actinfo act_win ) else ( echo Checking: Volume version of Windows is not installed ) if defined sppoid ( set _path=%slp% for %%# in (%sppoid%) do ( echo. set _actid=%%# call :_actprod call :_act call :_actinfo ) ) if defined osppid ( set _path=%ospp% for %%# in (%osppid%) do ( echo. set _actid=%%# call :_actprod call :_act call :_actinfo ) ) if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid ( echo. echo Checking: Volume version of Office is not installed ) :_skipact ::======================================================================================================================================== if defined run_once ( echo. echo Deleting Scheduled Task Activation-Run_Once schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul% ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :_taskend echo. echo Exiting echo ______________________________________________________________________ if defined _tserror (exit /b 123456789) else (exit /b 0) ::======================================================================================================================================== :_act set errorcode=12345 set /a act_attempt=0 :_act2 if %act_attempt% GTR 4 exit /b if not [%act_ok%]==[1] ( call :_taskgetserv call :_taskregserv ) if not !server_num! GTR %max_servers% ( if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 ( set act_ok=1 exit /b ) if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' call Activate %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "try {$null=(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).Activate(); exit 0} catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" call set errorcode=!errorlevel! if !errorcode! EQU 0 ( set act_ok=1 exit /b ) if [%1]==[act_win] if !errorcode! EQU -1073418187 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 ( set act_ok=1 exit /b ) set act_ok=0 set /a act_attempt+=1 goto _act2 ) exit /b :_actprod if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get Name /VALUE" 2^>nul') do call echo Activating: %%x if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM !_path! WHERE ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do call echo Activating: %%x exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_actinfo if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 ( echo Windows is activated with KMS38 exit /b ) if %errorcode% EQU 12345 ( echo Product Activation Failed echo Unable to test KMS servers due to restricted or no Internet set _tserror=1 exit /b ) if %errorcode% EQU -1073418187 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F035 if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% LSS 9200 echo Windows 7 cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS exit /b ) if %errorcode% EQU -1073417728 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F200 echo Windows needs to rebuild the activation-related files. set _tserror=1 exit /b ) set gpr=0 set gpr2=0 call :_taskgetgrace set /a "gpr2=(%gpr%+1440-1)/1440" if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %gpr% EQU 0 ( echo Product Activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase. if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% LSS 9200 echo This could be related to the error described in KB4487266 set _tserror=1 exit /b ) set _actpass=1 if %gpr% EQU 43200 if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set _actpass=0 if %gpr% EQU 64800 set _actpass=0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 if [%1]==[act_win] call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _actpass if %gpr% EQU 259200 set _actpass=0 if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %_actpass% EQU 0 ( echo Product Activation Successful echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^) exit /b ) cmd /c exit /b %errorcode% if %errorcode% NEQ 0 ( echo Product Activation Failed: 0x!=ExitCode! ) else ( echo Product Activation Failed ) echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^) set _tserror=1 exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_taskgetids set %1= if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %2 where (Name like '%%%3%%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %2 WHERE Name like ''%%%3%%'' and Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%'' and PartialProductKey is not NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')" %chkapp% do (if defined %1 (call set "%1=!%1! %%a") else (call set "%1=%%a")) exit /b :_taskgetgrace set gpr=0 if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get GracePeriodRemaining /VALUE" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#" if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT GracePeriodRemaining FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).GracePeriodRemaining | %% {echo ('GracePeriodRemaining='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#" exit /b :_taskchkEnterpriseG for %%# in (e0b2d383-d112-413f-8a80-97f373a5820c e38454fb-41a4-4f59-a5dc-25080e354730) do (if %sppwid%==%%# set %1=0) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_taskregserv %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" if defined notx86 ( %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 %nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_tasksetserv :: Multi KMS servers integration and servers randomization set srvlist= set -= set "srvlist=kms.zhu%-%xiaole.org kms-default.cangs%-%hui.net kms.six%-%yin.com kms.moe%-%club.org kms.cgt%-%soft.com" set "srvlist=%srvlist% kms.id%-%ina.cn kms.moe%-%yuuko.com xinch%-%eng213618.cn kms.wl%-%rxy.cn kms.ca%-%tqu.com" set "srvlist=%srvlist% kms.0%-%t.net.cn kms.its%-%jzx.com kms.wx%-%lost.com kms.moe%-%yuuko.top kms.gh%-%pym.com" set n=1 for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (set %%a=&set server!n!=%%a&set /a n+=1) set max_servers=15 set /a server_num=0 exit /b :_taskgetserv if %server_num% geq %max_servers% (set /a server_num+=1&set KMS_IP= /b) set /a rand=%Random%%%(15+1-1)+1 if defined !server%rand%! goto :_taskgetserv set KMS_IP=!server%rand%! set !server%rand%!=1 :: Get IPv4 address of KMS server to use for the activation, works even if ICMP echo is disabled. :: Microsoft and Antivirus's may flag the issue if public KMS server host name is directly used for the activation. set /a server_num+=1 (for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%a" if [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('pathping -4 -h 1 -n -p 1 -q 1 -w 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%#" if not [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] exit /b goto :_taskgetserv ) :: Ver:1.9 ::======================================================================================================================================== :_extracttask: :====================================================================================================================================================== :_color if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( if defined _unattended (echo %~2) else (echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m) ) else ( if defined _unattended (echo %~2) else (call :batcol %~1 "%~2") ) exit /b :_color2 if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m ) else ( call :batcol %~1 "%~2" %~3 "%~4" ) exit /b ::======================================= :: Colored text with pure batch method :: Thanks to @dbenham and @jeb :: stackoverflow.com/a/10407642 :batcol pushd %_coltemp% if not exist "'" ("'" set /p "=.") setlocal set "s=%~2" set "t=%~4" call :_batcol %1 s %3 t del /f /q "'" del /f /q "`.txt" popd exit /b :_batcol setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "s=!%~2!" set "t=!%~4!" for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%i in ("!s!") do ( if "!" equ "" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion >`.txt (echo %%i\..\') findstr /a:%~1 /f:`.txt "." `.txt (echo %%i\..\') findstr /a:%~3 /f:`.txt "." nul 2>&1 net start sppsvc /y >nul 2>&1 cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /dli || (echo Error executing slmgr.vbs&del /f /q slmgr.vbs&popd&goto :casVend) cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /xpr del /f /q slmgr.vbs >nul 2>&1 popd echo %line3% if defined ohook ( echo. echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office Ohook Activation Status *** echo %line2% echo. powershell "write-host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'Ohook for permanent Office activation is installed.'; write-host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'You can ignore below Office activation status.'" echo. ) :casVo16 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( set _sO16vbs=1 echo. echo %line2% if %_sO15vbs% EQU 0 ( echo *** Office 2016 %_bit%-bit Status *** ) else ( echo *** Office 2013/2016 Status *** ) echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) if %_wow%==0 goto :casVo13 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( set _sO16vbs=1 echo. echo %line2% if %_sO15vbs% EQU 0 ( echo *** Office 2016 32-bit Status *** ) else ( echo *** Office 2013/2016 Status *** ) echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVo13 if %_sO16vbs% EQU 1 goto :casVo10 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2013 %_bit%-bit Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) if %_wow%==0 goto :casVo10 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2013 32-bit Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVo10 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2010 %_bit%-bit Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) if %_wow%==0 goto :casVc16 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2010 32-bit Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVc16 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath >nul 2>&1 || ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath >nul 2>&1 || goto :casVc13 ) set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b\Office16") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( set _sO16vbs=1 echo. echo %line2% if %_sO15vbs% EQU 0 ( echo *** Office 2016-2021 C2R Status *** ) else ( echo *** Office 2013-2021 Status *** ) echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) if %_wow%==0 goto :casVc13 set office= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" 2^>nul') do (set "office=%%b\Office16") if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( set _sO16vbs=1 echo. echo %line2% if %_sO15vbs% EQU 0 ( echo *** Office 2016-2021 C2R Status *** ) else ( echo *** Office 2013-2021 Status *** ) echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVc13 if %_sO16vbs% EQU 1 goto :casVc10 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath >nul 2>&1 || ( reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath >nul 2>&1 || goto :casVc10 ) set office= if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15" ) else if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15" ) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15" ) if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2013 C2R Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVc10 if %_wow%==0 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k >nul 2>&1 || goto :casVend if %_wow%==1 reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k >nul 2>&1 || goto :casVend set office= if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14" ) else if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office14" ) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" ( set "office=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office14" ) if exist "!office!\ospp.vbs" ( echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office 2010 C2R Status *** echo %line2% cscript //nologo "!office!\ospp.vbs" /dstatus ) :casVend echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :_Check_Status_wmi @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off mode con cols=100 lines=32 powershell "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" color 07 title Check Activation Status [wmi] set WMI_VBS=0 @cls set "_cmdf=%~f0" set wspp=SoftwareLicensingProduct set wsps=SoftwareLicensingService set ospp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct set osps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService set winApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f set o14App=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 set o15App=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 for %%# in (spp_get,ospp_get,cW1nd0ws,sppw,c0ff1ce15,sppo,osppsvc,ospp14,ospp15) do set "%%#=" for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%# in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%# set "spp_get=Description, DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName, DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort, EvaluationEndDate, GracePeriodRemaining, ID, KeyManagementServiceMachine, KeyManagementServicePort, KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID, LicenseStatus, LicenseStatusReason, Name, PartialProductKey, ProductKeyID, VLActivationInterval, VLRenewalInterval" set "ospp_get=%spp_get%" if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set "spp_get=%spp_get%, KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain, VLActivationTypeEnabled" if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 set "spp_get=%spp_get%, DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress, ProductKeyChannel" set "_work=%~dp0" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set "_Local=%LocalAppData%" set _Identity=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion dir /b /s /a:-d "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\*1*" 1>nul 2>nul && set _Identity=1 dir /b /s /a:-d "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\*1*" 1>nul 2>nul && set _Identity=1 pushd "!_work!" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell-WTR-Package~*.mum" set _Identity=0 set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32" set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative" set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%" ) set ohook= for %%# in (15 16) do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( if exist "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" set ohook=1 ) ) for %%# in (System SystemX86) do ( for %%G in ("Office 15" "Office") do ( for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( if exist "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" set ohook=1 ) ) ) set _cwmi=0 for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "ComputerSystem" 1>nul && set _cwmi=1 ) if %_cwmi% EQU 0 ( echo: echo Error: WMI is not responding in the system. echo: echo In MAS, Goto Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option. echo: echo Press any key to go back... pause >nul exit /b ) set "line2=************************************************************" set "line3=____________________________________________________________" set "_psc=powershell" set _prsh=1 for %%# in (powershell.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" set _prsh=0 set "_csg=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiMulti "%~nx0?.wsf"" set "_csq=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiQuery "%~nx0?.wsf"" set "_csx=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:XPDT "%~nx0?.wsf"" if %_cwmi% EQU 0 set WMI_VBS=1 if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 ( set "_zz1=wmic path" set "_zz2=where" set "_zz3=get" set "_zz4=/value" set "_zz5=(" set "_zz6=)" set "_zz7="wmic path" set "_zz8=/value"" ) else ( set "_zz1=%_csq%" set "_zz2=" set "_zz3=" set "_zz4=" set "_zz5="" set "_zz6="" set "_zz7=%_csq%" set "_zz8=" ) set _WSH=0 set OsppHook=1 sc query osppsvc >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% EQU 1060 set OsppHook=0 net start sppsvc /y >nul 2>&1 call :casWpkey %wspp% %winApp% cW1nd0ws sppw if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 call :casWpkey %wspp% %o15App% c0ff1ce15 sppo if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 ( net start osppsvc /y >nul 2>&1 call :casWpkey %ospp% %o14App% osppsvc ospp14 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 call :casWpkey %ospp% %o15App% osppsvc ospp15 ) echo %line2% echo *** Windows Status *** echo %line2% if not defined cW1nd0ws ( echo. echo Error: product key not found. goto :casWcon ) set winID=1 set "_qr=%_zz7% %wspp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%winApp%' and PartialProductKey is not null%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do ( set "chkID=%%#" call :casWdet "%wspp%" "%wsps%" "%spp_get%" call :casWout echo %line3% echo. ) if defined ohook ( echo. echo. echo %line2% echo *** Office Ohook Activation Status *** echo %line2% echo. powershell "write-host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'Ohook for permanent Office activation is installed.'; write-host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'You can ignore below Office activation status.'" echo. ) :casWcon set winID=0 set verbose=1 if not defined c0ff1ce15 ( if defined osppsvc goto :casWospp goto :casWend ) echo %line2% echo *** Office Status *** echo %line2% set "_qr=%_zz7% %wspp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%o15App%' and PartialProductKey is not null%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do ( set "chkID=%%#" call :casWdet "%wspp%" "%wsps%" "%spp_get%" call :casWout echo %line3% echo. ) set verbose=0 if defined osppsvc goto :casWospp goto :casWend :casWospp if %verbose% EQU 1 ( echo %line2% echo *** Office Status *** echo %line2% ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %ospp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%o15App%' and PartialProductKey is not null%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" if defined ospp15 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do ( set "chkID=%%#" call :casWdet "%ospp%" "%osps%" "%ospp_get%" call :casWout echo %line3% echo. ) set "_qr=%_zz7% %ospp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%o14App%' and PartialProductKey is not null%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%" if defined ospp14 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do ( set "chkID=%%#" call :casWdet "%ospp%" "%osps%" "%ospp_get%" call :casWout echo %line3% echo. ) goto :casWend :casWpkey set "_qr=%_zz1% %1 %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%2' and PartialProductKey is not null%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%" %_qr% 2>nul | findstr /i ID 1>nul && (set %3=1&set %4=1) exit /b :casWdet for %%# in (%~3) do set "%%#=" if /i %~1==%ospp% for %%# in (DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress, KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain, ProductKeyChannel, VLActivationTypeEnabled) do set "%%#=" set "cKmsClient=" set "cTblClient=" set "cAvmClient=" set "ExpireMsg=" set "_xpr=" set "_qr="wmic path %~1 where ID='%chkID%' get %~3 /value" ^| findstr ^=" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csg% %~1 "ID='%chkID%'" "%~3"" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('%_qr%') do set "%%#" set /a _gpr=(GracePeriodRemaining+1440-1)/1440 echo %Description%| findstr /i VOLUME_KMSCLIENT 1>nul && (set cKmsClient=1&set _mTag=Volume) echo %Description%| findstr /i TIMEBASED_ 1>nul && (set cTblClient=1&set _mTag=Timebased) echo %Description%| findstr /i VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ACTIVATION 1>nul && (set cAvmClient=1&set _mTag=Automatic VM) cmd /c exit /b %LicenseStatusReason% set "LicenseReason=%=ExitCode%" set "LicenseMsg=Time remaining: %GracePeriodRemaining% minute(s) (%_gpr% day(s))" if %_gpr% GEQ 1 if %_WSH% EQU 1 ( for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('%_csx% %GracePeriodRemaining%') do set "_xpr=%%#" ) if %_gpr% GEQ 1 if %_prsh% EQU 1 if not defined _xpr ( for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('%_psc% "$([DateTime]::Now.addMinutes(%GracePeriodRemaining%)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')" 2^>nul') do set "_xpr=%%#" title Check Activation Status [wmi] ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 0 ( set "License=Unlicensed" set "LicenseMsg=" ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 1 ( set "License=Licensed" set "LicenseMsg=" if %GracePeriodRemaining% EQU 0 ( if %winID% EQU 1 (set "ExpireMsg=The machine is permanently activated.") else (set "ExpireMsg=The product is permanently activated.") ) else ( set "LicenseMsg=%_mTag% activation expiration: %GracePeriodRemaining% minute(s) (%_gpr% day(s))" if defined _xpr set "ExpireMsg=%_mTag% activation will expire %_xpr%" ) ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 2 ( set "License=Initial grace period" if defined _xpr set "ExpireMsg=Initial grace period ends %_xpr%" ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 3 ( set "License=Additional grace period (KMS license expired or hardware out of tolerance)" if defined _xpr set "ExpireMsg=Additional grace period ends %_xpr%" ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 4 ( set "License=Non-genuine grace period." if defined _xpr set "ExpireMsg=Non-genuine grace period ends %_xpr%" ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 6 ( set "License=Extended grace period" if defined _xpr set "ExpireMsg=Extended grace period ends %_xpr%" ) if %LicenseStatus% EQU 5 ( set "License=Notification" if "%LicenseReason%"=="C004F200" (set "LicenseMsg=Notification Reason: 0xC004F200 (non-genuine)." ) else if "%LicenseReason%"=="C004F009" (set "LicenseMsg=Notification Reason: 0xC004F009 (grace time expired)." ) else (set "LicenseMsg=Notification Reason: 0x%LicenseReason%" ) ) if %LicenseStatus% GTR 6 ( set "License=Unknown" set "LicenseMsg=" ) if not defined cKmsClient exit /b if %KeyManagementServicePort%==0 set KeyManagementServicePort=1688 set "KmsReg=Registered KMS machine name: %KeyManagementServiceMachine%:%KeyManagementServicePort%" if "%KeyManagementServiceMachine%"=="" set "KmsReg=Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available" if %DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort%==0 set DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort=1688 set "KmsDns=KMS machine name from DNS: %DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName%:%DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort%" if "%DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName%"=="" set "KmsDns=DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available" set "_qr="wmic path %~2 get ClientMachineID, KeyManagementServiceHostCaching /value" ^| findstr ^=" if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csg% %~2 "ClientMachineID, KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('%_qr%') do set "%%#" if /i %KeyManagementServiceHostCaching%==True (set KeyManagementServiceHostCaching=Enabled) else (set KeyManagementServiceHostCaching=Disabled) if %winbuild% LSS 9200 exit /b if /i %~1==%ospp% exit /b if "%KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain%"=="" set "KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain=" if %VLActivationTypeEnabled% EQU 3 ( set VLActivationType=Token ) else if %VLActivationTypeEnabled% EQU 2 ( set VLActivationType=KMS ) else if %VLActivationTypeEnabled% EQU 1 ( set VLActivationType=AD ) else ( set VLActivationType=All ) if %winbuild% LSS 9600 exit /b if "%DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress%"=="" set "DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress=not available" exit /b :casWout echo. echo Name: %Name% echo Description: %Description% echo Activation ID: %ID% echo Extended PID: %ProductKeyID% if defined ProductKeyChannel echo Product Key Channel: %ProductKeyChannel% echo Partial Product Key: %PartialProductKey% echo License Status: %License% if defined LicenseMsg echo %LicenseMsg% if not %LicenseStatus%==0 if not %EvaluationEndDate:~0,8%==16010101 echo Evaluation End Date: %EvaluationEndDate:~0,4%-%EvaluationEndDate:~4,2%-%EvaluationEndDate:~6,2% %EvaluationEndDate:~8,2%:%EvaluationEndDate:~10,2% UTC if not defined cKmsClient ( if defined ExpireMsg echo.&echo. %ExpireMsg% exit /b ) if defined VLActivationTypeEnabled echo Configured Activation Type: %VLActivationType% echo. if not %LicenseStatus%==1 ( echo Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values. exit /b ) echo Most recent activation information: echo Key Management Service client information echo. Client Machine ID (CMID): %ClientMachineID% echo. %KmsDns% echo. %KmsReg% if defined DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress echo. KMS machine IP address: %DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress% echo. KMS machine extended PID: %KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID% echo. Activation interval: %VLActivationInterval% minutes echo. Renewal interval: %VLRenewalInterval% minutes echo. K.M.S. host caching: %KeyManagementServiceHostCaching% if defined KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain echo. KMS SRV record lookup domain: %KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain% if defined ExpireMsg echo.&echo. %ExpireMsg% exit /b :casWend if %_Identity% EQU 1 if %_prsh% EQU 1 ( echo %line2% echo *** Office vNext Status *** echo %line2% setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %_psc% "$f=[IO.File]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':vNextDiag\:.*';iex ($f[1])" title Check Activation Status [wmi] echo %line3% echo. ) echo. call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause >nul exit /b :vNextDiag: function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry { $vNextRegkey = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext" $vNextPrids = Get-Item -Path $vNextRegkey -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'property' | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ToLower() -like "*retail" -or $_.ToLower() -like "*volume"} If ($vNextPrids -Eq $null) { Write-Host "No registry keys found." Return } $vNextPrids | ForEach ` { $mode = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $vNextRegkey -Name $_).$_ Switch ($mode) { 2 { $mode = "vNext"; Break } 3 { $mode = "Device"; Break } Default { $mode = "Legacy"; Break } } Write-Host $_ = $mode } } function PrintSharedComputerLicensing { $scaRegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" $scaValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaRegKey -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction Ignore $scaRegKey2 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing" $scaValue2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaRegKey2 -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction Ignore $scaPolicyKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing" $scaPolicyValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaPolicyKey -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction Ignore If ($scaValue -Eq $null -And $scaValue2 -Eq $null -And $scaPolicyValue -Eq $null) { Write-Host "No registry keys found." Return } $scaModeValue = $scaValue -Or $scaValue2 -Or $scaPolicyValue If ($scaModeValue -Eq 0) { $scaMode = "Disabled" } If ($scaModeValue -Eq 1) { $scaMode = "Enabled" } Write-Host "SharedComputerLicensing" = $scaMode Write-Host $tokenFiles = $null $tokenPath = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing" If (Test-Path $tokenPath) { $tokenFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $tokenPath -Recurse -File -Filter "*authString*" } If ($tokenFiles.length -Eq 0) { Write-Host "No tokens found." Return } $tokenFiles | ForEach ` { $tokenParts = (Get-Content -Encoding Unicode -Path $_.FullName).Split('_') $output = [PSCustomObject] ` @{ ACID = $tokenParts[0]; User = $tokenParts[3] NotBefore = $tokenParts[4]; NotAfter = $tokenParts[5]; } | ConvertTo-Json Write-Host $output } } function PrintLicensesInformation { Param( [ValidateSet("NUL", "Device")] [String]$mode ) If ($mode -Eq "NUL") { $licensePath = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Office\Licenses" } ElseIf ($mode -Eq "Device") { $licensePath = "${env:PROGRAMDATA}\Microsoft\Office\Licenses" } $licenseFiles = $null If (Test-Path $licensePath) { $licenseFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $licensePath -Recurse -File } If ($licenseFiles.length -Eq 0) { Write-Host "No licenses found." Return } $licenseFiles | ForEach ` { $license = (Get-Content -Encoding Unicode $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json).License $decodedLicense = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($license)) | ConvertFrom-Json $licenseType = $decodedLicense.LicenseType If ($null -Ne $decodedLicense.ExpiresOn) { $expiry = [DateTime]::Parse($decodedLicense.ExpiresOn, $null, 48) } Else { $expiry = New-Object DateTime } $licenseState = $null If ((Get-Date) -Gt (Get-Date $decodedLicense.MetaData.NotAfter)) { $licenseState = "RFM" } ElseIf ((Get-Date) -Lt (Get-Date $expiry)) { $licenseState = "Licensed" } Else { $licenseState = "Grace" } if ($mode -Eq "NUL") { $output = [PSCustomObject] ` @{ Version = $_.Directory.Name Type = "User|${licenseType}"; Product = $decodedLicense.ProductReleaseId; Acid = $decodedLicense.Acid; LicenseState = $licenseState; EntitlementStatus = $decodedLicense.Status; EntitlementExpiration = $decodedLicense.ExpiresOn; ReasonCode = $decodedLicense.ReasonCode; NotBefore = $decodedLicense.Metadata.NotBefore; NotAfter = $decodedLicense.Metadata.NotAfter; NextRenewal = $decodedLicense.Metadata.RenewAfter; TenantId = $decodedLicense.Metadata.TenantId; } | ConvertTo-Json } ElseIf ($mode -Eq "Device") { $output = [PSCustomObject] ` @{ Version = $_.Directory.Name Type = "Device|${licenseType}"; Product = $decodedLicense.ProductReleaseId; Acid = $decodedLicense.Acid; DeviceId = $decodedLicense.Metadata.DeviceId; LicenseState = $licenseState; EntitlementStatus = $decodedLicense.Status; EntitlementExpiration = $decodedLicense.ExpiresOn; ReasonCode = $decodedLicense.ReasonCode; NotBefore = $decodedLicense.Metadata.NotBefore; NotAfter = $decodedLicense.Metadata.NotAfter; NextRenewal = $decodedLicense.Metadata.RenewAfter; TenantId = $decodedLicense.Metadata.TenantId; } | ConvertTo-Json } Write-Output $output } } Write-Host Write-Host "========== Mode per ProductReleaseId ==========" Write-Host PrintModePerPridFromRegistry Write-Host Write-Host "========== Shared Computer Licensing ==========" Write-Host PrintSharedComputerLicensing Write-Host Write-Host "========== vNext licenses ==========" Write-Host PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "NUL" Write-Host Write-Host "========== Device licenses ==========" Write-Host PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "Device" :vNextDiag: :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :troubleshoot @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title Troubleshoot %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) call :_colorprep set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" set "line=_________________________________________________________________________________________________" if %~z0 GEQ 200000 (set "_exitmsg=Go back") else (set "_exitmsg=Exit") ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" :: Check desktop location set desktop= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop') do call set "desktop=%%b" if not defined desktop for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "& {write-host $([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'))}"') do call set "desktop=%%a" if not defined desktop ( %eline% echo Desktop location was not detected, aborting... goto at_done ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== :at_menu cls color 07 title Troubleshoot %masver% mode con cols=77 lines=30 echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: _______________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " [1] " %_Green% "Help" echo: ___________________________________________________ echo: echo: [2] Dism RestoreHealth echo: [3] SFC Scannow echo: echo: [4] Fix WMI echo: [5] Fix Licensing echo: [6] Fix WPA Registry echo: ___________________________________________________ echo: echo: [0] %_exitmsg% echo: _______________________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard :" choice /C:1234560 /N set _erl=%errorlevel% if %_erl%==7 exit /b if %_erl%==6 start %mas%fix-wpa-registry.html &goto at_menu if %_erl%==5 goto:retokens if %_erl%==4 goto:fixwmi if %_erl%==3 goto:sfcscan if %_erl%==2 goto:dism_rest if %_erl%==1 start %mas%troubleshoot.html &goto at_menu goto :at_menu ::======================================================================================================================================== :dism_rest cls mode 98, 30 title Dism /English /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth if %winbuild% LSS 9200 ( %eline% echo Unsupported OS version Detected. echo This command is supported only for Windows 8/8.1/10/11 and their Server equivalent. goto :at_back ) set _int= for %%a in (l.root-servers.net resolver1.opendns.com download.windowsupdate.com google.com) do if not defined _int ( for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _int=1) ) echo: if defined _int ( echo Checking Internet Connection [Connected] ) else ( call :_color2 %_White% " " %Red% "Checking Internet Connection [Not connected]" ) echo %line% echo: echo Dism uses Windows Update to provide the files required to fix corruption. echo This will take 5-15 minutes or more.. echo %line% echo: echo Notes: echo: call :_color2 %_White% " - " %Gray% "Make sure the Internet is connected." call :_color2 %_White% " - " %Gray% "Make sure the Windows update is properly working." echo: echo %line% echo: choice /C:09 /N /M "> [9] Continue [0] Go back : " if %errorlevel%==1 goto at_menu cls mode 110, 30 %psc% Stop-Service TrustedInstaller -force %nul% set _time= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "Get-Date -format HH_mm_ss"') do set _time=%%a echo: echo Applying the command, echo dism /english /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth dism /english /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth %psc% Stop-Service TrustedInstaller -force %nul% if not exist "!desktop!\AT_Logs\" md "!desktop!\AT_Logs\" %nul% call :compresslog cbs\CBS.log RHealth_CBS %nul% call :compresslog DISM\dism.log RHealth_DISM %nul% if not exist "!desktop!\AT_Logs\RHealth_CBS_%_time%.cab" ( copy /y /b "%SystemRoot%\logs\cbs\cbs.log" "!desktop!\AT_Logs\RHealth_CBS_%_time%.log" %nul% ) if not exist "!desktop!\AT_Logs\RHealth_DISM_%_time%.cab" ( copy /y /b "%SystemRoot%\logs\DISM\dism.log" "!desktop!\AT_Logs\RHealth_DISM_%_time%.log" %nul% ) echo: call :_color %Gray% "CBS and DISM logs are copied to the AT_Logs folder on the dekstop." goto :at_back ::======================================================================================================================================== :sfcscan cls mode 98, 30 title sfc /scannow echo: echo %line% echo: echo System File Checker will repair missing or corrupted system files. echo This will take 10-15 minutes or more.. echo: echo If SFC could not fix something, then run the command again to see if it may be able echo to the next time. Sometimes it may take running the sfc /scannow command 3 times echo restarting the PC after each time to completely fix everything that it's able to. echo: echo %line% echo: choice /C:09 /N /M "> [9] Continue [0] Go back : " if %errorlevel%==1 goto at_menu cls %psc% Stop-Service TrustedInstaller -force %nul% set _time= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "Get-Date -format HH_mm_ss"') do set _time=%%a echo: echo Applying the command, echo sfc /scannow sfc /scannow %psc% Stop-Service TrustedInstaller -force %nul% if not exist "!desktop!\AT_Logs\" md "!desktop!\AT_Logs\" %nul% call :compresslog cbs\CBS.log SFC_CBS %nul% if not exist "!desktop!\AT_Logs\SFC_CBS_%_time%.cab" ( copy /y /b "%SystemRoot%\logs\cbs\cbs.log" "!desktop!\AT_Logs\SFC_CBS_%_time%.log" %nul% ) echo: call :_color %Gray% "CBS log is copied to the AT_Logs folder on the dekstop." goto :at_back ::======================================================================================================================================== :retokens cls mode con cols=125 lines=32 %psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" title Fix Licensing ^(ClipSVC ^+ Office vNext ^+ SPP ^+ OSPP^) echo: echo %line% echo: echo Notes: echo: echo - It helps in troubleshooting activation issues. echo: echo - This option will, echo - Deactivate Windows and Office, you may need to reactivate echo If Windows is activated with motherboard / OEM / Digital license then don't worry echo: echo - Clear ClipSVC, Office vNext, SPP and OSPP licenses echo - Fix SPP permissions of tokens folder and registries echo - Trigger the repair option for Office. echo: call :_color2 %_White% " - " %Red% "Apply it only when it is necessary." echo: echo %line% echo: choice /C:09 /N /M "> [9] Continue [0] Go back : " if %errorlevel%==1 goto at_menu ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Rebuild ClipSVC Licences cls :cleanlicensing echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Blue% "Rebuilding ClipSVC Licences" echo: if %winbuild% LSS 10240 ( echo ClipSVC Licence rebuilding is supported only on Win 10/11 and Server equivalent. echo Skipping... goto :cleanvnext ) %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).Name" %nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && ( echo Windows is permanently activated. echo Skipping rebuilding ClipSVC licences... goto :cleanvnext ) echo Stopping ClipSVC service... %psc% Stop-Service ClipSVC -force %nul% timeout /t 2 %nul% echo: echo Applying the command to Clean ClipSVC Licences... echo rundll32 clipc.dll,ClipCleanUpState rundll32 clipc.dll,ClipCleanUpState if %winbuild% LEQ 10240 ( echo [Successful] ) else ( if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\tokens.dat" ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) else ( echo [Successful] ) ) :: Below registry key (Volatile & Protected) gets created after the ClipSVC License cleanup command, and gets automatically deleted after :: system restart. It needs to be deleted to activate the system without restart. set "RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState" set "_ident=HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityCRL" reg query "%RegKey%" %nul% && %nul% call :regownstart reg delete "%RegKey%" /f %nul% echo: echo Deleting a Volatile ^& Protected Registry Key... echo [%RegKey%] reg query "%RegKey%" %nul% && ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" echo Restart the system, that will delete this registry key automatically. ) || ( echo [Successful] ) :: Clear HWID token related registry to fix activation incase if there is any corruption echo: echo Deleting a IdentityCRL Registry Key... echo [%_ident%] reg delete "%_ident%" /f %nul% reg query "%_ident%" %nul% && ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) || ( echo [Successful] ) %psc% Stop-Service ClipSVC -force %nul% :: Rebuild ClipSVC folder to fix permission issues echo: if %winbuild% GTR 10240 ( echo Deleting Folder %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\ rmdir /s /q "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSvc" %nul% if exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\" ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) else ( echo [Successful] ) echo: echo Rebuilding Folder %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\ %psc% Start-Service ClipSVC %nul% timeout /t 3 %nul% if not exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\" timeout /t 5 %nul% if not exist "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\" ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) else ( echo [Successful] ) ) echo: echo Restarting [wlidsvc LicenseManager] services... for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager) do (%psc% Restart-Service %%# %nul%) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Find remnants of Office vNext license block and remove it because it stops non vNext licenses from appearing :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/activation/reset-office-365-proplus-activation-state :cleanvnext echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Blue% "Clearing Office vNext License" echo: setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set "_Local=%LocalAppData%" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion attrib -R "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses" %nul% attrib -R "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses" %nul% if exist "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" ( rd /s /q "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% if exist "!ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" ( echo Failed To Delete - !ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) else ( echo Deleted Folder - !ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) ) else ( echo Not Found - !ProgramData!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) if exist "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" ( rd /s /q "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% if exist "!_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" ( echo Failed To Delete - !_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) else ( echo Deleted Folder - !_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) ) else ( echo Not Found - !_Local!\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\ ) echo: for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' | ForEach-Object { Split-Path -Path $_.PSPath -Leaf }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sid (set "_sid=!_sid! HKU\%%a") else (set "_sid=HKU\%%a")) set regfound= for %%# in (HKCU !_sid!) do ( for %%A in ( %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity %%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration ) do ( reg query %%A %nul% && ( set regfound=1 reg delete %%A /f %nul% && ( echo Deleted Registry - %%A ) || ( echo Failed to Delete - %%A ) ) ) ) if not defined regfound echo Not Found - Office vNext Registry Keys ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Rebuild SPP Tokens echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Blue% "Rebuilding SPP Licensing Tokens" echo: call :scandat check if not defined token ( call :_color %Red% "tokens.dat file not found." ) else ( echo tokens.dat file: [%token%] ) echo: set wpainfo= for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':wpatest\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" %nul6%') do (set wpainfo=%%a) echo "%wpainfo%" | find /i "Error Found" %nul% && ( call :_color %Red% "WPA Registry Error: %wpainfo%" ) || ( echo WPA Registry Count: %wpainfo% ) set tokenstore= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v TokenStore %nul6%') do call set "tokenstore=%%b" :: Check sppsvc permissions and apply fixes if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 ( echo: echo Checking SPP permission related issues... call :checkperms if defined permerror ( mkdir "%tokenstore%" %nul% set "d=$sddl = 'O:BAG:BAD:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GR;;;BU)(A;;FR;;;BU)(A;OICI;FA;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)';" set "d=!d! $AclObject = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity;" set "d=!d! $AclObject.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm($sddl);" set "d=!d! Set-Acl -Path %tokenstore% -AclObject $AclObject;" %psc% "!d!" %nul% for %%# in ( "HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA_QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey" "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform_SetValue" ) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=_" %%A in (%%#) do ( set "d=$acl = Get-Acl '%%A';" set "d=!d! $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule ('NT Service\sppsvc', '%%B', 'ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit','None','Allow');" set "d=!d! $acl.ResetAccessRule($rule);" set "d=!d! $acl.SetAccessRule($rule);" set "d=!d! Set-Acl -Path '%%A' -AclObject $acl" %psc% "!d!" %nul% ) call :checkperms if defined permerror ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed To Fix]" ) else ( echo [Successfully Fixed] ) ) else ( echo [No Error Found] ) ) echo: echo Stopping sppsvc service... %psc% Stop-Service sppsvc -force %nul% echo: call :scandat delete call :scandat check if defined token ( echo: call :_color %Red% "Failed to delete .dat files." echo: ) echo: echo Reinstalling System Licenses [slmgr /rilc]... cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 ( echo [Successful] ) else ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) call :scandat check echo: if not defined token ( call :_color %Red% "Failed to rebuilt tokens.dat file." ) else ( echo tokens.dat file was rebuilt successfully. ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Rebuild OSPP Tokens echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Blue% "Rebuilding OSPP Licensing Tokens" echo: sc qc osppsvc %nul% || ( echo OSPP based Office is not installed echo Skipping rebuilding OSPP tokens... goto :repairoffice ) call :scandatospp check if not defined token ( call :_color %Red% "tokens.dat file not found." ) else ( echo tokens.dat file: [%token%] ) echo: echo Stopping osppsvc service... %psc% Stop-Service osppsvc -force %nul% echo: call :scandatospp delete call :scandatospp check if defined token ( echo: call :_color %Red% "Failed to delete .dat files." echo: ) echo: echo Starting osppsvc service to generate tokens.dat %psc% Start-Service osppsvc %nul% call :scandatospp check if not defined token ( %psc% Stop-Service osppsvc -force %nul% %psc% Start-Service osppsvc %nul% timeout /t 3 %nul% ) call :scandatospp check echo: if not defined token ( call :_color %Red% "Failed to rebuilt tokens.dat file." ) else ( echo tokens.dat file was rebuilt successfully. ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :repairoffice echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Blue% "Repairing Office Licenses" echo: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b if /i "%arch%"=="ARM64" ( echo: echo ARM64 Windows Found. echo You need to use repair option in Windows settings for Office. echo: start ms-settings:appsfeatures goto :repairend ) if /i "%arch%"=="x86" ( set arch=X86 ) else ( set arch=X64 ) for %%# in (68 86) do ( for %%A in (msi14 msi15 msi16 c2r14 c2r15 c2r16) do (set %%A_%%#=&set %%Arepair%%#=) ) set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office reg query %_68%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %nul% && (set "c2r14_68=Office 14.0 C2R x86/x64" & set "c2r14repair68=") reg query %_86%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %nul% && (set "c2r14_86=Office 14.0 C2R x86" & set "c2r14repair86=") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi14_86=Office 14.0 MSI x86" & set "msi14repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi14_68=Office 14.0 MSI x86/x64" & set "msi14repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi15_86=Office 15.0 MSI x86" & set "msi15repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi15_68=Office 15.0 MSI x86/x64" & set "msi15repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE15\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi16_86=Office 16.0 MSI x86" & set "msi16repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi16_68=Office 16.0 MSI x86/x64" & set "msi16repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_86=Office 15.0 C2R x86" & set "c2r15repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\integratedoffice.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_68=Office 15.0 C2R x86/x64" & set "c2r15repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\integratedoffice.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_86=Office 16.0 C2R x86" & set "c2r16repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\OfficeClickToRun.exe") for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_68=Office 16.0 C2R x86/x64" & set "c2r16repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\OfficeClickToRun.exe") set uwp16= if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 ( %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.Office.Desktop"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && set uwp16=Office 16.0 UWP ) set /a counter=0 echo Checking installed Office versions... echo: for %%# in ( "%msi14_68%" "%msi14_86%" "%msi15_68%" "%msi15_86%" "%msi16_68%" "%msi16_86%" "%c2r14_68%" "%c2r14_86%" "%c2r15_68%" "%c2r15_86%" "%c2r16_68%" "%c2r16_86%" "%uwp16%" ) do ( if not "%%#"=="""" ( set insoff=%%# set insoff=!insoff:"=! echo [!insoff!] set /a counter+=1 ) ) if %counter% GTR 1 ( %eline% echo Multiple office versions found. echo It's recommended to install only one version of office. echo ________________________________________________________________ echo: ) if %counter% EQU 0 ( echo: echo Installed Office is not found. goto :repairend echo: ) else ( echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "A Window will popup, in that Window you need to select [Quick] Repair Option..." call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to continue..." echo: pause %nul1% ) if defined uwp16 ( echo: echo Note: Skipping repair for Office 16.0 UWP. echo You need to use reset option in Windows settings for it. echo ________________________________________________________________ echo: start ms-settings:appsfeatures ) set c2r14= if defined c2r14_68 set c2r14=1 if defined c2r14_86 set c2r14=1 if defined c2r14 ( echo: echo Note: Skipping repair for Office 14.0 C2R echo You need to use Repair option in Windows settings for it. echo ________________________________________________________________ echo: start appwiz.cpl ) if defined msi14_68 if exist "%msi14repair68%" echo Running - "%msi14repair68%" & "%msi14repair68%" if defined msi14_86 if exist "%msi14repair86%" echo Running - "%msi14repair86%" & "%msi14repair86%" if defined msi15_68 if exist "%msi15repair68%" echo Running - "%msi15repair68%" & "%msi15repair68%" if defined msi15_86 if exist "%msi15repair86%" echo Running - "%msi15repair86%" & "%msi15repair86%" if defined msi16_68 if exist "%msi16repair68%" echo Running - "%msi16repair68%" & "%msi16repair68%" if defined msi16_86 if exist "%msi16repair86%" echo Running - "%msi16repair86%" & "%msi16repair86%" if defined c2r15_68 if exist "%c2r15repair68%" echo Running - "%c2r15repair68%" REPAIRUI RERUNMODE & "%c2r15repair68%" REPAIRUI RERUNMODE if defined c2r15_86 if exist "%c2r15repair86%" echo Running - "%c2r15repair86%" REPAIRUI RERUNMODE & "%c2r15repair86%" REPAIRUI RERUNMODE if defined c2r16_68 if exist "%c2r16repair68%" echo Running - "%c2r16repair68%" scenario=Repair & "%c2r16repair68%" scenario=Repair if defined c2r16_86 if exist "%c2r16repair86%" echo Running - "%c2r16repair86%" scenario=Repair & "%c2r16repair86%" scenario=Repair :repairend echo: echo %line% echo: echo: call :_color %Green% "Finished" goto :at_back ::======================================================================================================================================== :fixwmi cls mode 98, 34 title Fix WMI :: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/ask-the-performance-team/wmi-repository-corruption-or-not/ba-p/375484 if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" ( %eline% echo WMI rebuild is not recommended on Windows Server. Aborting... goto :at_back ) for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( %eline% echo wmic.exe file is not found in the system. Aborting... goto :at_back ) echo: echo Checking WMI call :checkwmi :: Apply basic fix first and check if defined error ( %psc% Stop-Service Winmgmt -force %nul% winmgmt /salvagerepository %nul% call :checkwmi ) if not defined error ( echo [Working] echo No need to apply this option. Aborting... goto :at_back ) call :_color %Red% "[Not Responding]" set _corrupt= sc start Winmgmt %nul% if %errorlevel% EQU 1060 set _corrupt=1 sc query Winmgmt %nul% || set _corrupt=1 for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt (reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winmgmt /v %%G %nul% || set _corrupt=1) echo: if defined _corrupt ( %eline% echo Winmgmt service is corrupted. Aborting... goto :at_back ) echo Disabling Winmgmt service sc config Winmgmt start= disabled %nul% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 ( echo [Successful] ) else ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed] Aborting..." sc config Winmgmt start= auto %nul% goto :at_back ) echo: echo Stopping Winmgmt service %psc% Stop-Service Winmgmt -force %nul% %psc% Stop-Service Winmgmt -force %nul% %psc% Stop-Service Winmgmt -force %nul% sc query Winmgmt | find /i "STOPPED" %nul% && ( echo [Successful] ) || ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" echo: call :_color %Blue% "Its recommended to select [Restart] option and then apply Fix WMI option again." echo %line% echo: choice /C:21 /N /M "> [1] Restart [2] Revert Back Changes :" if !errorlevel!==1 (sc config Winmgmt start= auto %nul%&goto :at_back) echo: echo Restarting... shutdown -t 5 -r exit ) echo: echo Deleting WMI repository rmdir /s /q "%windir%\System32\wbem\repository\" %nul% if exist "%windir%\System32\wbem\repository\" ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) else ( echo [Successful] ) echo: echo Enabling Winmgmt service sc config Winmgmt start= auto %nul% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 ( echo [Successful] ) else ( call :_color %Red% "[Failed]" ) call :checkwmi if not defined error ( echo: echo Checking WMI call :_color %Green% "[Working]" goto :at_back ) echo: echo Registering .dll's and Compiling .mof's, .mfl's call :registerobj %nul% echo: echo Checking WMI call :checkwmi if defined error ( call :_color %Red% "[Not Responding]" echo: echo Run [Dism RestoreHealth] and [SFC Scannow] options and make sure there are no errors. ) else ( call :_color %Green% "[Working]" ) goto :at_back :registerobj :: https://eskonr.com/2012/01/how-to-fix-wmi-issues-automatically/ %psc% Stop-Service Winmgmt -force %nul% cd /d %systemroot%\system32\wbem\ regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\scecli.dll regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\userenv.dll mofcomp cimwin32.mof mofcomp cimwin32.mfl mofcomp rsop.mof mofcomp rsop.mfl for /f %%s in ('dir /b /s *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %%s for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.mof') do mofcomp %%s for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.mfl') do mofcomp %%s winmgmt /salvagerepository winmgmt /resetrepository exit /b :checkwmi :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants set error= wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (set error=1& exit /b) winmgmt /verifyrepository %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (set error=1& exit /b) cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv %nul% cmd /c exit /b %errorlevel% echo "0x%=ExitCode%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set error=1 exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :at_back echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..." pause %nul1% goto :at_menu ::======================================================================================================================================== :at_done echo: echo Press any key to %_exitmsg%... pause %nul1% exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :compresslog :: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46268232 set "ddf="%SystemRoot%\Temp\ddf"" %nul% del /q /f %ddf% echo/.New Cabinet>%ddf% echo/.set Cabinet=ON>>%ddf% echo/.set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set Compress=ON>>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionType=LZX>>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionLevel=7;>>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionMemory=21;>>%ddf% echo/.set FolderFileCountThreshold=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set FolderSizeThreshold=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set GenerateInf=OFF>>%ddf% echo/.set InfFileName=nul>>%ddf% echo/.set MaxCabinetSize=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set MaxDiskFileCount=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set MaxDiskSize=0;>>%ddf% echo/.set MaxErrors=1;>>%ddf% echo/.set RptFileName=nul>>%ddf% echo/.set UniqueFiles=ON>>%ddf% for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%D in ('dir /a:-D/b/s "%SystemRoot%\logs\%1"') do ( echo/"%%~fD" /inf=no;>>%ddf% ) makecab /F %ddf% /D DiskDirectory1="" /D CabinetNameTemplate="!desktop!\AT_Logs\%2_%_time%.cab" del /q /f %ddf% exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :checkperms set permerror= if not exist "%tokenstore%\" set permerror=1 for %%# in ( "%tokenstore%" "HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA" "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" ) do if not defined permerror ( %psc% "$acl = Get-Acl '%%#'; if ($acl.Access.Where{ $_.IdentityReference -eq 'NT SERVICE\sppsvc' -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Deny' -or $acl.Access.IdentityReference -notcontains 'NT SERVICE\sppsvc'}) {Exit 2}" %nul% if !errorlevel!==2 set permerror=1 ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :scandat set token= for %%# in ( %Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\store_test\2.0\ %Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\store\ %Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0\ %Systemdrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\ ) do ( if %1==check ( if exist %%#tokens.dat set token=%%#tokens.dat ) if %1==delete ( if exist %%# ( %nul% dir /a-d /s "%%#*.dat" && ( attrib -r -s -h "%%#*.dat" /S del /S /F /Q "%%#*.dat" ) ) ) ) exit /b :scandatospp set token= for %%# in ( %ProgramData%\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\ ) do ( if %1==check ( if exist %%#tokens.dat set token=%%#tokens.dat ) if %1==delete ( if exist %%# ( %nul% dir /a-d /s "%%#*.dat" && ( attrib -r -s -h "%%#*.dat" /S del /S /F /Q "%%#*.dat" ) ) ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :regownstart %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regown\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" exit /b :: Below code takes ownership of a volatile registry key and deletes it :: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState :regown: $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False) $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0) $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('RtlAdjustPrivilege', 'ntdll.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([int], [bool], [bool], [bool].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.CreateType()::RtlAdjustPrivilege(9, $true, $false, [ref]$false) | Out-Null $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-32-544') $IDN = ($SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).Value $Admin = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($IDN) $path = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState' $key = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey('LocalMachine', 'Registry64').OpenSubKey($path, 'ReadWriteSubTree', 'takeownership') $acl = $key.GetAccessControl() $acl.SetOwner($Admin) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($Admin,"FullControl","Allow") $acl.SetAccessRule($rule) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) :regown: :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :change_edition @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: To stage current edition while changing edition with CBS Upgrade Method, change 0 to 1 in below line set _stg=0 ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title Change Windows Edition %masver% set _args= set _elev= set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 ) ) set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" set "Red="41;97m"" set "Gray="100;97m"" set "Green="42;97m"" set "Blue="44;97m"" set "_White="40;37m"" set "_Green="40;92m"" set "_Yellow="40;93m"" ) else ( set "Red="Red" "white"" set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" set "Blue="Blue" "white"" set "_White="Black" "Gray"" set "_Green="Black" "Green"" set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" ) set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" set "line=echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________" if %~z0 GEQ 200000 (set "_exitmsg=Go back") else (set "_exitmsg=Exit") ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== cls mode 98, 30 echo: echo Initializing... echo: call :dk_product call :dk_ckeckwmic :: Show info for potential script stuck scenario sc start sppsvc %nul% if %errorlevel% NEQ 1056 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Error code: %errorlevel% call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to start [sppsvc] service, rest of the process may take a long time..." echo: ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Activation IDs call :dk_actids if not defined applist ( net stop sppsvc /y %nul% cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc %nul% call :dk_refresh call :dk_actids if not defined applist ( %eline% echo Activation IDs not found. Aborting... echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto ced_done ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== call :dk_checksku if not defined osSKU ( %eline% echo SKU value was not detected properly. Aborting... goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check Windows Edition set osedition= set dismedition= set dismnotworking= set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLGetWindowsInformation', 'slc.dll', 22, 1, [int], @([String], [int], [int].MakeByRefType(), [String].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $editionName = 0; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::SLGetWindowsInformation('Kernel-EditionName', 0, [ref]0, [ref]$editionName); $editionName if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set osedition=%%s) if "%osedition%"=="0" set osedition= if not defined osedition ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a" ) :: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional if %osSKU%==164 set osedition=ProfessionalEducation if %osSKU%==165 set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %nul6% ^| find /i "Current Edition :"') do set "dismedition=%%a" if not defined dismedition set dismnotworking=1 if defined dismedition if not defined osedition set osedition=%dismedition% if not defined osedition ( %eline% DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %nul% cmd /c exit /b !errorlevel! echo DISM command failed [Error Code - 0x!=ExitCode!] echo OS Edition was not detected properly. Aborting... echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set branch= for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildBranch %nul6%') do set "branch=%%b" :: Check PowerShell %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode %nul2% | find /i "Full" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode echo: echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Get Target editions list set _target= set _dtarget= set _ptarget= set _ntarget= set _wtarget= if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('dism /online /english /Get-TargetEditions ^| findstr /i /c:"Target Edition : "') do (if defined _dtarget (set "_dtarget= !_dtarget! %%a ") else (set "_dtarget= %%a ")) if %winbuild% LSS 10240 for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':cbsxml\:.*';& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f[1])) -GetTargetEditions;" ^| findstr /i /c:"Target Edition : "') do (if defined _ptarget (set "_ptarget= !_ptarget! %%a ") else (set "_ptarget= %%a ")) if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" ( call :ced_edilist if /i "%osedition:~0,4%"=="Core" (set "_wtarget= Professional !_wtarget! ") set "_dtarget= %_dtarget% !_wtarget! " ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Block the change to/from CloudEdition editions for %%# in (202 203) do if %osSKU%==%%# ( %eline% echo [%winos% ^| SKU:%osSKU% ^| %winbuild%] echo It's not recommended to change this installed edition to any other. echo Aborting... goto ced_done ) for %%# in ( %_dtarget% %_ptarget% ) do if /i not "%%#"=="%osedition%" ( echo "!_target!" | find /i " %%# " %nul1% || set "_target= !_target! %%# " ) if defined _target ( for %%# in (%_target%) do ( echo %%# | findstr /i "CountrySpecific CloudEdition ServerRdsh" %nul% || (set "_ntarget=!_ntarget! %%#") ) ) if not defined _ntarget ( %line% echo: if defined dismnotworking call :dk_color %Red% "DISM.exe is not responding." call :dk_color %Gray% "Target Edition not found." echo Current Edition [%osedition% ^| %winbuild%] can not be changed to any other Edition. %line% goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :cedmenu2 cls mode 98, 30 set inpt= set counter=0 set verified=0 set targetedition= %line% echo: call :dk_color %Gray% "You can change the Edition [%osedition%] [%winbuild%] to one of the following." if defined dismnotworking ( call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Note - DISM.exe is not responding." if /i "%osedition:~0,4%"=="Core" call :dk_color %_Yellow% " - You will see more edition options to choose once its changed to Pro." ) %line% echo: for %%A in (%_ntarget%) do ( set /a counter+=1 echo [!counter!] %%A set targetedition!counter!=%%A ) %line% echo: echo [0] %_exitmsg% echo: call :dk_color %_Green% "Enter option number in keyboard, and press "Enter":" set /p inpt= if "%inpt%"=="" goto cedmenu2 if "%inpt%"=="0" exit /b for /l %%i in (1,1,%counter%) do (if "%inpt%"=="%%i" set verified=1) set targetedition=!targetedition%inpt%! if %verified%==0 goto cedmenu2 ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 10240 goto :cbsmethod if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" goto :ced_change_server cls mode con cols=105 lines=32 set key= set _chan= set _dismapi=0 :: Check if DISM Api or slmgr.vbs is required for edition upgrade if not exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\spp\tokens\skus\%targetedition%\" ( set _dismapi=1 ) set "keyflow=Retail OEM:NONSLP OEM:DM Volume:MAK Volume:GVLK" call :ced_targetSKU %targetedition% if defined targetSKU call :ced_windowskey if defined key if defined pkeychannel set _chan=%pkeychannel% if not defined key call :changeeditiondata if not defined key ( %eline% echo [%targetedition% ^| %winbuild%] echo Unable to get product key from pkeyhelper.dll echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Changing from Core to Non-Core & Changing editions in Windows build older than 17134 requires "changepk /productkey" or DISM Api method and restart :: In other cases, editions can be changed instantly with "slmgr /ipk" if %_dismapi%==1 ( mode con cols=105 lines=40 %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':checkrebootflag\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" | find /i "True" %nul% && ( %eline% echo Pending Reboot flags found. echo: echo Restart the system and try again. goto ced_done ) ) cls %line% echo: if defined dismnotworking call :dk_color %_Yellow% "DISM.exe is not responding." echo Changing the Current Edition [%osedition%] %winbuild% to [%targetedition%] echo: if %_dismapi%==1 ( call :dk_color %Green% "Notes-" echo: echo - Save your work before continue, system will auto restart. echo: echo - You will need to activate with HWID option once the edition is changed. %line% echo: choice /C:21 /N /M "[1] Continue [2] %_exitmsg% : " if !errorlevel!==1 exit /b ) ::======================================================================================================================================== if %_dismapi%==0 ( echo Installing %_chan% Key [%key%] echo: if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path SoftwareLicensingService where __CLASS='SoftwareLicensingService' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" %nul% if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService').Get()).InstallProductKey('%key%')" %nul% if not !errorlevel!==0 cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %key% %nul% set error_code=!errorlevel! cmd /c exit /b !error_code! if !error_code! NEQ 0 set "error_code=[0x!=ExitCode!]" if !error_code! EQU 0 ( call :dk_refresh call :dk_color %Green% "[Successful]" echo: call :dk_color %Gray% "Reboot is required to properly change the Edition." ) else ( call :dk_color %Red% "[Unsuccessful] [Error Code: 0x!=ExitCode!]" echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot ) ) if %_dismapi%==1 ( echo: echo Applying the DISM API method with %_chan% Key %key%. Please wait... echo: %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':dismapi\:.*';& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f[1])) %targetedition% %key%;" timeout /t 3 %nul1% echo: call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this page for help" %_Yellow% " %mas%change_edition_issues" ) %line% goto ced_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :cbsmethod cls mode con cols=105 lines=32 %psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" REM %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':checkrebootflag\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" | find /i "True" %nul% && ( REM %eline% REM echo Pending reboot flags found. REM echo: REM echo Restart the system and try again. REM goto ced_done REM ) echo: if defined dismnotworking call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Note - DISM.exe is not responding." echo Changing the Current Edition [%osedition%] %winbuild% to [%targetedition%] echo: call :dk_color %Blue% "Important - Save your work before continue, system will auto reboot." echo: choice /C:01 /N /M "[1] Continue [0] %_exitmsg% : " if %errorlevel%==1 exit /b echo: echo Initializing... echo: if %_stg%==0 (set stage=) else (set stage=-StageCurrent) %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':cbsxml\:.*';& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f[1])) -SetEdition %targetedition% %stage%;" echo: call :dk_color %Blue% "Incase of errors, you must restart your system before trying again." echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot %line% goto ced_done ::======================================================================================================================================== :ced_change_server cls mode con cols=105 lines=32 %psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" set key= set _chan= set "keyflow=Volume:GVLK Retail Volume:MAK OEM:NONSLP OEM:DM" call :ced_targetSKU %targetedition% if defined targetSKU call :ced_windowskey if defined key if defined pkeychannel set _chan=%pkeychannel% if not defined key call :changeeditiondata if not defined key ( %eline% echo [%targetedition% ^| %winbuild%] echo Unable to get product key from pkeyhelper.dll echo: echo Check this page for help. %mas%troubleshoot goto ced_done ) ::======================================================================================================================================== %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':checkrebootflag\:.*';iex ($f[1]);" | find /i "True" %nul% && ( %eline% echo Pending reboot flags found. echo: echo Restart the system and try again. goto ced_done ) cls echo: if defined dismnotworking call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Note - DISM.exe is not responding." echo Changing the Current Edition [%osedition%] %winbuild% to [%targetedition%] echo: echo Applying the command with %_chan% Key echo DISM /online /Set-Edition:%targetedition% /ProductKey:%key% /AcceptEula DISM /online /Set-Edition:%targetedition% /ProductKey:%key% /AcceptEula call :dk_color %Blue% "You must restart the system at this stage." echo Help: %mas%troubleshoot ::======================================================================================================================================== :ced_done echo: call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to %_exitmsg%..." pause %nul1% exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Get Edition list :ced_edilist if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f') get LicenseFamily /VALUE" %nul6%')" if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT LicenseFamily FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f''').Get()).LicenseFamily ^| %% {echo ('LicenseFamily='+$_)}" %nul6%')" %chkedi% do ( call if exist %Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\spp\tokens\skus\%%a ( call set "_wtarget= !_wtarget! %%a " ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check pending reboot flags :checkrebootflag: function Test-PendingReboot { if (Test-Path -Path "$env:windir\WinSxS\pending.xml") { return $true } if (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\RebootPending" -EA Ignore) { return $true } if (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired" -EA Ignore) { return $true } try { $util = [wmiclass]"\\.\root\ccm\clientsdk:CCM_ClientUtilities" $status = $util.DetermineIfRebootPending() if(($status -ne $null) -and $status.RebootPending){ return $true } }catch{} return $false } Test-PendingReboot :checkrebootflag: ::======================================================================================================================================== :ced_windowskey for %%# in (pkeyhelper.dll) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" exit /b for %%# in (%keyflow%) do ( call :dk_pkey %targetSKU% '%%#' if defined pkey call :dk_pkeychannel !pkey! if /i [!pkeychannel!]==[%%#] ( set key=!pkey! exit /b ) ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :ced_targetSKU set k=%1 set targetSKU= for %%# in (pkeyhelper.dll) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" exit /b call :dk_reflection set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetEditionIdFromName', 'pkeyhelper.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([String], [int].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3); set d1=%d1% $out = 0; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::GetEditionIdFromName('%k%', [ref]$out); $out for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set targetSKU=%%a) if "%targetSKU%"=="0" set targetSKU= exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: https://github.com/Gamers-Against-Weed/Set-WindowsCbsEdition :cbsxml:[ param ( [Parameter()] [String]$SetEdition, [Parameter()] [Switch]$GetTargetEditions, [Parameter()] [Switch]$StageCurrent ) function Get-AssemblyIdentity { param ( [String]$PackageName ) $PackageName = [String]$PackageName $packageData = ($PackageName -split '~') if($packageData[3] -eq '') { $packageData[3] = 'neutral' } return "" } function Get-SxsName { param ( [String]$PackageName ) $name = ($PackageName -replace '[^A-z0-9\-\._]', '') if($name.Length -gt 40) { $name = ($name[0..18] -join '') + '\.\.' + ($name[-19..-1] -join '') } return $name.ToLower() } function Find-EditionXmlInSxs { param ( [String]$Edition ) $candidates = @($Edition, 'Client', 'Server') $winSxs = $Env:SystemRoot + '\WinSxS' $allInSxs = Get-ChildItem -Path $winSxs | select Name foreach($candidate in $candidates) { $name = Get-SxsName -PackageName "Microsoft-Windows-Editions-$candidate" $packages = $allInSxs | where name -Match ('^.*_'+$name+'_31bf3856ad364e35') if($packages.Length -eq 0) { continue } $package = $packages[-1].Name $testPath = $winSxs + "\$package\" + $Edition + 'Edition.xml' if(Test-Path -Path $testPath -PathType Leaf) { return $testPath } } return $null } function Find-EditionXml { param ( [String]$Edition ) $servicingEditions = $Env:SystemRoot + '\servicing\Editions' $editionXml = $Edition + 'Edition.xml' $editionXmlInServicing = $servicingEditions + '\' + $editionXml if(Test-Path -Path $editionXmlInServicing -PathType Leaf) { return $editionXmlInServicing } return Find-EditionXmlInSxs -Edition $Edition } function Write-UpgradeCandidates { param ( [HashTable]$InstallCandidates ) $editionCount = 0 Write-Host 'Editions that can be upgraded to:' foreach($candidate in $InstallCandidates.Keys) { Write-Host "Target Edition : $candidate" $editionCount++ } if($editionCount -eq 0) { Write-Host '(no editions are available)' } } function Write-UpgradeXml { param ( [Array]$RemovalCandidates, [Array]$InstallCandidates, [Boolean]$Stage ) $removeAction = 'remove' if($Stage) { $removeAction = 'stage' } Write-Output '' Write-Output '' Write-Output '' foreach($package in $InstallCandidates) { Write-Output '' Write-Output (Get-AssemblyIdentity -PackageName $package) Write-Output '' } foreach($package in $RemovalCandidates) { Write-Output "" Write-Output (Get-AssemblyIdentity -PackageName $package) Write-Output '' } Write-Output '' Write-Output '' } function Write-Usage { Get-Help $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -detailed } $version = '1.0' $getTargetsParam = $GetTargetEditions.IsPresent $stageCurrentParam = $StageCurrent.IsPresent if($SetEdition -eq '' -and ($false -eq $getTargetsParam)) { Write-Usage Exit 1 } $removalCandidates = @(); $installCandidates = @{}; $packages = Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages' | select Name | where { $_.name -match '^.*\\Microsoft-Windows-.*Edition~' } foreach($package in $packages) { $state = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::$($package.Name)").CurrentState $packageName = ($package.Name -split '\\')[-1] $packageEdition = (($packageName -split 'Edition~')[0] -split 'Microsoft-Windows-')[-1] if($state -eq 0x40) { if($null -eq $installCandidates[$packageEdition]) { $installCandidates[$packageEdition] = @() } if($false -eq ($installCandidates[$packageEdition] -contains $packageName)) { $installCandidates[$packageEdition] = $installCandidates[$packageEdition] + @($packageName) } } if((($state -eq 0x50) -or ($state -eq 0x70)) -and ($false -eq ($removalCandidates -contains $packageName))) { $removalCandidates = $removalCandidates + @($packageName) } } if($getTargetsParam) { Write-UpgradeCandidates -InstallCandidates $installCandidates Exit } if($false -eq ($installCandidates.Keys -contains $SetEdition)) { Write-Error "The system cannot be upgraded to `"$SetEdition`"" Exit 1 } $xmlPath = $Env:SystemRoot + '\Temp' + '\CbsUpgrade.xml' Write-UpgradeXml -RemovalCandidates $removalCandidates ` -InstallCandidates $installCandidates[$SetEdition] ` -Stage $stageCurrentParam >$xmlPath $editionXml = Find-EditionXml -Edition $SetEdition if($null -eq $editionXml) { Write-Warning 'Unable to find edition specific settings XML. Proceeding without it...' } Write-Host 'Starting the upgrade process. This may take a while...' DISM.EXE /English /NoRestart /Online /Apply-Unattend:$xmlPath $dismError = $LASTEXITCODE Remove-Item -Path $xmlPath -Force if(($dismError -ne 0) -and ($dismError -ne 3010)) { Write-Error 'Failed to upgrade to the target edition' Exit $dismError } if($null -ne $editionXml) { $destination = $Env:SystemRoot + '\' + $SetEdition + '.xml' Copy-Item -Path $editionXml -Destination $destination DISM.EXE /English /NoRestart /Online /Apply-Unattend:$editionXml $dismError = $LASTEXITCODE if(($dismError -ne 0) -and ($dismError -ne 3010)) { Write-Error 'Failed to apply edition specific settings' Exit $dismError } } Restart-Computer :cbsxml:] ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Change edition using DISM API :: Thanks to Alex (aka may, ave9858) :dismapi:[ param ( [Parameter()] [String]$TargetEdition, [Parameter()] [String]$Key ) $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False) $TB = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0) [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('DismInitialize', 'DismApi.dll', 22, 1, [int], @([int], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3) [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('DismOpenSession', 'DismApi.dll', 22, 1, [int], @([String], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3) [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('_DismSetEdition', 'DismApi.dll', 22, 1, [int], @([UInt32], [String], [String], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3) $Dism = $TB.CreateType() [void]$Dism::DismInitialize(2, 0, 0) $Session = 0 [void]$Dism::DismOpenSession('DISM_{53BFAE52-B167-4E2F-A258-0A37B57FF845}', 0, 0, [ref]$Session) if (!$Dism::_DismSetEdition($Session, "$TargetEdition", "$Key", 0, 0, 0)) { Restart-Computer } :dismapi:] ::======================================================================================================================================== :: 1st column = Generic Retail/OEM/MAK/GVLK Key :: 2nd column = Key Type :: 3rd column = WMI Edition ID :: 4th column = Version name incase same Edition ID is used in different OS versions with different key :: Separator = _ :: For Windows 10/11 editions, HWID key is listed where ever possible, in Server versions, KMS key is listed where ever possible. :: Only RS3 and older version Generic keys are stored here, later ones are extracted from the pkeyhelper.dll itself :changeeditiondata if %winbuild% GTR 17763 exit /b if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*CorEdition~*.mum" (set Cor=Cor) else (set Cor=) set h= for %%# in ( XGV%h%PP-NM%h%H47-7TT%h%HJ-W%h%3FW7-8HV%h%2C__OEM:NONSLP_Enterprise D6R%h%D9-D4%h%N8T-RT9%h%QX-Y%h%W6YT-FCW%h%WJ______Retail_Starter 3V6%h%Q6-NQ%h%XCX-V8Y%h%XR-9%h%QCYV-QPF%h%CT__Volume:MAK_EnterpriseN 3NF%h%XW-2T%h%27M-2BD%h%W6-4%h%GHRV-68X%h%RX______Retail_StarterN VK7%h%JG-NP%h%HTM-C97%h%JM-9%h%MPGT-3V6%h%6T______Retail_Professional 2B8%h%7N-8K%h%FHP-DKV%h%6R-Y%h%2C8J-PKC%h%KT______Retail_ProfessionalN 4CP%h%RK-NM%h%3K3-X6X%h%XQ-R%h%XX86-WXC%h%HW______Retail_CoreN N24%h%34-X9%h%D7W-8PF%h%6X-8%h%DV9T-8TY%h%MD______Retail_CoreCountrySpecific BT7%h%9Q-G7%h%N6G-PGB%h%YW-4%h%YWX6-6F4%h%BT______Retail_CoreSingleLanguage YTM%h%G3-N6%h%DKC-DKB%h%77-7%h%M9GH-8HV%h%X7______Retail_Core XKC%h%NC-J2%h%6Q9-KFH%h%D2-F%h%KTHY-KD7%h%2Y__OEM:NONSLP_PPIPro YNM%h%GQ-8R%h%YV3-4PG%h%Q3-C%h%8XTP-7CF%h%BY______Retail_Education 84N%h%GF-MH%h%BT6-FXB%h%X8-Q%h%WJK7-DRR%h%8H______Retail_EducationN NK9%h%6Y-D9%h%CD8-W44%h%CQ-R%h%8YTK-DYJ%h%WX__OEM:NONSLP_EnterpriseS_RS1 FWN%h%7H-PF%h%93Q-4GG%h%P8-M%h%8RF3-MDW%h%WW__OEM:NONSLP_EnterpriseS_TH 2DB%h%W3-N2%h%PJG-MVH%h%W3-G%h%7TDK-9HK%h%R4__Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_RS1 NTX%h%6B-BR%h%YC2-K67%h%86-F%h%6MVQ-M7V%h%2X__Volume:MAK_EnterpriseSN_TH G3K%h%NM-CH%h%G6T-R36%h%X3-9%h%QDG6-8M8%h%K9______Retail_ProfessionalSingleLanguage HNG%h%CC-Y3%h%8KG-QVK%h%8D-W%h%MWRK-X86%h%VK______Retail_ProfessionalCountrySpecific DXG%h%7C-N3%h%6C4-C4H%h%TG-X%h%4T3X-2YV%h%77______Retail_ProfessionalWorkstation WYP%h%NQ-8C%h%467-V2W%h%6J-T%h%X4WX-WT2%h%RQ______Retail_ProfessionalWorkstationN 8PT%h%T6-RN%h%W4C-6V7%h%J2-C%h%2D3X-MHB%h%PB______Retail_ProfessionalEducation GJT%h%YN-HD%h%MQY-FRR%h%76-H%h%VGC7-QPF%h%8P______Retail_ProfessionalEducationN C4N%h%TJ-CX%h%6Q2-VXD%h%MR-X%h%VKGM-F9D%h%JC__Volume:MAK_EnterpriseG 46P%h%N6-R9%h%BK9-CVH%h%KB-H%h%WQ9V-MBJ%h%Y8__Volume:MAK_EnterpriseGN NJC%h%F7-PW%h%8QT-332%h%4D-6%h%88JX-2YV%h%66______Retail_ServerRdsh V3W%h%VW-N2%h%PV2-CGW%h%C3-3%h%4QGF-VMJ%h%2C______Retail_Cloud NH9%h%J3-68%h%WK7-6FB%h%93-4%h%K3DF-DJ4%h%F6______Retail_CloudN 2HN%h%6V-HG%h%TM8-6C9%h%7C-R%h%K67V-JQP%h%FD______Retail_CloudE WC2%h%BQ-8N%h%RM3-FDD%h%YY-2%h%BFGV-KHK%h%QY_Volume:GVLK_ServerStandard%Cor%_RS1 CB7%h%KF-BW%h%N84-R7R%h%2Y-7%h%93K2-8XD%h%DG_Volume:GVLK_ServerDatacenter%Cor%_RS1 JCK%h%RF-N3%h%7P4-C2D%h%82-9%h%YXRT-4M6%h%3B_Volume:GVLK_ServerSolution_RS1 QN4%h%C6-GB%h%JD2-FB4%h%22-G%h%HWJK-GJG%h%2R_Volume:GVLK_ServerCloudStorage_RS1 VP3%h%4G-4N%h%PPG-79J%h%TQ-8%h%64T4-R3M%h%QX_Volume:GVLK_ServerAzureCor_RS1 9JQ%h%NQ-V8%h%HQ6-PKB%h%8H-G%h%GHRY-R62%h%H6______Retail_ServerAzureNano_RS1 VN8%h%D3-PR%h%82H-DB6%h%BJ-J%h%9P4M-92F%h%6J______Retail_ServerStorageStandard_RS1 48T%h%QX-NV%h%K3R-D8Q%h%R3-G%h%THHM-8FH%h%XC______Retail_ServerStorageWorkgroup_RS1 2HX%h%DN-KR%h%XHB-GPY%h%C7-Y%h%CKFJ-7FV%h%DG_Volume:GVLK_ServerDatacenterACor_RS3 PTX%h%N8-JF%h%HJM-4WC%h%78-M%h%PCBR-9W4%h%KR_Volume:GVLK_ServerStandardACor_RS3 ) do ( for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if /i %targetedition%==%%C ( if not defined key ( set 4th=%%D if not defined 4th ( set "key=%%A" & set "_chan=%%B" ) else ( echo "%branch%" | find /i "%%D" %nul1% && (set "key=%%A" & set "_chan=%%B") ) ) ) ) exit /b :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :MASend echo: if defined _MASunattended timeout /t 2 & exit /b echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Leave empty line below Open Powershell and run.